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  1. Really more guys would love to share their review about such wonderful article.. We need to appreciate the women and create smoking free environment..
  2. Awesome article..Great vaping is the way to quit smoking and that woman is helping its employees to quit analog smoking..
  3. Surely forum is amazing.. There is plenty to learn about vaping and how we can quit analog smoking without much difficulty.. Thanks you guys:)
  4. Hello Tdkeenan first of all congratulations for quitting to smoking.. I think you must stick to flavor or mod for some more time.. Changing mod frequently is not good. You need to quit smoking but must not get addicted to vaping..
  5. Awesome thanks for the details.. I will join the contest ASAP..
  6. Hello jasonculp welcome to the forum..I think you must try hard to quit analog smoking and turn to vaping..Analog smoking will lead you nowhere..
  7. Congrats for amazing fathers day.. I gifted my father new e-cig and he was so happy.. Best father day gift from my side..
  8. Awesome.. Enjoy your vacations..I do have plans of spending quality time with my friends next month and enjoy lots of vaping..
  9. Well you do need to change the coil. You must clean the coil for your own good health:). Just little effort and enjoy vaping..
  10. Hello CloudMaker.. Welcome to the forum..I am really impressed with your vapblog as their is plenty to gain..
  11. It is general coil problem.. I have faced it few times and getting a new coil solves the issue.. So great job done..
  12. Hello welcome to the best community to discuss about vaping..Hope you nice stay here..
  13. Welcome Draagha..Here you will find plenty to learn about vaping..
  14. It is good news.. More people want to quit smoking and opting for vaping.. Even I have purchased my first e-cig recently..
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