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Everything posted by VaporTron

  1. I wish i never got the rx i paid 80 at b&m thats half of the dna(and twice of the onlinep price)!! Im putting all my eggs in the dna or nothing basket and i doubt but maybe the rx200 will be close
  2. Yes new features would rock! Ive come use to a feeling i get when vaping and its kind of hard to describe. Like when taking a pull in wattage/power mode the temperature continuously incresed during a button press, until released and that feeling i get in my throat saying "ok now that was a vape!" Doesnt happen in tc mode on the inhale like i am use to, all the way up to 500F then i start getting burnt cotton taste above 500F (possibly due to vg and 316l, 317l has no problems with vg "fatty acids" at any temperature) however you can feel it on the exhale @/around 420-450F im vaping more trying to compensate i guess...doesn't work...watt mode with 316l is still under test I joined the evolv forum and did the escribe tutorial today. Cool stuff. A lot of diagnostics to run before vaping tho. Box resistance, battery stuff, ambient/room temperature...
  3. I am getting upset with the rx200 and hoping the dna Is much different! I think wattage mode is only for kanthal and for sure the tcr has to be for something other than 316l i just can't get a good vape in tc plus burn tests are failing
  4. Dang thats a pile! I have an itaste, 2 650 egos, a mech mod the rx200 and soon (shipped today) a dna200
  5. I've done that once and it didn't go well. With vapocolypse coming who has a spare? My mech mod has become obsolete as I'm sure the rx will be a backup until i can get another dna. I would like nice replaceable lipo batts but you can't beat the size of the reuleaux. I dont feel Good sending a mech mod out into the world with a newvy
  6. Most likely rxs will have tcr soon I read wismec is no longer making the dna version and everyone on preorder for one might not get one. They are just making rxs now. I saw one in stock so i couldnt help but to have it Just twisted 40 foot of my .3mm 316l so is it now .6mm or just twisted .3mm? now boiling! Pif?
  7. I couldnt help it 155.0 + 17.43 reuleaux dna (plus 3 more 25r) on its way!
  8. I guess ill put this here... I received the 0.3mm 316l ss today and is thinner than i expected. I immediately wrapped some random single coils and did some dry burn tests on the rx200. So far the results are inconclusive due to the fact each coil type and rda/rba/rta, wicking, airflow and coil temperature and mod temperature all come into effect so i will have to run the same build on different attys and I'll post the results when they come in. On another note i got the wicking down for the tfv4 mini! ALSO will review some juice by The Vaping Sisters! And now looking into building my own dna200 but trying to find the right "box/case". I love the nes controller and "outside the box" box mods thinking of some groovy ideas but outside the reuleaux they all seem so big! I don't like that! Do i have to put the screen/buttons in the same spot like everyone else? Some 316l ss 0.3mm twisted, double twisted, and twisted fused clapton
  9. That's where the longer run time comes in
  10. So i was just going over a lot of stuff about batteries for the rx/dna as to which batteries would be best for them and i have come to the conclusion that the samsung25r would be my favorite pick and (here comes a lot of math) based on moochs tests that it has approximately 2000mah so when we take 3 25rs we get 11.1v, 2000mah and 20 amps which is fine as the dna and rx pull 23. so i was wondering how long this setup im running would last. i have dual coild build clapton kanthal 0.35 ohms (8wraps x2) set at 55.0 watts on the rx (((great clouds))) 3 second puffs 2000mah x 11.1v/1000=22.2wh 22.2wh/55W x 60min/h=24.21 minutes of puffing 24.21 x 60sec/m / 3sec puffs = 484.2 approximate total puffs so if im taking 20 puffs an hour this setup would last me 484/20= approximately 24.21 hours so basically i think the 25rs really are great compared to other batteries that might get hotter when used (although while still inside [some peoples] safe operating temperatures) the same formulas can be used to find each coil build, battery (mah) so i am excited to see what happens when i get my ss if my wattage and projected total time changes and i read that wismec is working on tcr for the rx so i might hold off on the dna version supposedly the rx tc is set for the 304 ss i hope it will run 316l nicely, maybe we could get an update for that or a knock off escribe software to dial in each wire type like the dnas get to do which is why i really want one!!!
  11. When my ss comes (allegedly) tomorrow i will do cotton burn tests on the rx200 in tc mode. Excited to see the results first hand especially now after the upgrade. With escribe it looks like dna200 is the best. I just want two sets of batteries in series and run them parallel to each other lol Only so i never have to charge batteries again. I will never use the 200w but that's not to say you won't put it to its full potential. It is crazy efficient.
  12. I was thinking of getting the thinkvape i found it for like 119 and thinking of throwing in a bigger lipo but i do love the feel of the rx200 and the reuleaux dna i found for 169 and with the battery setup 3x18650 i think might be better than any lipo that will fit the thinkvape. I just need to get a couple silicone skins to wrap it in. Ill probably be getting one (reuleaux dna) The way you can see the screen when vaping is nice compared to other mods where the 510 sit centered in the box (harder to see screen while vaping) wish the screen was right next to the 510 on the reuleaux
  13. So couldnt i just get the cheapest one and switch the lipo pack out with a gianter one a 50c muahahah
  14. So i guess i really need a DNA 200 so bad i cant even live Are all the models basically the same except for looks and battery configuration? As long as it is truly running the evolv 200 chip you have the same vape capabilities via escribe? And no other benefit/difference is looks and battery configuration/type?
  15. Welcome back! I too fell off the vape train and got scuffed up on the analogs for awhile. Things are a lot more interesting with temperature control mods and such.
  16. At my closest b&m (vapor country-staggs e juice) its 12.99 for 15ml and a little further its (vaping sisters) and i got 3 30ml for about 60$ total. I ordered from ec blends a 50 ml for 15$ all organic Yes i have diyed and it is crazy cheap i just cant get the flavors so tasty. Vapable and good but not delicious like some ive tried but def. not *** like some ive tried lol
  17. So if it was the nickel content that makes it usable then 430 is a no go bc there is 0 nickel in it Well i need to find which type of ss the rx200 is modeled after... and then order a dna tc mod Why is there 200w? To take out ramp up time or to preheat the coil in 0.001 seconds? I enjoy vaping 20watts up to 65 watts (on the rx200) I think i want a dna so i can input the exact coil types and stuff. I may change my mind when my ss coil comes in and i complete all my dry burn tests!
  18. So now i see there is a nickel free stainless steel 430 http://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=996 This article is great too (316l) http://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=2382#_Welding So now i am leaning towards the 430 what do you think?
  19. I will be receiving 100ft of 0.3mm which i think is 26 awg but not sure atm Looking into diff ss types and such I would just not dry burn ss either. Just clean with alcohol before i wrap my coil Getting some organic juice from ec blends water soluble and organic flavorings. Been thinking a lot about (mostly darker) juice flavors staying in or coloring the lungs similiar the way tar or resin in analogs coars them. [Vaping some pumpkin spice one night and tasting it mid vape during a vape of a different flavor the next day] I like to vape but dont want to vape unnecessary things or use unnecessary/hazardous metal types. IMHO I left smoking analogs for a safer alternative (vaping nicotine). I dont really want to vape pg or even flavors really. An hour into my vaping i can barely taste the flavor anyway This article http://hollandaptblog.com/2013/09/25/what-is-the-difference-between-304-316l-stainless-steel/ Says in comparison to 304 ss: Stainless steels containing molybdenum are required in the manufacture of certain pharmaceuticals in order to avoid excessive metallic contamination. So looks like 316l is better than the 304 IMO.
  20. http://www.ecigarette-research.org/research/index.php/research/research-2015/212-db I have been doing a lot of reading in anticipation of receiving my 316l ss wire and have ready many threads on coil wire type safety/health concerns. This is an interesting article.
  21. How long do i shakety shake it before it's good. >1 minute eh?
  22. 1.8ml duh hahaha I dont think there is a calc that CANT do it Delete thx Or 27.75 drops!
  23. This thing sucks so bad! If i take too big a vape the wick runs dry. If i try to rape vape it its way way dry What is a good way to wick these tiny rbas? I cant wait for my ss to get here! TC would never let this happen!
  24. I have 30 ml of 0mg juice and i want to bump it up to 6mg and i have 100mg/ml nic what do i do? I cant find a calculator for this TIA
  25. The mini is nice i like it but not as much as the crown. I probably will when i get my ss bc thats why im favoring the crown so much. The mini has much more airflow than this. The unique design is cool i see a lot of tanks hanging off the edge of some box mods and that has yet to happen over here. As long as there is tc i dont see what the curves would help you with
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