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  1. BTW, the Nautilus Aspire BVCs rock. IMHO [emoji2]
  2. I use 100% VG from Johnson Creek in my Nautilus mini and an ELeaf iStick just fine at 8.2 watts. The BVC coils last me about two weeks under normal use. I have noticed that darker juices gunk up anything real fast, but very light or clear juices work best. So if you're a chocolate fan, well you're just gonna be going through more coils no matter what IMO. My go-to is Vanda from JC. Hope that helps.
  3. I like Valencia from Johnson Creek. It's strong enough so it makes a good mix juice if you want to add a hint of orange to something else.
  4. I think this one is for 18000 series devices (186530,18350 and 18500). I didn't follow the order process thru so I don't know if 26650 is an option. Good luck!
  5. Just make sure it's for a 26650 device and not an 18650.
  6. Generally speaking, if you use wattage to regulate your mod, you ignore voltage. A vw device varies the voltage to meet the wattage demand and you no longer care what it is. The advantage to this is that the power is constant to the coil regardless of either battery voltage or coil resistance! Cool, huh? Vv devices let you set voltage and it remains constant. But the power delivered through the coil (heat) will vary with the resistance, so 4.5 volts on a 2.5 ohm coil will be very different than with a 1.8 coil. Not a big deal to adjust to, and many people feel that finer voltage control works best for them. But being a set it and forget it kind of guy, I usually use watts to gauge my vape experience. There is no right or wrong, just personal preference. Whatever gives you the vape you want is the right answer for you.
  8. If you don't mind box mods, you might consider picking up an iTaste MVP. They are a vv/vw device with a monstrous battery life and can be found for $40 or less on sale. It's a good mod for experimenting with variable wattage to find your happy place. Good travel device too. Hope that helps! Keep calm and vape on!
  9. A typical kick will go from 3.2 volts to as much as 6 or more. I'm more of a wattage guy, though. Watts equals heat and if you set the watts to hit your flavor/vapor sweet spot, it will adjust the voltage to meet the demand, hence the set it and forget it. I find that 7 to 8 watts gives me the right flavor and vapor combination. I'm not a cloud chaser. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just leave that to the more experienced daredevils.
  10. Amen brother! Safety first! Toss that battery!
  11. +1
  12. I hear nothing but stories of pain and disappointment about Fastech. Not to be jingoistic, but you'll be happier with US suppliers. They may get their inventory from China, but the customer service and shipping will be 100% better! IMHO
  13. Hey christov! Stay away from stacking batteries, IMO. There's a safety issue there. When you stack batteries you double the voltage, and hence the watts. Use a lower than expected resistance coil or make a mistake and BOOM. Safety first. If your mech mod seems to be a little anemic for higher resistance coils (over 1.8 ohm), you might consider a kick. A kick is a small electric amp the sits on top of the battery to boost voltage/watts to your desired level. Make sure your mod can accommodate an extra half inch extension first. The most common kick is probably the Smoktech kick. It's a vw circuit. Finding your sweet spot can take a little trial and error, but once you find it you can set it and forget it. A good kick will run you about $15 online. 101vape has them for that price, but you can probably find them at your favorite site as well. I started making my own coils for my drippers and Fogger V4 about two months ago and I agree with everyone that it's pretty easy with a few inexpensive tools. But get an ohm meter first and test test test! Good luck and happy vaping!
  14. That's walking the line there bro! Tell us how it works for you!
  15. The MVP will actually fire down to .6 ohms, but I don't recommend it. You'd probably blow out the board before long. The MVP is not a suitable sub ohm mod. That being said, I always build my coils at about 1.3 ohms and they fire on the MVP just dandy. For dual coils I always use 32 g kanthal. 32 is not as easy to work with as 28, but with a little practice you'll be building great micro coils out of 32 in no time. Try annealing the wire before you wrap to take some if the springiness out of the wire. It seems to work well for me. My Fogger V4 has dual 9/10 wrap 32 g coils and comes in at just over 1.3 ohms. Fires great on my MVP.
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