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Everything posted by madhatter7750

  1. Thanks for the replies. Seems the sites I buy from have very little 801 stuff and a lot more 510. I will probably go with the 510 threads just for ease of parts. I can trim the eGO XL cartos, but the Atomizers are stainless. Since the eGo will be my carry vaper and the Joker will be used primarily at home the eGo XL atomizers won't be a real deciding factor.
  2. I currently have an eGo and am looking to get the Joker AV. Which atty attachment should I get? Is the 801 better than the 510 for higher voltages? The vprlife website says the 801 is a better vapor producer at higher voltages (in their Hints & Tricks section). Since I am dropping $130 I want to get this right the first time. If I do go with the 801 threading I plan to purchase an 801 to 510 adapter, so I can use the surplus of 510 stuff I have. The other reason I am leaning toward the 801 threading, is that I am hoping with an 801 to 510 adapter I will have enough clearance to put an eGo XL atomizer on the Joker unit. I love the eGo XL atomizers, they hold enough juice in their carts to behave like cartomizers and produce great flavor. The outer sleeve of the eGo XL hangs down over the threads about 1/4" to 5/16" past the end, so I have my doubts about ever being able to use one on a Joker. In a nutshell if anyone has experience with the both the 801 and 510, I would love to hear your opinions. Thanks
  3. I've tried juices from 4 or 5 companies, at least 20 different flavors so far. I keep going back to Johnson Creek smoke juice. I love their Tennessee Cured and Wisconsin Frost. Those are my two primary go to juices. There juices come in brown glass bottles with a glass dropper. With the 15ml and 30ml bottle, they supply a clear 3ml dropper bottle as well.
  4. So, I'm a nurse in a Cardiac Catheterization Lab at a large university hospital. I work with two of the best board certified interventional cardioligists, in my opinion. One of which has been at this institution for 41yrs. The increase risk of coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease comes from all of the other crap contained in cigarettes not the nicotine itself, in their opinion. This leads to the build of plaque in the arteries, causing blockages/lesions. I see it everyday, heavy smokers with bad arterial disease, coronary and peripheral(lower extremities predominantly). One of the physicians does recommend getting rid of the nicotine as it is a more potent vasoconstrictor than say caffeine. So if you have an existing blockage in a coronary artery, the vasoconstriction caused by nicotine could lead to an acute event, then again so could exercise/work/stress/etc. That being said, do I really want a nicotine patch delivering a constant dose of nicotine 24hrs/day? Anyway they need to quit attaching e-cigs to tobacco. e-cigs seem to be more synonomous with nicotine gum and the inhaler. Sorry I usually don't read those articles, they just tick me off.
  5. Gourmet Vapor lets you choose the PG/VG mix in 10% increments. Just recently found this site and have not ordered from them yet. They also tell you the percent flavoring in their mixes. http://www.gourmetvapor.com/index.php
  6. A bonus to PG, is that it is that it kills bacteria(according to some literature) and would possibly decrease your risk of contracting airborne illnesses. Also once you stop smoking after 7-10yrs your risk factors associated with smoking drop down to that of a non-smoker. Personally I liked the PG-VG mix I received from Wordupecig.
  7. Just ask them how vaping nicotine any different than drinking coffee. Both contain an addictive stimulant. So if coffee drinkers give you a hard time, they are hypocrites. Just tell them to go one day with no caffeine and then tell you how it felt, and if the tylenol was able to get rid of their headache. Or just tell them vaping nicotine is the only way to make it through another day of working with them. If they can handle the joke, of course.
  8. If I had to explain to one more person that waved their hand in front of their nose while I was smoking, that I smoke to deaden my sense of smell to avoid the horrible odor of their cheap, overpowering perfume. I was going to snap.
  9. In the beginning I think you will be happy with the battery life of the standard eGo battery. I also started with the Blu. It was terrible, but I saw the potential and bought an eGo based on the opinions in this forum. I am currently using an eGo with an eGo XL cartomizer and it lasts forever. Vapor production is much better than a standard 510 atty. Janty warranties their eGo batteries for 3mo. and their premium atty for 6mo., but they are more expensive for the peace of mind.
  10. Getting ready to purchase some back-up eGo batteries and was looking for some input/feedback on the eGo XL 900mAh batteries. Will I burn up atomizers faster with the higher mAh rating? Do they last much longer on a charge?
  11. I know you are not suppose to use the Ego rapid charger to charge 510 batteries. Janty warranties their batteries for 3mo. and there premium atty for 6mo. Enjoy the EGO. I love mine.
  12. Since I'm new to vaping, I have been ordering stuff like crazy. I want to try many different flavors of juice from different suppliers, so am curious to know the average shelf life for E-liquids. 1) How long can I keep the liquid around? 2) What happens to the liquid over time? 3) Is there a way to maintain freshness? 4) Does one kind PG or VG last longer? 5) Does one supplier's liquid seem to be 'more fresh' than the others? Thanks in advance for your opinions or a link to this topic. I'm sure this has been addressed before but I was unable to find the topic.
  13. If you can afford the extra cash, an EGO is great. I work 10-14 hrs a day and I can vape all day on one EGO battery. This means I don't have to bring the charger to work with me. I do bring an extra battery just in case, but have never had to use it. I have found the suppliers list at the top of the forum has been very helpful. I am currently waiting for a couple of flavor sample packs to arrive. I hope your vaping experience will be as great as mine has been so far.
  14. The PureSmoker website has Joye EGO kits with 2 complete units for $50( http://www.puresmoker.com/product_p/joyeego.htm ). Just wanting to know if this is a real EGO, it seems kind of cheap for an EGO setup. I just bought mine from Janty, but everyone seems to say backups, backups, backups. I was thinking of picking up the PureSmoker setup so I have plenty of parts/backups. Any opinions on the PureSmoker website or this kit would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Christoper
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