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    Bay City, TX

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  1. Can anyone recommend a good site to order juice from? Thanks.
  2. Sounds about right I suppose. Are there any review that give any idea if these are worth a damn?
  3. I love it. I don't know a single thing about mods but so far it's awesome. I got it for 44.99 if that matters.
  4. Tesla M5. Any good?
  5. Can anyone suggest a good starting battery and tank? Like a step up from the run of the mill starter kits.
  6. Was just curious what it was. It's obviously not anything popular. Just wanted to know was it a clone or knockoff or whatever.
  7. I've tried the website. It's shutdown. I've even googled it and only come up with eBay listings.
  8. it was a cheap $20 starter kit.
  9. Yeah I know, another one of these threads. My cousin (wasn't me this time I swear) just bought this battery at some flea market and can't find any information on it.
  10. Yep that it. I already got a new tank. Guess I'll take it back tomorrow. Or find some broke stoner to give it to.
  11. can't attach the tip and shaft without plastic middle. The only thing that holds them together is the 4 little seals.
  12. can't I get a steak dinner or something? I don't Even know your name. Lol
  13. I'll try and catch the owner there next time. Surely he can tell me.
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