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Everything posted by unruly8i

  1. Article on the same from Business Week FDA Loses Appeal
  2. I'm guilty of multiple tabs too. I usually have at least 4 open.
  3. I've been vaping for 2 months now. Haven't had an analog. My juice is either 6mg or 0 nic. For the past 2 days I've been feeling unsatisfied. I'm craving more throat hit. My LR atty isn't helping. I think I may have to break down an order some higher nic juice for times like this.
  4. 2 months & going strong on Joye eGo starter kit batteries.
  5. Seems to me there are a lot of other options for stress relief & bonding out there that are a lot more fun. I would choose something else rather than the unknown of vaping. I see vaping as an alternative to a nasty disgusting habit. We vapers may be doing something healthier & less stinky than smoking but it's still an unattractive habit. We look like over-grown children with a pacifier.
  6. Oh jeez kimbo, wishing I hadn't looked. It's soooo pretty!
  7. A cartomizer is a atomizer and cartridge combined. The eGo can use either 510 or eGo (2ml) sized cartomizers. The eGo sized last a long time without being refilled but you are sacrificing taste. Can be kinda of plastic. There are lots of videos out there to show you how to fill them. 2 attys are good to start. I doubt you'll like constantly filling cartridges so I recommend a 5 pack of cartos. I would look into a drip tip, it can be used w/ both attys & 510 cartos. Lily is right about vaping being different & better. Be adventurous. There are some really great flavors out there.
  8. 0.81 per day. Guess I need to talk more and lurk less.
  9. Walmart's copy came with a special helmet.
  10. Yep, got the $20 gift card, a poster and a skull cap. Living in a small town can come in handy. He was the 4th to buy and no line. He didn't press for more time. I think he was still in shock that we went to get it on a school night.
  11. Took my son last night to buy it and even let him stay up to play it for 30min.
  12. Electro nic stix is in Utah
  13. Hi StOmPeR, I smoked Marlboro Lights for 20 years. I bought the Joye eGo and have been very happy with it. You can use 501 attys and carts with it. You won't be disappointed with the vapor output. I didn't think I'd be happy with the 501's short battery life, so I went with the eGo. The bigger size hasn't bothered me at all. I started with a 555 18mg tobacco flavor. Now I barely touch tobacco flavors unless I'm drinking. My nic level is usually 0 to 6mg. I don't miss the nicotine at all as long as I can vape.
  14. Oh wow. I was so excited to see this. Nice interview. I'm a big fan of Deadliest Catch. I'd seen Josh on the Tonight Show with his e-cig. It was the same time my aunt was in SICU on a vent. After that I just knew e-cigs would be my answer to quitting smoking.
  15. Hi Aimee, I used this video for filling Ego Cartomizers. His method worked great for me. As for the problem with the needle. You must be able to reach the juice. Did you take the dropper top off?
  16. I think I'd rather spend the money on extra batteries & a car charger. It looks good though.
  17. Are there pictures and/or video?
  18. I didn't keep analogs for back ups. Just do what works best for you. After a while, tobacco & menthol flavors probably won't even be important to you. So many other great flavors out there. I do keep a few tobacco still in case I'm out drinking. I haven't found another flavor that goes really well with beer.
  19. Too funny!
  20. Where was this handy little product last week when I pulled my eGo out of my purse to vape and discovered a hole in my eGo cartomizer? Find it at Good Prophets Working as a 911 dispatcher I know all too well about the accidental pushing of buttons. You can't imagine how many people "butt-dial" 911 on their mobile phones.
  21. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the juice from IVape. I really like the peach, pineapple, and watermelon. The cappuccinno cream is fair to good. I really do not like the sweet caroline.
  22. Not just for drippers! I bought a light blue one from Good Prophets. It holds enough cartomizers and a backup battery to keep me happy during a 12-hour shift. Plus, the blue is pretty!
  23. Never seen it. Looks interesting though. I love the History Channel.
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