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Heldar got a reaction from texassmokes in This is insane
Id just like to point put that f1 racing, nascar and moto GP are all dangerous extremes of relatively safe practices of the average populace. And yes, they are also regulated, but mostly for a fair playing field, not safety. Just because its potentially dangerous doesnt mean it should be frowned upon.
Heldar got a reaction from Breal in The end of cigarettes?
Loving the end of that article... "use only as a last resort to stop smoking. " Wonder if they have the same thoughts towards drugs that cause suicidal thoughts/tendancies in enough people to have alternatives to it. Doubtful, someone is getting paid lots of money for those, you know, with "regulation".
Heldar reacted to Garrett1234567 in Second box mod
Felt like tinkering tonight so I pulled some basswood out from the Rc supplies and decided to make a duel parallel 18650 box and make it as small as I could.
Came out to 4x1 3/4x 1 1/8
After I got it glued together and drilled I stained it with some cherry stain I had in the garage. I'm quite pleased with it. What do you guys think?
Heldar reacted to Christopher in New EPipe
Sorry to hear that your device didn't work great! Next time you order shoot me a PM and we'll see if we can't hook you up with some swag in the store
Heldar reacted to sparc in Think I've found my sweet spot.
Heldar - I find dripping bothersome too but I like the flavor and vapor from it. I'm planning to get The Big Dripper which is a RDA but it holds like 5ml of liquid and you push down on the drip tip to juice up your coil. It's a dripper and tank atty in one.
check out a review of it
Heldar got a reaction from christov11 in Think I've found my sweet spot.
Well, its been several months. I cant even remember when I switched to vaping (I know it hasnt been that long, and Im fairly certain I have a sig that shows it, but the tapatalk app doesnt show it haha). But I think ive found my spot to sit at. Ive tried dripping and mech mods, and while ive had amazing vapes from them, the extra effort is more of an annoyance to me to be a payoff for now.
What I DO love are regulated mods and my russian. While I have 2 dna's (one clone, one original) I still dont even come close to using them to their full potential. Thats fine, im sure ill develop into the higher wattages. For now ill stick to 1.2 ohm builds and 14-15 watts.
I've been thinking what tp try next.. ive been eyeballing a REO, since maybe it will eliminate some of my annoyances with mech mods. Plus they look friggen epic. Also been eyeballing the rDNA to match up with the original vs I have (which is having its bat replaced... turns out a 8 foot drop os not so good for it lol). And finally I'm brainstorming ideas for what to get to compliment the Russian. The fogger looks like a good idea, but theres been so many good tanks out there im hesitant. Im looking at you, there, elkronigin.
And now that ive rambled long enough, id like some input from all of you fine folks. Money is tight for me, so I cant go head first into a lot of different toys just yet.
Heldar got a reaction from christov11 in The end of cigarettes?
Loving the end of that article... "use only as a last resort to stop smoking. " Wonder if they have the same thoughts towards drugs that cause suicidal thoughts/tendancies in enough people to have alternatives to it. Doubtful, someone is getting paid lots of money for those, you know, with "regulation".
Heldar reacted to Garrett1234567 in First mod
Well I finally picked up my first mechanical mod, I got a hades 26650 with a hades 28mm rda, vapelyfe insulated drip tip, a mnke 3500 mah battery and a 30ml bottle of juice all for 44$ shipped
I built the rda with 28g kanthal and did a parallel duel coil wicked with organic cotton.
It came in at .33 ohms which is well under my safety zone for my battery
Well here it is in all it's glory lol
Heldar got a reaction from dre41115 in Which battery on which device
In that scenario it really depends on what settings you got. If youre running a .4 resistance atty at 50 watts, id prefer the vtc5 in the ipv2. But if youre doing tame stuff on the ipv, and sub ohming like a boss on the nemmy id rock the vtc5 in the mech mod.
Heldar got a reaction from Mtdobies in About how long did ya'll flavor hop?
Working on 7-8 months and still hopping. Starting to dial into vanilla custards and similar flavors, mostly darker fuller flavors, but still hop about a good bit.
Heldar reacted to Richstag in Now I am chasing clouds! Loving it, but still have questions.
Shops shouldn't just build a mech for people and send them on their way with this many questions.
Heldar reacted to Tam in Sad day, terrible choice.
EC Blends lets you make your own custom juice. Might give that a try with a 5 ml bottle at $2.50 or so until you get it right.
Heldar got a reaction from Mtdobies in Sad day, terrible choice.
Its not the ideal solution, and thankfully I have zero desire to actually smoke them. Taste terrible. Had two or three and havent lit one up all day. Just gotta slow down my vaping and ration a bit till I can get my hands on nore juice.
Heldar got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Dual coil for russian 91% on MVP 2 help
Ive got an order of both 30 and 32 gauge coming, but doesnt look like it'll be here in time before I head out of state for two weeks. Ill have to fiddle with it when I get back, sadly.
Heldar got a reaction from Aquatroy in Hard decision...
As far as Original vs Clone prices, youre dealing with a couple of things. One is cost of production in the states vs china. Production in the USA overall is far more expensive due to our relatively recent tenancy to out source. Secondly, they tend to be limited runs (intended or not is irrelevant) which allows them to charge a premium. Think of Ferrari vs GT 500 or Corvette. Thirdly, the thought of something US made or at least localish ( IE, not China) tends to demand higher prices in general, with the combination of the first two points. there are nothing wrong with clones. They use the same materials and look the same. Maybe they dont use the highest quality steel or what have you, and may have a bit more voltage drop, but as someone who isnt a "connoisseur" of mech mods, youll likely not find much of a difference between the two.
Just find something you like, and something that your wallet can agree with, in terms of mods. Batteries are a whole different animal. Dont skimp, and you really have no reason to. They arent expensive. Also get a good charger, they can be pricey, relative to their function, but it will be worth it.
Heldar got a reaction from VaporTron in Hard decision...
As far as Original vs Clone prices, youre dealing with a couple of things. One is cost of production in the states vs china. Production in the USA overall is far more expensive due to our relatively recent tenancy to out source. Secondly, they tend to be limited runs (intended or not is irrelevant) which allows them to charge a premium. Think of Ferrari vs GT 500 or Corvette. Thirdly, the thought of something US made or at least localish ( IE, not China) tends to demand higher prices in general, with the combination of the first two points. there are nothing wrong with clones. They use the same materials and look the same. Maybe they dont use the highest quality steel or what have you, and may have a bit more voltage drop, but as someone who isnt a "connoisseur" of mech mods, youll likely not find much of a difference between the two.
Just find something you like, and something that your wallet can agree with, in terms of mods. Batteries are a whole different animal. Dont skimp, and you really have no reason to. They arent expensive. Also get a good charger, they can be pricey, relative to their function, but it will be worth it.
Heldar got a reaction from Tam in Hard decision...
As far as Original vs Clone prices, youre dealing with a couple of things. One is cost of production in the states vs china. Production in the USA overall is far more expensive due to our relatively recent tenancy to out source. Secondly, they tend to be limited runs (intended or not is irrelevant) which allows them to charge a premium. Think of Ferrari vs GT 500 or Corvette. Thirdly, the thought of something US made or at least localish ( IE, not China) tends to demand higher prices in general, with the combination of the first two points. there are nothing wrong with clones. They use the same materials and look the same. Maybe they dont use the highest quality steel or what have you, and may have a bit more voltage drop, but as someone who isnt a "connoisseur" of mech mods, youll likely not find much of a difference between the two.
Just find something you like, and something that your wallet can agree with, in terms of mods. Batteries are a whole different animal. Dont skimp, and you really have no reason to. They arent expensive. Also get a good charger, they can be pricey, relative to their function, but it will be worth it.
Heldar got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Hard decision...
As far as Original vs Clone prices, youre dealing with a couple of things. One is cost of production in the states vs china. Production in the USA overall is far more expensive due to our relatively recent tenancy to out source. Secondly, they tend to be limited runs (intended or not is irrelevant) which allows them to charge a premium. Think of Ferrari vs GT 500 or Corvette. Thirdly, the thought of something US made or at least localish ( IE, not China) tends to demand higher prices in general, with the combination of the first two points. there are nothing wrong with clones. They use the same materials and look the same. Maybe they dont use the highest quality steel or what have you, and may have a bit more voltage drop, but as someone who isnt a "connoisseur" of mech mods, youll likely not find much of a difference between the two.
Just find something you like, and something that your wallet can agree with, in terms of mods. Batteries are a whole different animal. Dont skimp, and you really have no reason to. They arent expensive. Also get a good charger, they can be pricey, relative to their function, but it will be worth it.
Heldar got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Working life in Iraq
If I could switch you places, I would in a heartbeat. You deserve to be with your family, and I honestly loved my time spent in Iraq. Life was much more simple for me, and I have nothing holding me here state-side. You stay safe over there, and try to stay away from Basra. It was a crap hole in 08 and I can't see it changing too much from then
Heldar got a reaction from Tam in New vaper, and new here
Glad I stopped using the el'cheapo Great Value bread ties and upgraded to those fantastic Sara Lee brand. Much better flavor production!!
Heldar reacted to Joshuab3687 in New vaper, and new here
Heldar...your my new friend! You're gonna fit in REAL nice around here. Lol
Heldar got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in New vaper, and new here
Well i honestly dont understand how someone can think its a good idea to use something as volatile and a li-ion or li-min battery that isnt protected pulling as much as 20 to 30 ohms. The things are quite literally explosions waiting to happen if you pull too many amps. I could maybe understand if there was a massive price difference, but hell, $12 versus $8 (at a local BM shop at that) isnt going to break anyones bank.
Heldar got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in New vaper, and new here
So you're saying i should stop using my .27 ohm coil built from left over rj45 wire and cut up cotton t-shirt scraps?
Heldar got a reaction from Tam in New vaper, and new here
Well i honestly dont understand how someone can think its a good idea to use something as volatile and a li-ion or li-min battery that isnt protected pulling as much as 20 to 30 ohms. The things are quite literally explosions waiting to happen if you pull too many amps. I could maybe understand if there was a massive price difference, but hell, $12 versus $8 (at a local BM shop at that) isnt going to break anyones bank.