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Everything posted by Spyke_696

  1. I used to wake up and go wooohhhh vape now but now i find i can go with out it for a wile but i still find my self chain vaping like i even did at 24mg
  2. I also said about that last 5 dropping down by 1% each take on it because who knows I may be able to drop the nic from 5 and just vape 0 but at work I don't wanna chance needing the nic so I'll grade it down little by little to 0
  3. Ya I got to muck Into it like a full blown chem lab for diy and all my mods and so on so it's a why stop but on top of that I'm thinking why stop if I enjoy doing it so I'd just do cloud chasing with them at that point
  4. So I started out vaping 24 mg got into diy and mixed 24 mg and went hmmmm so i downed it to 18 all was good kept vaping that....then went hmm and down to 12mg then to 10 mg then this past week went to 5mg and soon 4 then 3 then 2 then 1 then none and just vaping to enjoy a hobbie i love with out the bind of nic ...it wasn't why i started vaping bit i must say it will be cool to know I'm not bound by a nic fix
  5. And yes the wick wrapping it will stop any shorts
  6. In my exp ... fruits are best at higher ohms ...stuff like tobaccos and coffees taste best at lower ohms and candy's like say Sweet Tart can go most any way it could be all in the flavor but with this coil build I'm finding it could be all in the way your airflow is set up take the kayfun for instance ... most common build you have a micro coil setting directly over the air Hole you get good flavor ....ok now my coil build I got the vertical one over the air flow and it so happens to be the reason for the best flavor
  7. The 20 gague and the 22 and 28 gague make the same ohms the 22 and 28 act as one coil to make the ohms of the 20 gague coil the 28 gague will heat the inside of the wick as the 22 heats it from the out side and the 20 gague coil is wrapped very close to a dragon coil I may have to do a video lol and show you guys how to wrap this sucker
  8. Yes sorry took me so long the 28 gague is fed thru the vertical 22 gague wire wrapped in cotton so it don't short it also shares the negative post with the vertical 22 gague wire and the positive of corse so I found after pulling one set up out and replacing it and removing the other the vertical wires are mass flavor with not a whole whole lot of cloud and the 20 gague wire makes the huge cloud ull get
  9. note: this i think can only be made in a mephisto as big wire is used ok so im setting here looking at my box of wire and went im gunna go crazy and build somthing i have never seen before and see how it goes and damnnnnn it hits hard most of you may see this and go wtf hell i did but try it if you wish it gives mass flavor and a huge cloud i meen huge so here it is heres what i cam up with i wrapped 2 micro coild one in 20 gauge and the other in 22 gague and a 3rd coil in 28 gague but its a super super small wrap dunno what that would be called.... so i put the 20 gague coil in one side facing one open end to the air hole and on the other side i put the 22 gague coil facing vert as close to the air hole as possable now the 28 gague super small wrap get twisted inside the org cotton wick and fed thru the vert 22 gague wire the cotton is so you dont short out and for wicking she should be at .13 ohms posting pics in a little sounds like a crazy build maybe stupid but thats why im calling it the Heretic Coil wicking wrap org cotton around the 20 gague coil none going thru the center and wrap a small amount around the 22 gague as well if you want wont be needed sence you got the one running thru the center but i did it for added juice sence its a lower ohm build
  10. This I shall have 2 try
  11. Ok so my wife got the h cigar black edition sting ray and I must say h cigar went cheap on this one guys I have the h cigar neme and it's build like my authentic so that's the quality I was expecting with her mod but no no .... the floating top pin don't float it more like just sets there idk how it's making a contact ....in fact half the time it don't ...the switch looks good and is magnetic cool but it sticks alot the threads are ok but not done right the machining is sub par at best all its got going for it is it looks nice very nice I'd almost compare it to my buddy's death mod it's so bad
  12. Well this is kinda a rant but not a rant at all basically my mephisto by El Diablo has ruined me from anything with out a mass air flow I just can't do anything anymore lol the kayfun I used to love it's now like wtf I'm trying to play hooker here to get my vape and even my Tobh is a little 2 low air flow is there anything with this kind of airflow I wanna try it
  13. Ahh ya I got that 2 but I'll look
  14. Ok I for these to sweeten my mixes but how do I mix them how much to how much water or pg ect.
  15. Ya I am running high pg it's a 60 pg 40 vg mix
  16. Ya I'm vaping 10mg now on a .13 coil lol 3 twisted 28 gauge wire dual coil set up in my mephisto setting on my nemesis
  17. Ok was just curious because I'm trying and my mephisto is like .....Noooooo you get vaporrrr lol
  18. stealth vape set up? plz explain
  19. ok by the topic what i meen is i built my mephisto at .13 ohms but im wanting to use it at work to get my nic fix
  20. Ok setting in my car waiting 2 start work I messed with my mephisto and hammer and found it was fertile bad connection to it so I tryed out of wondering turning the battery around and walla it hits sweet on it still not as good as neme but still could win a comp I'd bet if I can just figure out an extention for it I'd be golden
  21. Cons i don't like the there's only 1 but it survs a purpose the fire button spins i like them locked from spinning but the reason it spins is so when you go to lock the button from firing in Ur pocket the whole button don't unscrew speaking the button lock is a pain it's so tiny lol
  22. Ya sorry again on my review it was a bunch of rambling lol but I think I got everything out I needed to say it would have been better if it was a video review I took it to work so I'll give an updated review after a night of vaping on it so far I'm loving it feels good looks good and I'll retry the sub ohm if this thing can sub ohm it will make it all the more better but so far now that I'm used to the threads they work much better the machining is quality I do not regreat forking out for this mod can't wait to see what my employees think of it
  23. Oh and the battery goes in I thing negative to the switch or at least that's how I'm doing it But looking there is a out ward notch on the back maybe i have it in wrong
  24. I have seen ppl put extentions under the Addy and i wanna know how that is done i would love to use the extentions i purchased there
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