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Everything posted by BreakingBad

  1. Yeah. It is a straight 510 connection. I used the little screwdriver that I got from the voltage tester I got with the Joker. It is working. Although it was kind of cutting in and out. I have now done it 3 times and it seems to be working. Hopefully this doesn't have to be done this often. After you posted, I remembered hearing about this tip, although I had forgotten about it until this post. Thank you much Brian!
  2. Alright. I have been using my A/V Joker exclusively for the last couple of months. I have only been direct dripping. A week and a half ago, I cleaned 3 of my 510 attys. I have been using a brand new one since. It is getting a little dirty, so I decided to use one of the one I cleaned. I put it on the Joker and hit the button waiting to hear the sizzle....nothing. I ended up trying all 3 of them and I got nothing. Brand new batteries in the Joker and the unit is working fine with the atty I have been using the last week and a half. I went and grabbed my Silver Bullet that I haven't used in quite a while. I transferred the batteries from the Joker to the Silver Bullet. All 3 of the attys that would not work with the Joker are working fine with the Silver Bullet. I forgot I had a pretty new atty already on the Silver Bullet when I went to grab it downstairs. It was working great. I put it on the Joker....and nothing again. The only one that will work on it is the one I have been using the last week and a half, but all 5 atty's work fine on the Silver Bullet. Anyone know what the heck is going on. I have not experienced this problem before. Thanks.
  3. I would also vote for the eGo or Tornado. Same thing just named differently. Great battery life and just an all around great device. A lot of the kits you will find, will come with 2 attys. Attys are a crap shoot. They can last days or months, no matter the brand. It is just the way it is. I have been lucky and I have not had 1 atty go bad on its own. I have screwed up one myself. Cartomizers are great also. As has been said, cartos are the cartridge and atty built into 1 piece. Whereas an atty can cost around $9, you can get a 5 pack of cartos for that price. If you are a smoker that really needs a great throat hit, you may want to look into some Low Resistance attys or cartomizers. They take the 3.7v eGo and somewhat make it mimic a 5v device. Much greater throat hit which is what I need. I have attached a link to the low res cartos I have been using, and they are fantastic. http://www.electronicstix.com/BLANK-510-18-OHM-LOW-RESISTANCE-CARTOMIZERS-BLACK-510ENSLRCARTOS.htm
  4. I am so happy for you! In the beginning, it has its ups and downs when getting used to it. Just keep at it and let us know if you have any questions.
  5. Thank you for sharing.
  6. I am also looking for a great cherry juice. I still have not found one either. If you are looking for a juice with a cinnamon kick, try DIY Flavorshacks Red Hot or Vapor Bombs CinnaBomb. They are both punch you in your face cinnaminny good!
  7. The Tornado is awesome, I use mine a lot. Looking at the kit you are getting, it comes with 1 atomizer and 1 battery. You will want to get more of both. An atomizer can last a couple of days or months. It really is a crap shoot. With just one battery, you obviously will not be doing any vaping while recharging. If you just recharge it each night when you go to bed, you may be alright, but I would consider getting at least one more.
  8. This guy is a math technician! Good job Quicksilver.
  9. The eGo is a great choice. I can't stress that enough. If you are looking for other colors, Totally Wicked sells the Tornado (that is what I have) it is the same thing as the eGo, just different name. They have red, black, platinum, white and others.
  10. Yeah, I am vapin it right now and I definitely get graham cracker out of it. My daughter was eating teddy grahams the other day and I was like "whoa, that is familiar". And I do get a touch of sweetness from it. Graham crackers to me aren't that sweet, they just have that graham flavor I like. I have the Brawny Blueberry. It is PG/VG. I believe you have the all VG blueberry one called very berry blueberry. It is decent. It is better than the VaporBomb blueberry I have. But yeah, it is a little weak on the flavor for me. It's not bad, but I wouldn't buy it again.
  11. Jeff is correct. Totally Wicked is the only supplier that I have found that takes Paypal. I have used it with them a couple of times now.
  12. Not really. That was for Bob and Actor, I know they love this stuff. So after seeing so many reviews for this stuff, I caved in and placed an order. I am not into tobacco flavored juices, so I was a little skeptical. I ordered 12ml of both 24mg nic Boba's Bounty and a Blueberry flavor. Something else I was skeptical of was the fact that Boba's is 100% VG. I know that PG usually offers more throat hit, and that is the most important part of vaping to me....even over flavor. I must say, that I am very suprised with this stuff. For being 100% VG, I get a better throat hit than a lot of my PG juices. Also, the flavor is really good. I don't get much tobacco out of it, but rather a nice graham cracker taste like others have described. It really taste like a honey graham cracker. It isn't a strong taste, but enough to be very satisfied with. Dripping at 4.39v on my AV Joker, this stuff is damn delectable. I have a lot of different juices and I usually go between 5 or 6 different flavors a day, but in the last 3 days, I have not vaped anything other than this Boba's. I am really going to have to think about getting the 100ml bottle of this stuff. Along with the 2 12ml bottles I ordered, they through in an 18ml Gamel juice. That is bigger than the two I ordered! Awesome. And while this is a tobacco juice, it is actually quite pleasant. But Boba's reigns supreme. I am now saving for the big bottle. Thanks Bob and Actor for the little extra subliminal push.
  13. I like Alien Visions juices and DIYFlavorshacks as well. Do yourself a favor and just stay away from any bacon flavored juices! lol By the way, welcome to the forum and continue to ask any questions you may have.
  14. Mine currently is the Joker AV set to 4.39v dripping with a 510 atty. This honestly makes just about any juice I don't already hate the flavor of, really good. Also Joker AV set to 5v with cartos.
  15. As far as I am concerned, the Blu is the biggest piece of garbage ever put into production. I immediately sent it back the next day. As far as I know, the Volcano is very similar to the Blu. Kitsune is giving you some good advice about the eGo. When I first started this, I wanted an automatic battery, an e-cig that looked like a cigarette and that oh so cool charging pack. I soon found out, I was looking for all of the wrong things. With the auto battery, there is a cut of during inhalation. If you didn't get a big enough hit, you are going to do it all over again. With the manual, you can take as big a puff as you wish. Plus, as Kitsune said, the auto batteries have a hole in them because that is how they sense you are taking a puff. Juice from the atty can creep in there and your battery is shot. Manual use the button, so there is no need for a hole in the battery. I don't even notice hitting the button. It is second nature to me now. The problem with e cigs that look like cigs, is they either don't work very well, and/or they have bad battery life. I have 5 different pv's now and none of them look like a cigarette and these things work awesome. As far as the charging case goes. Yeah it seems kind of cool, but that is just one more bulky thing you are carrying with you. The eGo battery will last you at least a whole day. Now you are just carrying that and not a bunch of other stuff. Just some stuff to think about.
  16. LMAO! Yeah, that name just doesn't bring along pleasant thoughts!
  17. That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
  18. Here is a mixing calculator that I use. It has been pretty helpful. http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php
  19. Very nice review!
  20. By the way, welcome to the Vapor Talk forum. I hope you enjoy your e cig when you get it. They can be life changers.
  21. If you just got the Cinnabomb and Bubblegum, I say you are in for a real treat. Enjoy!
  22. Yes, the Tornado/eGo is pretty darn good. I wish this thing was around years ago.
  23. My plan B is all about stocking up. I have enough juice and liquid nicotine to last at least two years. I now have 3 different pv's that use batteries I can get even at Amazon. All I am worried about is atomizers. I have quite a few cartos and maybe 10 or 12 different attys, but that is not enough for me to be comfortable. I wish they weren't so damn expensive. That is the only plan B I have come up with. I am not creative enough to formulate another plan!
  24. Nice review! I love their cola.
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