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Everything posted by noodlesauce

  1. UPDATE So I am now successfully vaping from my homeade coils I did the math, they're costing me about .05$ a pop and saving me shipping or gas for additional coils which is sweet. Not to mention I can rebuild my friends coils and to whatever resistance they would like. Furthermore, it was super simple to learn how to do and I would have got it right the first time had I bought that multimeter($20 from HD) first. I learned and overall this was a win. I want to thank those who provided me with the helpful info! Thanks
  2. I did zero it, out thanks though. Again I really appreciate all of your input. I will continue my research. Thanks
  3. Love the comments. But yea Ive had to buy a new battery that I paid $15 for the first one. I Enjoy failing though because its how you learn, and maybe you blow up and die but thats called evolution and I fully support that Anyway, I did not know of any dangers as there are many videos online that show how to rebuild these but dont talk about where you could go wrong.
  4. So I went and bought a meter from the Home Depot. It was about $20 bucks, but it works. I tested the coil that I rebuilt and .... it was about 1.2/1.3 ohms. So I while waiting for my battery I am practicin building the coils. I had about 4 revolutions with the one that was 1.2/1.3. I made another with 5 revolutions and that got me to 1.4ohms. I am going to build one at 6 revolutions and hopefully I get around 1.5/1.6. How do I calculate if that is a good read for the joye ego c upgrade passthrough 1000mah. (http://www.myvaporst...ego-c-uptxl.htm) that I ordered? update: I went 6 revolutions and I'm about spot on 1.5 (bouncing towards 1.6). So hopefully that will work. Also in case you were wondering I am using 30GA Kanthal A1, and 3mm silica wick.
  5. Believe me I tried everything. But thanks for everyone's input I'm going to grab a meter and hopefully I will get it right. Buying the prebuilts will get expensive over time and seems like a waste.
  6. Hello, So I bought my first ecig set up about two weeks ago. I got the (http://www.ecigrex.com/kanger-evod-usb-650mah-passthrough-battery/) evod 650 passthrough. I really liked the battery and it worked awesome. The passthrough feature is great. It came time to get some new coils so I decided to buy some Kanthal and Wick. I rebuilt a coil and took a few hits, worked fine. I then put the battery in my pocket for a while and when I tried again the button didnt light up and it was not working. I read that it could have shorted out and drained the battery so I charged it and the indicator light (for charging) worked. So I knew it had power. The button still gave no indicator light and no vapor came through. I tried a number of things from reading online and pretty sure the battery is shot. So does anyone know what I may have done wrong? or was that battery just a POS? How can I avoid this in the future? I bought a new one online already. It is a joye ego c upgrade passthrough 1000mah. (http://www.myvaporstore.com/Joye_eGo_C_Upgrade_Passthrough_900mAh_p/ego-c-uptxl.htm) Thanks!
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