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    Aracos got a reaction from mkauthen in Not totally new...   
    I've been lurking off and on since June of this year. Got tired of not being able to reply to post, so I guess I need to get my 3 post in[emoji6]

    I'm just about to turn 50, married for 27 yrs, father of 1... Was never a cigarette smoker (that would be my wife), I was a cigar and pipe smoker. Started vaping after I got my wife started back in February. Went through a bunch of various batteries and tanks. Now pretty much use one of 4 mechanical mods with a kayfun or an orchid tank.
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    Aracos reacted to bcartervol98 in Which is better?   
    I love paying it forward to those in this forum. Without all the great people here helping me at first I have no doubt I would have failed in my attempt to kick the analogs. The other "big" forum is filled with trolls and people there seem to want to get a laugh instead of helping noobs out. I feel a debt of my life to those that helped.....you know who you are!
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