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Everything posted by eruelas

  1. After the first 3 weeks I had no side effects at all, the only one that I picked up since last week (and not a big one by the way) is every time I drip in to a LR 306 at 3.7v my lips tend to get dry, it does not happen with a regular 510 atty or a 510 Cartomizer at 5v. I only drip sometimes at night, so just some blistex fixes the problem.
  2. Congratulations, having your kid motivate you like that makes the transition easier and more encouraging.
  3. Mine came preset at 5v, checked it with the DVM.
  4. On Friday I received the Joker, I ordered a set of extra batteries and the DMV so I did not have to be guessing around with the voltage, the first thing I did after I got the batteries in was to measure at what voltage it was, 5v from the vendor, I got a cartomizer I had on my hello 016, and to my surprise and expectations there is a world of difference, I loved vaping with my hello 016, but this is very different, flavors taste layered, you get a hefty TH, and the fact that you can take shorter drags and get plums of vapor feels great. I used it all through out the weekend, with the same cartomizers I have been using for the past 3 weeks, no burning, no frying, just a very tasty experience with every drag. Today I got to the office and plugged my usb pass-through 3.7v, and as JeffB warned me, it was not cutting it, so back to the Joker all day. Now on the looks of the device, when I first opened the package, the Joker without the batteries felt light and flimsy, but with the batteries it feels really good in my hand, it's a little heavy but on the good side, it does not feel like a toy in your hand. An the finish is gorgeous, the black body with the silver bottom cap, circuit band and atomizer connector looks really cool. The only problem I had is that I did not get the holster with the package, but after contacting Vaprlife they answer back that they were out of stock, but they will send one as soon as they get them. Well, this is so far my experience with the Joker and 5v vaping, I have not ventured in to the 6v realm, still little iffy with everything I read about it, so far everything that JeffB, Brian and Burn wrote is spot on, hopefully this will work for me to for the long run. Thanks to everyone who helped me on my last post, I will keep posting my findings, for now back to the Joker through the day, and Cisco's LR 306 at night (another story for later, don't worry they are running on my hello 016, not even going close to the joker ;D) Best Regards to all.
  5. When I do over vape I get the feeling you get when you eat too much fresh pineapple (do not know the correct term or definition, sorry), but I need to rest my PV's for a long time (2 or 3 hours at least, I know it's painful), it also helps if before going to bed I use mouthwash two or three times.
  6. Same here, I pop the drip tip and check if the filling is dry and ad like 4 to 6 drops, sometimes more, this way the cartos last me a long time.
  7. Thank you guys for your replies, I think I am going for the Joker, I will reply back on how it goes. I am aware of the consequences of taking the plunge to the HV side, and I am really looking forward to do it (if everything goes well Best regards to all, and thanks again for your help.
  8. I bought the one at Madvapes, the cable is a lot thicker than my regular 3.7v passtrough, and it's a little longer too. The only thing is that they both feel exactly the same, I have tried them side by side, and I notice no difference between the hit or the taste between the two, Could I be doing something wrong?. I have plugged it to a powered usb hub, a back usb port, a front usb port, but there is no change.
  9. I have been searching around for a good HV mod, so far I am thinking of going with a Variable Volt. So far I have read mixed reviews about the joker, the fistpack is no longer available (and way over my budget) and I don't have the skills to build it myself, and the other would be the buzz, but is not currently in stock, there is also a new one, the VP Turbo, but I could not find a review of it yet. So I have to bother you guys with your advice (again), most of the reviews on the joker I have seen are from two months ago, so I wonder if anything has changed, is it still having the same issues it had, is anyone recently bought a Joker and how has it been treating you?. I am planning to get the Joker and the DMV. I have only vaped 3.7v so far, I bought a 5 volt passtrough but I think it is not working the way it should, because I feel no difference from my other 3.7 passtrough. Let me know guys please what do you think? Thank you and best regards.
  10. Dude, good luck on your testing, hopefully it will work, the vaping world needs something like that..
  11. Maybe it is just every time I hear "flavored" my PV cringes.
  12. Up to this point it has not been that bad for ecigs, unless I missed something on the begining, but when they talked about the flavoring on analogs it felt like it was hitting close to vaping. Just my 2 cents.
  13. I was just going to ask the same thing
  14. I forgot about vaporrenu.com, 30ml for 6.99, I have only placed an order with them, out of 3 flavors, 2 are really good, the other is not bad, but it has a very faint flavor.
  15. Vapor Station's sampler pack is a really good deal, of all of the vendors I have tried, their flavors are the best (to me at least).
  16. Hey owutaqt, I am an ex-Xhale02 user, when I moved to the 510 I had a bunch of issues with the cartridges, and started dripping but it was not really my thing, but when I started using cartomizers the whole picture changed, they are not that expensive, for the price of the xhale refills you can get a pack of cartomizers and a bottle o ejuice, that will last you while. Give it a try if you already made the investment on the 510, I still keep my 510 for emergencies, but I have only used them once, and it was just because I was trail riding on a motorcycle and was scared of breaking the 510s if my backpack got hit with something, fell off or got lost. Just my .02, and also there is a guy in here that has really good information and videos about the cartomizers. Good luck and best regards.
  17. That was really funny, thank you for doing that (sorry that it was so bad for you) but you made my day with your reactions. Two thumbs up to your review. Best Regards.
  18. I will try your suggestions, I have a bunch of extra 510 batteries, I will get the good cartos fill them up and have them try them out, I will just need to get some 0 nic liquid for my mother, if everything goes well I will set them up with some ego batteries and a collection of cartomizers. Thank you for all your help. BTW, I changed the juice on the cartos to all VG and the plastic taste went away, the cartos are rated at 2.5 ohms, rather than 3.2 ohms the Boges have, maybe that is why people like them at higher voltages, and hate them at 3.7 Thanks again and have a great and vape-full day.
  19. Hey guys, doing a little research I found out that the cartomizers I got are from Bauway, and not the Boge's, I was reading that at 6 or 5volts work like a charm, but on low voltage they do not work as expected, so after all, it was not the right cartos, the good thing is that I have only used 2, I will save the other three for when I make the jump to a higher volt mod. I am going to buy the Boge's and try them out, if they work, I will get my parents an ego and a manual 510 battery, so they can decide which kind of battery they like. Thank you very much for all your help. I will keep you posted, hopefully I will have news of two new vapers.
  20. Now, that would point to another question about cartomizers, I bought some cartos about 2 weeks ago, and I keep getting a plastic taste out of them, not burning plastic, just as little rubber-bandish taste, also the throat hit multiplied by 3, but vapor was reduced noticeable, are all cartos the same, or it depends where you get them from?, where do you suggest I should buy good cartomizers?. I would not mind filling their cartos at all, so that would be a great idea, but the ones I bought I do not think would be really appealing to them. Thanks for all your help.
  21. I need some help for my mom and dad (65 & 67). My dad has been vaping a Xhale02 kit for a month and has not gone back to analogs, and my mom wants to try it out at 0 nic, she was a smoker for God knows how many years, but she had to quit for health issues and she misses it a lot specially around friends or when she goes to the casinos. I have been vaping a 510 for a little more than a month, I love it with all the little thinks you have to do and avoid (flooding, burning attys, filling carts, dripping, etc.). My main concern is that I do not think they are going to be able to do all that with out being discouraged, and I want something better for them than the xhales or the ehooka (same company). I looked at the Vapor King from vapor4life, but I was wondering If you guys think there could be a better option for them. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Best regards to all.
  22. One more update! After my post on Sunday everything went ok through out the day, I did not vape heavily at all, but when I went to bed OMG! all hell broke loose. I felt like I was catching a really bad cold, I had fever, cold sweats, an awful headache, my whole body was numb, was really dizzy, it felt almost like a combination of a bad flu and a hangover. I am not kidding, I though I was OD'ing on nicotine or something, I was rolling on the bed all night long. In the morning I woke up with the worst headache of my life, I took some aspirins which did nothing at all, so decided to go for the extra-strength pills they gave me for pain when I broke my collar bone and had to get a metal plate inserted. That's the only thing it took it away. In the afternoon I went to the doctor and told him everything about the ecigs and also told him what I have read about nic od, nic withdrawals, PG and VG reactions, and everything I could remember at that time. So he checked me and found nothing, no signs of infection, no signs of any kind of OD (because I was feeling really good at the time he saw me), so his conclusion was that I was having late withdrawals, he said that is not real common but it happens, it's like your body is waiting for you to go back to what it was used to, when you don't give it to it, it goes in to a kind of WTF mode. He said that its a price to pay for smoking, some people get it light, others get it worst. He finally decided to give me a shot of vitamins, he said that I needed something to help the body fight back the damage. Since then I am feeling almost 100%, still have a little sore throat, but that is about it, nights have been good, the doctor still said that I could have some bad days, he said that the damage that you do to your body when you smoke takes some time to heal. At least he did not ask me to stop the ecigs Thanks for all your help and support guys, I am stil analog free, no matter how bad they want to fight back. Best regards to all.
  23. A little update. It appears that I was definitely vaping too much, on friday I slow down a little, and by Saturday morning I was feeling normal again, yesterday I vaped all day but in a little more controled way, I put the ecig down for a little while, took some puffs and then I paused again, still managed to avoid the cravings for analogs. Another thing that it could have been the cause of how I felt it was the e-juice, I got some new juice from another vendor on Friday afternoon and that is the only thing I have been vaping since. It has a higher nic level, (I order them before I started feeling weird), but I am going slow. Not sure about the mix on the new e-juice or the old one, could not find the specs on either of the vendors. I am still waiting for the all vg juice, it is probably going to be here on Thursday, I will let you know how it goes with that, and how different it makes me feel. Thanks again for all your help.
  24. Well first of all thank you all for your help. Just an update, I decided to place an all VG order with 6mg (cutting down the nic by half), it will be here until next week, in the meantime, I will try vaping a little less and will stop vaping around 2 hours before I go to bed, that helped last night, but I still do know if what I felt yesterday was even vaping related. I still have a little sore throat, and little weird feeling in my tongue, but nothing that will stop me from vaping. I will keep you posted, so if any newbies like me have the same questions, they can find all the info you have shared with me. Thanks again and best regards to all.
  25. Thanks to all for your advise, I am feeling a little better, but I am vaping a little bit less, I just order a sample pack from VS (it's arriving tomorrow), which to my knowledge is a mix, but I could not find the %, but if anyone could point me to a good VG site it would be appreciated. Thanks again and I will keep you posted how everything goes.
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