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Everything posted by eruelas

  1. I think I am vaping 2.5 to 3.5 ml a day, like a 1/4 of a 10 ml bottle, some days I have done 1/3. I also forgot that I have not had any cravings for the real thing or mood swings at all, actually even with all of the symptoms described above I am in a really good mood all day. Thanks for your reply NeRo9k.
  2. This is going to be my third week in to vaping, but ever since yesterday I have been feeling a little dizzy, I had a headache yesterday and felt really tired in the afternoon. I also had been experiencing insomnia. Also my throat feels kind a strange, and my tongue is a little numb. I googled the symptoms and they are booth on nicotine withdrawals and on nicotine OD, so I can't tell what am I experiencing. I am vaping 12mg, all day long (around one vape every 15 minutes, sometimes more), and last night I stopped vaping around 6pm, and this morning felt almost the same way. Has someone else had some thing similar happened to them in the beginning?, am I doing something wrong?, I was smoking a pack a day, sometimes a little more, so I do not know how to read the signs of overvaping and nic withdrawals. Thanks and please let me know what you thing or any experience you have.
  3. My first drag on a Xhale 02 outside a 7-11 I knew I could stop smoking with that, first taste of a real eJuice (Piña Colada from ZigCigs) on a 510 realized I was hooked. Actually my wife, who has been trying to make me stop smoking for years, asked me the other day if eventually I will stop vaping also, and I gave her a straight no, unless they discover a flesh-eating disease or a brain-morphing attribute from vaping, I don't think this will ever leave my hand (maybe cut down on nic, but not on the hobby).
  4. Thank you, Brian and nana, I am going to stick to aligning the tip then, I got some melting in the beginning but I did not know it was because of misalignment, I guess if it's working like that, why fix it. Thanks again.
  5. Hey guys, I was just wondering if it matters how you align the whistle tip to the atty, I see a lot of videos where every one just sticks the tip in to the atty with out even checking, does the liquid flow change?, will it burn the top part of the tip?, or worse, will it mess up the atty on the long run? I am asking this because the button on the battery is always in the wrong side, or in a different position, depending on what atty I am using. Thank you guys again, and best regards.
  6. My first e-cig was a 7-11 xhale 02, it is not the best, i know, but the day the I took the first puff I knew it was going to help me keep away from analogs. Now I have a 510, and there is a huge difference, even with all the mess the I make while experimenting with attys and new flavors, it is awesome, but going back to the day I bought my xhale, it was my best vaping experience to the day. I am just so glad that I finally found something (and even better) that is keeping me from analogs. Best regards to all!
  7. I definitely don't miss talking with my head down or to side to non smokers because I felt my smoker's breath. That made me feel weird. Other then that everything else has been mentioned on this post.
  8. Thanks Lily & mcquinn, I have only been vaping for 2 weeks, one with the 510s, but I try to at least try what has worked for the forum. Thanks for the info, and I will try the tips, I will let you knowhow it goes.
  9. Thank you very much guys.
  10. I vape a lot, I never leave my 510 alone, but sometimes the atty gets really hot, I can still touch it, I actually put my fingers over the hottest part to help it cool down, so it is not hot to the touch. Is this normal?, am I shortening the attys life?, does it mean it's running out of liquid?, or that it has too much?. I am using the original atomizers that came with my kit, on the cartridges I have a fluval foam filter mod, and I am putting around 8 drops (I could put more in there, but hate to waste liquid when flooding the atty) until I start loosing taste (I could put more in there, but hate to waste liquid when flooding the atty), or get the metalic flavor. And another thing, the condensation that you sometimes get from the tip while dragging is normal?, I know is not e-juice, I tasted the e-juice before and it tastes kinda bad, what I am getting is just a little fluid with a little taste of the e-juice. Let me know please what you think, any help will be appreciated. As always, best regards to all.
  11. I have noticed that if the e-juice does not give me a good throat hit, I tend to crave the analogs a bit more. When this happens, I just switch to a better liquid and the need to smoke goes away. Of course this is only my second week of quitting, who knows how the next one will be. Hope this helps, and be strong!!! Good luck.
  12. Thank you guys. As soon as I get the hang of the filling carts stuff I will dig in to a new device. Nevertheless, now as soon as I am done with a battery, it goes directly in to the pcc, as soon as I get to work, I will charge the pcc, and every morning I will check for at least 5ml of juice in my pocket. I will make that a routine programed in my brain from now on. Thanks again to all of you.
  13. Today I was not really organized with my vapors, (forgot some stuff, did not charge the batteries or the pcc, forgot to wash the cartridges),so this evening I was sans-my-510, after I realized everything I did wrong, I decided to go for my backup, my trusty xhale o2, my poor first e-cig which has not been vaped since I got my 510 kit. I am sure you know where I am going with this. The first puff that I took my head was like, "OMG, wheres the TH?, where's the flavor?, there is only a bunch of smoke!". No matter how hard I tried, even until the auto shut off took over, there was nothing, and I am not a big inhaler on the 510, but man, the menthol flavor I remembered it had it was absent. It was a new cartridge, it was supposed to be the same nic level I have on my 510, but here was just nothing. I have complained that my 510s have not been given me enough smoke when I exhale, and the fact that I am still learning how to refill, how not to flood the attys, mods etc, but man, now I know what makes this things better, even if I don't exhale big white clouds, the taste and the TH is something I really need. As soon as I got home I got my batteries charging, 30 minutes later I unplugged one, filled a cart (with a fluval foam mod), filled it with the first juice I got from my bag, and dude, what a difference, for a moment I was in vaping nirvana, I completely forgot all the headaches I have gotten from the learning curve. There is a lot to be learned on using the 510s the right way, but risking the "quitting smoking program" (if we can call it like that) it is definitely not an option, I was taking for granted that as I have stopped smoking for almost two weeks meant I was an ex-smoker, but I realized I need to work more on this, and be responsible, this is not a hobby. I know I may sound a little dramatic, but it has become really important to quit the habit, at least changing it for a less damaging one. I really like vaping, but I love feeling that I am not using the analogs any more. Sorry for the long post again, just wanted to share (I believe I am using the forum as a support group ) Good evening and best regards to all of you.
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