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Everything posted by jasonculp

  1. I think if you drew a line for you and tugboat, to me, and then up to hooker, the middle of the triangle is "podunk"....lol
  2. That's the way we do it in the Texas Panhandle! It is so flat and no trees, we can see for miles, so we know which way to run. I was just watching the weather and told my wife "I bet Hooker is getting hammered (by a storm)" Stay safe!
  3. I kinda wish that I had his vaping life. People sending me more gear to test than anyone else in the US (just my guess). I don't know, I guess if I was obligated to try all of that stuff and I didn't have time to do it, it would turn into a job :-(
  4. Sorry for the misunderstanding. It isn't my site. I just read about it on the Taste Your Juice blog and reposted it. I am sure that the people there are looking for anyone skilled and willing to help. I really don't know who they are though.
  5. This is true everywhere. If it was truly about saving lives they would ban smoking along with alcohol. The tax revenue is just too great. I am curious if they are just mounting a huge anti-vaping campaign as blackmail to enact a semi-voluntary tax. I really think they should just outlaw disease and death....problem solved. (it would be hard to enforce in the case of death)
  6. I just saw this on taste your juice's blog: By pbusardo on 22 March 2015 in Recent News with No Comments Ok folks, thanks to the wonderful advocates we’ve found out the CA Dept of Health is about to unleash lies and propaganda against vaping. We are getting a jump on them. We might not have the millions but we have passion! Let’s amplify this website to counter their fear-mongering! In other words SHARE SHARE SHARE… and… SHARE!!!! http://notblowingsmoke.org/
  7. I actually hate it. I love it so much, and the battery is so small (1300mah), it makes me want an rDNA40 (18650). They are $189.99 and I don't have it. I have started a DNA25 build in a cloupor mini, but it is going to be a while...lol I don't know what the coating is that they put on it, but i really like it. I wish all of my mods had it. I am still not sure how well it will wear though. Bottom screen takes a while to get use to. I catch myself vaping in front of the mirror, or holding it up and firing it to see the battery sag on the indicator...lol It is actually my favorite mod. It just does not last long enough. It also looks lopsided with the SubTank Mini on it.
  8. I know this may sound crazy, but I like to have a larger setup in my car than do when I am at home. I drive all day at least 3-4 days a week and don't like to have to fill up. I really like the Subtank Mini and the ipv mini when I am driving. When I am at home I use the Subtank Mini and the Vapor Shark DNA30 or the Cloupor Mini. If I am feeling very adventurous I break out the Tobh on the Sigelei mini. I don't have anything fancy to hold the mod, just a foam koozie in the cup holder in the console.
  9. I know. I just think I have grown into my recliner. Spring is definitely here, I need to get off my....butt.
  10. I dug around in the freezer and found a bag of chicken strips that my wife didn't throw out to replace with Kale or something... I deep fried a few and made sandwiches. It is probably a good thing I ate the last 4 slices of bread. I am sure that is a no no. Last time we went through this it wasn't too bad. I got to cook a lot of barbeque. She likes the lowish carb, high protein diets. I tend to eat that way anyway. We really need it. She is 4' 9" tall and is around 100 lbs. I am 5' 10-31/32" tall and weigh 185. The last thing I need to do is loose more weight...
  11. Oh man I am jealous! My wife has been sick all weekend with the stomach bug, and I have been left to fend for myself. I looked and have nothing to eat in the house except her juicing stuff. She normally goes grocery shopping on Saturday, but she was sick in bed(It is 26 miles to a grocery store). I have had a steady diet of Little Debbies and Monster for 2 days. I should go get some solid food!
  12. I wish I had this problem. I think the stress of work has really gotten to me lately with looming deadlines, mad customers, poor organization, lost orders..and on and on. It has killed my desire to do anything but sit in this chair with my laptop and stare at the television. I need to get up and work. I have a waterline to dig up, a shower to redo, and countless other things that need my attention. To make matters worse, the weather is beautiful and I have not been outside all day. That is the one thing about vaping that is so different for me. I smoked outside, I vape inside...
  13. It has really seemed like there have been much battery problems as of late. It could be just that I am noticing it more.
  14. It really looks like a 20 watt iStick that has been reprogrammed. The iStick came with a 1 amp charger. I am not positive though. I would not charge it unattended, or try to vape on it while charging. With all of the trouble people have been having recently I will not even leave my cell phones/laptop on chargers unattended. It is probably overkill, but it makes me feel better. Oops sorry for the delayed reply!
  15. I would use a cell phone charger or similar charger. I don't like anything that that uses that much power hooked to my computers.
  16. I will agree with you that silica is nasty stuff. I have read many articles about it, and gone to many safety classes as we make products out of it. Like I said no one has tested it in Vaping environment to prove if the fibers can even become airborn. Can you imagine the feeling in your tounge if you get what is basically fiberglass in your tongue? I guess I could test it at work, but it would be a moot point because the Nautilus coils have been 100% cotton since January (At least that is when I got my first batch from an online retailer) Now please don't think I am an Aspire fan boy. I am not. I am also using a SubTank. I do think the fact they marketed a tank as one material and made it out of another is reprehensible. I don't think it is dangerous, but dishonest. I also agree with your stand on juice. I think we should be far more concerned with this. It is what is getting into our body. I buy all of my juice from one place now and I think he has more concern and safety for his customers than anyone (Thanks Comp!) I have seen at least 2 people drop vaping as a hobby over this issue and the bad California study. It is very sad to me, because they are still smoking. Just something totally anecdotal: We have 2 original owners in our company who have made products out of asbestos until they banned certain uses in the '80s and they replaced some of those products with silica fiber (fire insulation/fire seals) they are now in their late 70s and perfectly healthy. I buried a good friend last year from COPD related lung problems that was 100% caused by cotton fibers/dust from the process of ginning cotton he was in his 50's. I am sorry I came off as a jerk (I can be, ask my wife). I am not defending the use of dangerous products. I don't want them in me. I am just very sensitive to the subject. I have worked in many industries that have had the general public totally vilify when they are not informed. I know it isn't the case with vaping, but most industries are so regulated that it would amaze people. I just finished a project at our company that required us to prove that all of the minerals that are contained in our products have not originated from "blood mineral" countries. We don't manufacture the raw materials, but we have to trace it all the way to the source of the minerals that go into the manufacturing of the raw materials.
  17. I am in total agreement with you. I am not a scientist either, but I am extremely curious. The ones we took apart we put into a calibrated oven we use at work to test polymer flashpoints to help determine what they are. One of our counter guys had been warned about sucking silica from a local guy that hangs out in the vape shop... So he went and got some new coils. You could see visibly that the material was cotton, but he thought it might be blended so he stuck it in the oven. At 450 degrees the cotton was black and smoldering. We sell silica blankets and tapes for that is used for industrial applications it is good for 1200+ degrees and it will not even discolor at 450. I shouldn't go off like that, but it upsets me when people on the internet (not you) like to spread fear. I am glad they inform us that their could be hazardous materials in the coils, juice, wire, ect. I don't like when they take other studies and try to make them fit our applications. From what I can find there has been no real studies that replicate real world conditions that we vape under. If someone thinks something is not safe, don't use it. If someone thinks vaping is dangerous quit vaping. I know for a fact that my health is much better, and I feel better than when I smoked.
  18. You are correct, the nickel is for temperature control. Apparently it changes resistance in a more stable fashion than Kanthal based on the temperature. It is also very low resistance. In fact most non resistance wire we use in coils (N-NR-N) is nickel. It looks like a great technology if they get the bugs worked out. I really think they misnamed it though it should be temperature limiting not control. You can set your mod on 40 watts and use all 40 watts until the temp hits your limit, then it backs it off. Rixter posted a great video about it somewhere on here. You can vape at 10 watts and 420 degrees and it will not change from 10 watts until your wick starts getting dry which causes the heat to go up, then it will limit it. You can also vape at 40 watts and 420 degrees and if your wick can't keep up it will lower your voltage/wattage. It is pretty cool, but finiky from what I have read. I am currently building a DNA 25 mod that is temp controlled once the parts come in. Is it safe on a mech? I wouldn't recommend it! Calculating it on a 3.7 volt 18650 that is 31 Amps and 114 Watts.
  19. Please provide us some links. I have looked all over the internet for this but can not find anyone that has posted about the newest ones that Aspire slipped onto the market a few months ago without telling anyone. We have disassembled the newest coils from Aspire at work (Nautilus BVC and the Atlantis BVC) they both were 100% organic fibers. They did not contain any glass/silica whatsoever. Nearly every factory atomizer made in the last few years contain silica before they went to organic cotton. They are all in the micron range that is dangerous if broken into shards. Is there anyone who has shown that saturated silica can become airborn? So every iClear, Protank, etc contain it unless you have rebuilt them, contains silica. If you want to be 100% safe then you must rebuild your own coils. Then all you have to worry about the dangers of Kanthal, PG, VG, and flavorings. We (Vapors) are getting attacked from every side, and from within. We all want the safest alternative to smoking, but the psuedo science is just as bad within the vaping community as outside.
  20. When I had a Billow, it didn't wick that great. I know a lot more now than I did then and could probably make it work. I really think at this point I like the single coil, lower power stuff for my daily vape. This SubTank mini, with my juice 15 watts seems to be the sweet spot. It is funny it really does not seem to matter what ohm coil I run.
  21. I totally agree! It is a bit more trouble, but well worth the extra effort!
  22. Thank you! The tiger wire takes a little more patience than regular wire. You can have a beautiful looking coil and dryburn it once and it uncoils! I have tried annealing them with a torch first and it helps, but it takes a lot of adjusting once you get it on. But it is totally worth it! The thing is pretty little, but it is idiot proof. I am proof of that. I never could get anything to wick correctly, but after a little reading I don't get any dry hits or spitting/flooding. Of course I am only running it at 15 watts. I am not trying to chase clouds. It is just vaping like a better tasting OCC coil.
  23. It can be frustrating, but don't give up! Stick with small bottles, because even if you find something you like, as your taste buds come back all flavors will taste different!
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