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Everything posted by VaporTron

  1. Title says it all. I'm looking to order my first mech mod, the k100.... Any other suggestions?
  2. I drilled one of the two air holes out to 3/32. Now u can get really good lung hits and mouth hits too. Before I could only really Get mouth hits. Full of flavor, warm, good throat hit. Now I can get some decent lung hits too, nowhere near clouds but almost like a cigarettes worth of "smoke"
  3. Ok so I knew you guys were going to be mad at me so I tore that all down and built a new single coil (the double coil wasn't working anyway because the cotton wasn't completely dry!- will try again tomorrow) I got out my multi Meyer to find that the itaste reads 2.8 on this single coil I built and my multimeter shows 3.1 ohns; However by touching the two leads on my multi meter together reads .03 so subtract that and you get 2.8 ohms !
  4. it's very simple and efficient When my battery fully charges I'll let you know how a dual coil turns out. Right now my itaste is charging and it can't heat up both coils (2.0 ohms)
  5. Just bought an Igo w rda and built my first coil at 3.4 ohms Vaping some coconut 50/50 12mg from thevaporroom.net @ 4.7 volts with organic cotton ball for wick on my itaste v3 Great taste! Nice production! Better taste and vapor production than the bridged 510 atty (lr and reg) from joyetech!
  6. I'm sure I can get a nice all SS octopus or squid type rda with some organic cotton wick and be dripping pretty nicely on the itaste vv v3 and if I build my coil 2.0 ohms and set the itaste to 3.4 ohms everything should be ok?
  7. Yha that's all I do is research lol I have they joyetech 510 and I like it I want to drip better I just don't know what's best. thinking of the octopus, kamry x1 or something like it
  8. So basically I would want my mod to be a solid 3.7 volts and build my coils from 1.8-3.2 ohms
  9. I'm thinking of doing some rebuildable coils for dripping and trying to find a way I can drip to switch flavors a lot. Can I just use my Itastev vv v3? (I don't know if any rdas will sit flush with my itaste vv v3 -which Is somewhat important)
  10. Should I just stick with my itaste vv v3? Isnt it going to produce power the same?
  11. Are they all just batteries that give out different amounts of voltage? Is it safe as long as u stay in these parameters? What exactly makes a mod dangerous?
  12. Yes that's right It seems to be getting better but not there yet, we'll see
  13. I'll try to keep using the atty to break it in
  14. My first clearomizer was some gas station "ego-t" I had for a week then switched to the mini kpt3 when I decided to stick with vaping but needed better gear (I thought) I like the mini kpt3 so I bought another then tried the evod 2 bc ur uses the same coils... I was thinking about buying a mini aerotank but feel like how could the hit get any better as far oxygen intake, so I just covered one if the 3 air intake hikes in my mini kpt3....ehh not impressed lol hit a little harder but no big deal I would like to get a new tank, one that is better than the mini kpt3 and evod 2 (I can't really tell a difference between these two vape-wise, the evod 2 is a little longer) Suggest a tank? Why that one? I'd prefer tanks to be "mini" so they are more flush with my battery (itaste vv 3)
  15. I was going to get it down in my 510 joye first but am thinking of giving up! It just isn't as good of flavor or vapor production as it is in my mini kpt3 (using same juice to test production) Whenever I want to change flavors I've adapted to washing my clearo and just switch coils
  16. I'll check that out, everyone says it's the best
  17. Blue raspberry sample from myfreedomsmokes when I bought one of the kpt3 mini and a five pack of 2.0 ohm coils Fruzion in my evod 2 and butter rum from elixer liquids Waiting for my watermelon and cotton candy and coconut sample to steep from thevaperoom.net (I tried the watermelon already in my atty and it tasted real good, though I'm still unsure how to use the atty as it doesn't vape the same as my kpt3 minis)
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