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    Spending time with my husband

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  1. I just got a smok zmax mod. I am frustrated with it. It worked for about 5 hours. I took the battery out to charge it. Put the fully charged battery back in this morning and it is giving me the lou error code and blinking 9.0p which was my power setting last night. It worked great when it was working but I've been searching all day to figure out what is wrong and cannot seem to find anything out. I am planning on taking it back to the shop for them to possibly help me. Can anyone point me on the right direction?
  2. Well Tuesday will be week 4 ...still learning and getting more knowledge. Expanding my horizons.
  3. Awesome I'll let you know how I make out
  4. What do you recommend using to do that
  5. Just ordered a set lol
  6. Cool im gonna give them a try. Thanks!
  7. Will my battery be compatible with these or do I need to get that brand
  8. Thanks for the info! Its just weird that a brand new one doesn't seem to work at all for me
  9. Ok so I'm only alone to a month into this but I think I'm having trouble with my clearomizers even brand new ones the bottom of my mouth pieces get flooded with liquid. Thinking of trying a new set but don't know what to get. I'm currently using a triple ego from triple ecig. Any thoughts?
  10. SteezeOG - thanks! A lot of people keep asking me if I want an analog or do I crave one at all. Surprisingly I'm staying strong! And haven't had any urges that I needed to resist. I believe I found the right amount of nic and a good flavor. I am currently using a tripl3ego. Read good reviews on it and we sell it where I work so it was calling my name for a couple weeks I eventually plan on getting a better unit but this one seems to satisfy me.
  11. Thanks, have been trying it but it won't let me change the day
  12. Trying to get this but it won't let me change the date. When I try to change the number or year, it keeps dropping the menu for the month..... **sigh**
  13. Question.... How did you guys get the I've been smoke free for.... Banner.
  14. Thanks everyone! My biggest factor for exploring was because I wasn't enjoying smoking a cigarette anymore. They started to taste horrible and I drive an hour to work everyday and was begining to smoke over a pack a day due to chain smoking during my drive. Cannot wait to keep trying more flavors! I have a local shop that has a wide variety to choose from too!
  15. I have recently switched from analogs to vaping! I was hesitant to purchase one but took the plunge and bought an inexpensive one. To my surprise, I am loving it. It definitely isn't like a normal cigarette but I have accepted that and am able to enjoy it. Still learning lots of different techniques and tid bits about clearomizers.
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