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VaporTron last won the day on January 7 2016

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About VaporTron

  • Birthday 11/09/1984

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  • Location
    Houston, Texas
  • Interests
    love to vape, safely.

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  1. So basically your battery is what depends on your coil. At a full charge your battery is 4.2v which would fire a 0.5 ohm coil with 8.4amps and 35.28 watts. So you need a battery that is rated over 9 amps. As you use your device the volts will go down. At 3.7v you will be firing 7.4amps and 27.38 watts. With a 1.2 ohm coil at 4.2v you are only firing at 3.5 amps and 14.7 watts. So you definatly want to make sure your battery can handle the amps. Here is a great list of batts. https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/attachments/image-jpg.526293/ Never stop asking questions! Here is a great ohm calculator for double checking your safety. http://www.steam-engine.org/ohm.asp
  2. For example on my regulated box mod/sub ohm tanks+drippers i like to use 6mg but with cartomizer on an itaste i like 12-18mg I smoked a pack a day
  3. Hey there, Welcome to the group! I haven't tried a custard but do love the sweet ones. I also like fruity ones and recently tried a coffee type. What device are you using?
  4. Hello, Hellooo, Helloooooo- Hello!
  5. I havent figured out the special tcr code yet bc my dna works way better! Im not going to be using it anytime soon
  6. Got this from the wismec fb page for the rx 200
  7. Thanks comp. I'll have to wait til it is assembled and take measurements then
  8. Has anyone made one or know of a case that would fit? Looking to build a quad 18650 mod and want to know if there is a case that would fit if anyone has one or knows. Thanks vapers.
  9. Just bought an indulgence mutank (v2) from a b&m over here for 42.99
  10. I believe the rx200 tcr for ss is set to ss 304
  11. Gummy Bear- really good gummy bear maybe best ive had The juice- very fruity quite delicious almost no throat hit Invincible- also very fruity and deliciious Light throat hit All 6mg Definitely will buy more as they are right down the street but only when im running too low because they have high prices 3x30ml for 60$ so about 20$ for 1 30ml glass bottle Gummy bear wasn't glass bottle tho (fsr)
  12. Works great i love it thanks a bunch!
  13. I like my tfv4 mini. Rebuildable or premade coils. Top fill. Super adjustable air flow. Check out a video.
  14. Hi. What kind of mod do you have? What kind of juice do you like?
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