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Everything posted by jasonculp

  1. I have tried the new dual coil that is enclosed in my mini pro-tank 3. I had hoped it would stop the flooding/leaking. It didn't. I'm starting to think I bought a knockoff. I can't make it work. Please keep us updated on how you like it. One of the things I want to know is how it performs with less than half a tank. All of my minis (2 & 3) seem to start leaking. I like kanger's products, I just can't get them to work for me. I have been waiting for a good non-biased review that I trust before pulling the trigger on the aerotank mini. I'm needing a good small tank for portability on my VV3.0
  2. I am trying to use restraint. I bought a few things this week, that would help me utilize the stuff i have. I am finishing off all my little partial bottles of juice by dripping them. It is really cool. I just can't do it long, I only have 24mg/ml juice. I am waiting until my app says I have saved more from quitting smoking than I have spent on vaping. It may be a while!
  3. I forgot to mention the quick shipping. I really didn't expect the stuff to be here when I got home, but it was.
  4. I buy a lot of things online and have had mixed results. I recently purchased some nautilus coils and 510 atomizers from the Vapor Talk Store. I can't say enough good things about the experience. The prices were great and I really appreciated the email updates. I originally went to the store to support this great forum, and I found out the store is just as good as the forum! I will check here first for all of my purchases! Thanks.
  5. Thanks everyone! It is working a lot better. I think I had a bad couple of coils and was running it a bit cool. It seems to be much better!
  6. All I have is tanks at this current time. I've decided to hold off on mechanical mods and coil building for a while until I have more experience and money. I am really excited to try direct dripping because of what I have heard about flavor production. I am just starting to get my taste back and want to experience different flavors. I am a little messy with a tank, I can only imagine dripping. I am not afraid of a little liquid on my battery, I just didn't want it to cause a problem. Thanks for all the help!
  7. I have read quite a few tutorials, watched a few videos and I am still confused about what I need. I plan on using an itaste VV and my eGo batteries for this. From what I have read I need a few things but I don’t want to buy anything that is unnecessary, but I don’t want to leave anything out. First: I know I need an atomizer as such as the “Standard Joye 510 Replacement Atomizer” suggested in another post.https://www.vaportalkstore.com/...510-atomizer-lr.htm Next: A Drip Shield. I read in another post that an eGo style was the best for eGo batteries (go figure...lol). Like this one: http://www.empiremods.com/.../emegodrip.htm I also need a drip tip. I don’t have a preference on them. I have a couple that I use on my Protanks. Will these work or should I get something different? Another point of confusion is the need for a sealed 510/510 adapter to keep juice off of my battery. Is this needed with the drip shield? I really hate when a flooded tank drips juice on my battery. If I have missed anything or you have any suggestions please let me know.
  8. @Tameiki Could you suggest a 510 atomizer? I see them here in the Vapor Talk Store, but don't have a clue what I need. I have heard many great things about the HH.357 and have wanted one, I just have not pulled the trigger yet. I have watched a few youtube videos, but still feel totally clueless.
  9. I have looked into making my own. I am just picky about the flavors I have now and am really unsure if I can replicate them. I am sure it is going to take months to get my taste back correct, so until then, I guess I will buy them locally. I like the people and products of the local B&M, but it is extremely expensive compared to online. I understand how hard it is to make a decent living in a small business, so I try to support them as much as I can comfortably. They are handy, I can run down the street and pick up a $5.00 coil to last until my 5 pack comes in from the vapor talk store. I am trying to buy all of my equipment online and my juice locally. I really don't know if it is a sound plan, but it makes me feel good.
  10. Great! I was sure hoping that it was just a mechanical issue. I didn't want you to have to spend a bunch of money. This has turned into a real hobby for many of us and can get very expensive. I am really resisting the urge to buy new equipment. What I have works great for me, but man I love new shiny things!
  11. I did the Chantix thing like everyone else. At the time I was taking an anti-depressant and an anti-anxiety. It did have quite a few side effects, but none that was too bad compared to the other medications I was taking. My biggest problem with it was how bad it made me feel, if I did smoke. That is kinda how it worked with me, every time I smoked I felt physically terrible. I eventually quit. The problem is that it doesn't change your behavior, just not taking in nicotine. Ecigs in my opinion is a much better way to quit. You can taper the nicotine as needed. It also gives you something to do with your hands and time, which a HUGE part of my addiction. I was unsuccessful. I did quit for a while, it just didn't stick. I think another thing that made it not work, I was trying to quit doing too many things at once. Within a month I had quit all medications, caffeine, and started getting in shape. These were all good thing to do, I just wasn't mentally prepared to it all, I snapped and started smoking again. I also quit working out.
  12. I wish I was more familiar with the AeroTank. It really seems to me like the center pin of the tank is not making contact with the center pin of the MVP. It should work just as well on the MVP as it does on the spinner. I had the same problem with an Aspire BDC, every time I went to use it I had to gently pull the center pin down on the tank. I am not sure this is what is happening because from the pictures I see on the web the AeroTank looks like it has a spring loaded center pin. I have also heard of people gently pulling up the center pin on the battery. I have never tried this.
  13. Y'all never cease to amaze me! All the information I get here turns out spot on! The water thing is really helping. I haven't drank this much water since I went on a health kick a few years ago. It is also causing some problems though. As I drive around calling on customers I stop at a convenience store and grab a couple bottles. I don't make it too long and the inevitable side effects of drinking water kicks in. I stop at another convenience store and loose the first 2 bottles and pick up 2 more...it is a never ending cycle! I am spending much of my day looking for a restroom! It is really helping though. I am feeling much better. I even got close to 8 full hours of sleep last night. That hasn't happened on a weekday in years! Thanks!
  14. I'm not sure about the V1, but on my V2 if I push both buttons at the same time by the screen it will give me the ohms of the coil i am using. It says A 1.9 for example. If the center pin of your tank is not making contact or your coil is bad it will say NON. I don't know how the center pin works on an an aerotank. I have had issues switching a tank from my spinner to my MVP. The pin wouldn't make contact. Does it work on your spinner? BTW I use dual coil nearly exclusively on my MVP. Welcome to V.T.!
  15. Sandi - I am very lucky. I have a good local shop that blends it's own juices. I have tried a few others and they are not in the same class. They have so many flavors. I have spent as long as 2 hours in there just trying different ones out. They are very patient with me. I know there has to be many out there like it, if you can just find one.
  16. Thanks everyone. I have been an all day everyday coffee drinker. i have switched to water. I bet I am drinking a 12 pack a day! It really helps. I think I will pick up some lower nicotine juice when I get home. The tough one is to stop at 30 minutes before bed. I have always been one of those who has to have one right before bed....and if anything disrupted me going to bed, or if I got up for any reason, I smoked another. I have smoked half a pack trying to get into bed....lol
  17. @sandiclause I do that. I like to call myself OCD with overriding laziness. I was trying to figure out what I liked best and kept getting them confused. It has helped keep them straight, but I rarely use them any more. I have figured out a blend that I like and in mix it right in the tank.
  18. I was a fairly heavy smoker, but I think I am having nicotine side effects. I tend to chain vape in the evening. It has been one of my worst times, especially when I am hold up in a motel doing quotes for tomorrow. I am currently using a 2.4% or 24 depending on where I buy it. I feel the buzz start creeping in, so I quit for a while. I never get the head/stomach ache or nauseous. The problem is my sleeping. I have cut out massive amounts of caffeine over the last few weeks (nothing after noon). I am still extremely restless and I am not sleeping deep. I hear everything all night long, and feel movement my wife makes next to me. Normally I sleep in a near death state. My head hits the pillow and you could carry everything out around me and I wouldn't know until my alarm goes off! Is it the nicotine? Am I overdoing it late at night?
  19. That is one reason I love this place @Tameiki and @Earthling789 hit the nail on the head. I went to my local B&M and picked up some 6. It did nearly nothing for me. I went back and the most helpful person directed me to go for 24 and drink much more water. At first I had to stay in a near nicotine induced buzz (not too much just so I could feel a slight feeling). It helped so much. I just really didn't want one. If I did smoke one it kinda made me feel bad. The hardest ones were the trigger ones, first thing in the morning, after meals, and at bed time. The 24 helped me so much. Now I don't hit it nearly as often. I am thinking of getting some lower levels for my evening chain vapeing sessions. @sandiclause If I understand it correctly 24 is 24mg/ml or 2.4% so the higher the number the more nicotine. I have also found that the ratio of PG/VG really changes the throat hit. I really have not tried many different ratios. @ashswonderland I totally understand what you are saying. I spent a long time in my local shop trying everything they put in front of me and only found a few that I liked. I was dizzy by the time I left. I have so much trouble with that. We have 2 local shops that make their own juice. I really like one and the other has been very bland. I travel as a salesman and have been trying them in other towns around me, and can't find any I like better than my local one. I keep trying though! @Tameiki You must be able to type faster than I can think....wait that is not saying much, I don't think too fast. You are definitely the VaperTalk Rapid Response person. If I have an emergency, I know who to call...lol
  20. My niece is more like a daughter to me...long complicated story...lol I went to the store to help her buy (pay for) her a new battery. I was so proud she had quit analogs. I thought it looked cool, tasted good, and might put a dent in my smoking expenses. I didn't plan on quitting. After a couple of weeks of vapeing I had gone from 1.5 - 3 packs a day to 5 cigarettes. Believe me if I can do it anyone can! I am the poster child for not having will power. Good Luck to you! You have found a good place with good people to talk to. @Tameiki Thank you! I didn't think about that. I knew it really didn't feel right. I really appreciate all the good info you have given me!
  21. I am not much more experienced than you. I started a little over a month ago with my niece too! I would like to know how the "correct" way is too. I will tell you what I did. (i now have 6 Iclears and don't switch...one for each flavor) I bought a few extra wicks/coils. When I wanted to switch I poured the excess back into the proper bottle (I don't know if this is good). I then removed the wick/coil assembly and dropped it into a small cup of vodka and swirled it around. I then rinsed it in warm water being careful not to pull on the wicks too much (be easy with them) I rinse the tank and tip with water and dry to the best of my ability. I then installed a new coil/wick while i let the other dry over night. I did this for a few days. It got old and expensive, you loose a lot of eliquid in the wicks...or at least it seemed like it. Now when I get a new flavor I buy a new iClear and label it...I know I am weird. Once I found a flavor (or in my case flavor combination) I like I run it in my big glass tank and hit the small ones when I need a change. I am still getting my taste back so I use only "fruity" flavors and a little menthol from time to time. I am sure this will change as my taste returns.
  22. The "routine smokes" have been the hardest. I got down to 2 - 3 a day until I ran out. I just don't buy any more. I would have quit a day earlier. I had made it until 10:30 and was about to go to bed. I had one left. I smoked it wrote the date/time on the pack and put it in my wife's birthday present I got her the next day. I figured that between having to buy more and the promise I made to her, it would make it that much harder.
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