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Everything posted by crusader1980

  1. Hey guys I'm kind of a newbie to vaping and im curious if these two parts are compatible. K100 Mech mod http://www.fasttech.com/products/1420506 IGO-W http://www.fasttech.com/products/1431800 Yes no answers are fine
  2. Hey guys i'm really new to vaping and im just interested on the cloud size but i don't have a lot of money to blow. I found these "Vape clouds on a budget" builds online and i wanted to know if they were any good; and if they are which one should i choose. Thanks a lot. Build 1 IGO-W for $10 Sigelei 8W for $30 Sony VTC3 18650 Battery - $10 Build 2 K100 mech mod - $20 Nimbus XL Clone RDA - $20 Sony VTC3 18650 Battery - $10 -by the way how important are ohms and amps for clouds? Thanks again guys!
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