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    Phoenix, AZ

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i believe i go through about 60ml at least, i was smoking a pack a day, so i pretty much dont put the vape down
  2. vanilla from blu, was horrible
  3. i like menthol, and i used to use the blu cigs magnificent menthol flavor but it was such a waste and a headache, i found a local store pro source vapes, in Phoenix & tried a few flavors, liked their in house menthol as it tasted closest to the magnificent menthol from blu cigs - as for the device i'm using the itaste 2, like i said i'm brand new to using those things & the flavors, etc,,,
  4. whats up guys, just started vaping, tried e-cigs few times, but they were too much of a hassle, so just got into the mods and so on, hope this keeps me away from real cigs!
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