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Everything posted by jasonculp

  1. Congrats! Those milestones sure feel good.
  2. Yeah, it was kind of a bad deal. The one I ordered was really slick, when they never actually produced it, I was really bummed. I ended up getting the in store credit, and buying a brother to the one they never made, and it turned out to have one of the worst chipsets I have ever had. It is now sitting in my "I don't use these any more, shelf". I am getting pretty much like @bcartervol98 I have my mod/tank I really like for every day vaping, so I bought 15 of them. Shinyitus, has worn off, so it has to be a heck of a deal before I will jump out there and get something new. Since my last experience with preorders was so bad, I won't do it again.
  3. I know I need to put it in smaller bottles , I'm just lazy. You are 100% correct, the amount of air in them can't be good. I didn't know about the plastic breaking down, but I could sure see it happening. I am going to have to get on the ball!
  4. Enjoy! I have really enjoyed making my own juice. I don't make many flavors, but my main flavor has 23 different fruits, and creams in it. I do change it up a bit by adding a bit more or less of some flavors to emphasize other flavors. I don't ever worry if I have enough juice on hand, I can just go mix some up when I need it. I also make flavor concentrates out of my flavors. Basically I just add all of the flavors in the proper amounts so that it equals 120ml of pure flavors. So I just have to add VG and Nic base. It takes like 3 minutes to make up 100 ml.
  5. I use the same Nic base and really like it. I have about 2.5 liters left. I actually keep mine in the original bottles. I pull out about 50 ml at a time as needed. I also store the bottles vertically inside a heavy zip lock bag. I found out the hard way, that they leak if you just throw them in the freezer on their side. Luckily it was in a zip lock.
  6. I don't steep. I make my flavor base 120 ml at a time. I then mix up 100 ml of finished juice. I guess it does steep, or at least age, because it is normally a week, or longer before I vape the 2 50 ml bottles that i mixed up and 120 ml of the concentrate lasts quite a while. I normally have 2 50 ml bottles. I keep 1 in the console of the pickup, along with 4 fresh batteries, and an extra NEBOX, and a couple of rebuilt RDAs. I keep the same thing in my laptop bag. I have been on the road 4 days and 3 nights with this new territory. I take double backups just in case my pickup, or laptop bag and I get separated. Of course if something happens to my truck and the laptop bag is in it I'm screwed.
  7. Welcome to Vapor Talk! I totally understand no one caring about our hobby. I try to talk to coworkers about my mods, making juice, etc. They get a glazed, bored look on their face...lol I have quite a few setups, but for day to day use, I am stuck on Kanger NEBOX. They are very temperamental, and not for most. They work super for me because they hold 10ml of juice, and at 25 watts they run all day on a battery. Congratulations, and Good luck!
  8. That does sound like a lot, but 115 is 24% of 480.
  9. Merry Christmas!
  10. Sweet! I really like it. Thanks for the pictures and the write up.
  11. @Bebop I think that is one of the best analogies I have ever seen to explain the Ohm's Law!
  12. I hate to say I do this all of the time. You would think I would figure it out! I normally leave my NEBOX in the truck, but I will throw it in my pocket when I go to eat, or check into a hotel. I normally run 25 watts and it will be on 40+. It will knock the top of your head off!
  13. This is the one I am using. I use the one that @Adversarious1 uses also. I can't tell a lot of difference, but for some reason I really like the Nichrome/Kanthal combination. For what it is worth, I have been running a standard 26 GA 316SS and it isn't a lot different. I do think the Clapton has more flavor, but the quick heat up time (standard wire heats much quicker because the mass of the Clapton is so much more it takes more time to heat)
  14. I will vouch for Comp's Tiger Wire. He sent me a bundle a while back and I used it a lot. I then switched to TC and quit using it. I still have a few pieces left. I use it in one RTA only. Since the mod I use has poor TC I switched back to Wattage and with the looming vapocalypse I tried to find a commercial available wire that would work similarly to Tiger Wire. The Clapton wire is good, but it isn't as good, but it is cheap, and easy to work with. I need to find a new mod, but with 6 NEBOXs, I am spoiled to the design. I would like to find something that uses a recessed tank like the Smoant, or something similar. I just don't want to spend the money. So I use my NEBOX during the day, and one of my "standard" mods with a Crown when I am at home in the evening.
  15. I should have remembered that really Kanthal/Ni80 is about the only wire that can easily be used contact. When I got my SS-Clapoton wire in I didn't even think about it. I was just in a hurry to try it so I built up 2 RBAs with it. The first one worked great for about a day. It then developed a burnt flavor with every hit. I assumed I had burnt the cotton due to poor wicking. When I pulled it apart, there was no burnt spots and the wicking was fine... I put the other coil in there and it did the same thing within hours. I only had a factory Ni200 coil with me as a backup so I switched to that. It wasn't until this thread that I realized I made them contact so they probably had numerous hotspots...
  16. I am really liking it. My goto build in my NEBOX (same RBA as a Subtank Mini) is This Ni80/Kanthal Clapton I can only fit 5 wraps on a 3mm tool in it. It comes out to .56 ohms on my NEBOX. So it is somewhere between .2 and 2 ohms...lol I really like this with my juice. It is a flavor maker. The only thing I don't like is the RBA just doesn't have as much airflow as the factory coils. To be honest, I am not sure how much better it is than standard Kanthal. I have gone from Ni200 to Ti01 then to 316SS and have settled with the Claptons for a while. I tried a few contact coils with the SS316 Claptons with pretty poor results. I will try some spaced coils when I get back home, as I think I was getting hot spots with the contact coils.
  17. I am using them in my NEBOX. The SS is just nearly too big to fit the RBA. I chose 5 wraps because that is all I can comfortably fit in the RBA.
  18. I have never used a calculator. I normally use 5 wraps on a 3mm spindle. With the NiChrome/Kanthal Clapton wire I use normally comes out to .4 to .56 ohms. If you dryburn start low, or pulse quickly. They really like to make hotspots until you get some oxidation on them. I have been messing with SS316 clapton wire, but results have not been nearly as good as the NiChrome/Kanthal.
  19. Great review! I really want to pick one up. I have not been able to find one cheap enough to make me bite yet. I also have not found the RBA for it either. From what I understand from the early reviews it doesn't include it. The battery door sounds nice. The screw on thing on the NEBOX sucks. One of mine has great threads, the others are not so great.
  20. I use a NEBOX as my daily driver, and have since it came out. (I am not really sure if I recommend it though). It has terrible TC, so I run mine in wattage mode with the RBA. It holds 10 ml but has been known to leak. If the tank get too low, or orings are not sealing. The RBA also has to be wicked correctly, or it will leak too. It also has no airflow adjustment. I vape at 25 - 30 watts and one tank and one battery lasts nearly all day. I drive for a living too. I carry 4 charged batteries, plus the one in the mod. I also carry a charger and spare batteries with me. I have never had to use it. I have charged batteries in the motel at night.
  21. I agree with you, @FXRich, and @Adversarious1. The main advantage/disadvantage to a "Wide Mouth" drip tip is the way it feels in your mouth. ( @Jeffb, I know I left myself wide open with that statement.) I am curious to know if the narrow opening in the 510 connection to the wider opening cause a venturi, or possibly turbulence that could enhance flavor. I know I really prefer the "Wide Mouth" drip tips in the 11mm - 13mm range.
  22. @FrancisKelch My question would be why? From Mooch's review of the battery: If it works just like a HG2, why not stick with a proven brand such as LG, and not a manufacturer that puts a dangerously misleading rating on a battery? From the link you posted they are $18.95/pair and at the bottom of the page you can get LG2s for 15.95/pair. They do have a nice looking wrapper though. I personally will stick to the major manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony, and LG personally. If you are going to spend over $9.00 a battery, I would suggest the new VTC6. It seems to edge all of the 3000mAh batteries out at this time.
  23. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  24. The 30Q is Samsung's version of the LG HG2 (Brown). It is actually rated at 15A but according to Mooch's tests it is closer to a 20A and it is equally as good as a HG2 for less money. I personally run more 30Qs than I do HG2s. At first it was because I could pick them up a bit cheaper, but now it seems like they last a bit longer. I can't prove this at all, but for some reason it seems that way.
  25. That is one of the things that I really don't like at times about my job. I have to work around a lot of dangerous crap. The good part of it is most companies will not jump through the hoops to do business with them, so I don't have to worry about competition too much. It costs my boss close to $3000/year per employee to keep us trained, certified, and equipped. You have some skills getting that truck in there!
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