So I received my mech mod today (sigelei silver dragon, from kidney puncher) 1st- It's a very nicely made mod except nothing screws down straight or sits flush. 2-there's no Damn dragon on this thing! 3-if you tighten down your ego tanks too much it won't work, loosen it up a little bit. Now I've been building a few coils and checking them on my multi meter and also the itaste... The lowest ohm coil I've made tonight was a 0.8 and it vapes nicely in my igo-w HOWEVER my itaste is producing just as well (@ 3.7 volts-not increasing watts at all) also on the 0.8 Itaste can't handle much lower if any, the mech mod can. I'm happy at 0.8 but will be testing lower ohm coils throughout the week, (Just looking for how low can this battery go info....)