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About MrMuddKicker

  • Birthday 04/02/1993

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  1. which is completely acceptable. I cant do it simply because no matter how hard i try i have a cloud. even on a half second hit. but i havent found a rebuildable in a tank i like. looking at the kanger aero because of air flow but who knows im pickey.
  2. i have the AR but no tug boat just yet
  3. Thanks been looking into a lot of them. My dad suggested am there local shop by his work imma check the sell 120 and up in store
  4. do you have a site?
  5. I am all for the regulation pertaining to minors, but if you think about it. How did we all start vaping i have 20+ friends including my parents who picked up vaping as a way to quit smoking. I started vaping to quick smoking. going on 2 and half months of no a single analog. My dad is a month in and has not touch an analog. I went to my local vape shop just last week and they ID everyone when they walk in per kentucky regulations on "vaping" considered a tobacco product. Now even if they regulate it like other tobacco products they will still have youth (under 18) doing just like people smoke weed cause its illegal. I personally do not vape inside restaurants or other public place that ban smoking. simply for the fact that its seen as smoking even though we all know its not. They shouldn't make stricter laws on vaping just like colorado hasn't made stricter laws on legal weed usage. Just keep on vaping like we always do and keep the open mind that no respectable study has been conducted on vaping since its a relatively new trend and doesn't have prolonged usage for a lot of people as of yet.
  6. Okay everyone so i have been on a temp hiatus because of work and school. Hint why this post is at 12 am EST, anyway, does anyone know where i can purchase 120 ml bottles of juice for my personal use. i have bought in just this month alone since Aug 1, 3- 30 ml Bottles of juice and i don't mind it but.... I have expensive taste. which isn't bad i just want to buy with out spending 120 bucks on 4 bottles of 30ml when i can spend like 50-75 for a 120ml ya know? anyway anyone have any ideas flavors are open to subject really. i would like to get my hands on maybe some 5 pawns or even space jam at that size but i doubt i can with out going retail from the supplier.
  7. bump just got my AR Mod from RCam in the mail. already liking it going to build a plumeveil parallel coil and fire it up.!
  8. Just bought a Stainless AR Mod from a guy on the forum! can't wait for it to get here! and i stopped by my local shop after work and picked up 2 spools of Kanthal 26g and 28g, as well as 3 30ml bottles of juice Astro - Space Jam Thumper - Standard Vape as well as my personal favorite Gambit - Five Pawns
  9. yeah i did that and your right my so mine is ohm at .44 and i freaking love the flavor and the cloud production.
  10. sad to hear but hey good wicking bro!
  11. Do you like it??? i personally loved the clouds but i need that flavor so i went to simple through coil and under with a large gap between the coil and the cotton pillow.
  12. So I went to my local vape shop in town because I needed juice and one of the guys working asked about my build. Told him it was a single parallel with 4 wraps and it ohms at .7 on my multi he pulled out his ohm reader and turns out my multi is wrong its ohming at .44 (picture later)
  13. okay guys so im getting bored of my parallel!!! * Any ideas on how to blast that flavor? Coil builds and wicking technique?
  14. the build i have now is an I-GOW and i love it i had my local shop drill out the air holes to a nice 5/16 and it vapes amazing good flavor decent vapor production
  15. okay so pulled this build because did some research and failure is imitate, went back in and pulled the coils rebuilt to 2 parallel coils at .45 ohms and must say the flavor is even better. pictures soon.
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