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glowplug reacted to laser in 58 years old and fell for this.fake free starter kits
I hate scammers! What i do if something is free is look up reviews/warnings for the freebies on google.
glowplug reacted to BirdDog in Glowplug checking in
To be honest I don't remember. That is how long I have been a member and admin on this forum. I think it might be 10 and maybe a bit less for new members.
We really don't have any rules when it comes to posting. No drug talk, personal threats and spamming are the only rules we enforce. The veterans of the forum are really passionate about safety.
glowplug got a reaction from Tam in Glowplug checking in
No problem about derailing. I am a Family Member of the Nicoticket forum...everything is fair game and many of us have ADD...Oh LOOK, SQUIRREL!
Yep, I believe we did. I was the um...shall we say...very Rubenesque woman to the left of Tam. Light blue T-shirt with a itty bitty knight and a very large dragon on the front. I can remember the name AquaTroy, but I am having trouble with remembering your face. I am terrible.
Thank you to all who have welcomed me. It is a nice place ya'll got here. One concern though: I am on a 'like' quota??? I am used to liking a lot of posts, because, well, I like a lot of posts.
glowplug reacted to Tam in Fadora Vapor E-Juice
Feh. While I was trying to edit the above review, the thing timed out on me. Thankfully, I copied the text.
After reading the earlier reviews I let the Buttered Popcorn e-liquid steep for a couple of weeks before trying. The first time out it tasted just like a bowl of freshly popped buttery popcorn. At first I was skeptical that an e-liquid could get this flavor right. Wow. I'm a believer! It hits great from the first time to now (half an hour of steady vaping later). With this I don't have to worry about picking popcorn kernels out of my teeth or greasy fingers. A definite keeper.
Mint Medley Original Flavor: It's a bit too heavy on the winter green flavor for me (I'm not a fan of this type of mint), but the other mint flavors in it kept me vaping this juice for quite some time. I think, if you like Life Savers' winter green, you'll love this one.
Cinnamon Stick Signature Flavor: It tastes like the perfect blend of real cinnamon and a touch of sweet. After vaping this one it made me want to get a fresh, hot sopapilla and put a little honey and then sprinkle a little bit of this flavor on it. Mmmmm. All the other cinnamon flavors I've ever tried have all had that red hots candy taste to them so I was a little hesitant to try this one. It's more of a bakery type of cinnamon and utterly delicious! Could become an all day vape for me.
Apple Cider Signature Flavor: Take a ripe Golden Delicious apple and add a few spices to make fresh apple cider. That's what this tastes like. Of all the apple flavors I've tried, this one tastes like a real apple to me. So much so that it makes my mouth water when I take a draw. It has a nice, smooth flavor, no one thing stands out so it's perfectly blended.
Mellow Spice Signature Flavor: Just like the name, this one is mellow, it's smooth, the spices are blended so well that it will keep you vaping for a long time just trying to single out each one. This could easily become an all day vape for me, it's not a flavor that I will get tired of after a few days. Now, I just need to get some more of this...
Killer Clove Signature Flavor: This one is definitely not for me. After trying to vape it for about 15 minutes my tongue went numb, it feels like when you take a spoonful of soup that's too hot and it scalds your tongue. It may be a good flavor for someone else, it just isn't a good fit for me.
All the Signature flavors have little bits of things floating inside like a tiny stick of cinnamon, a ball of something else, a little floaty something else... it's what really makes these flavors stand out from others.
glowplug reacted to Tam in Fadora Vapor E-Juice
After reading the earlier reviews I let the Buttered Popcorn e-liquid steep for a couple of weeks before trying. The first time out it tasted just like a bowl of freshly popped buttery popcorn. At first I was skeptical that an e-liquid could get this flavor right. Wow. I'm a believer! It hits great from the first time to now (half an hour of steady vaping later). With this I don't have to worry about picking popcorn kernels out of my teeth or greasy fingers. A definite keeper.
glowplug reacted to wizard46304 in Fadora Vapor E-Juice
I haven't been able to try any yet. I'll try some when the site opens.
glowplug reacted to spydre in Fadora Vapor E-Juice
Spiced Apple (Signature Flavor)
12 mg
This flavor was absolutely on par with the Apple Cider. Truthfully, if I had to choose (and I do, I can't get them BOTH), I would choose the Apple Cider, but the Spiced Apple was wonderful, too. Same presentation in the bottle, and the taste lingers in your mouth a bit, and for me, at least, the taste made my mouth water, and made me hungry.
glowplug reacted to fishguy1123 in Glowplug checking in
Ummm.... we're still not sure about Tam here! But what the heck.... Welcome to VT!
glowplug reacted to 3Rutez in Fadora Vapor E-Juice
Simply Chamomile (Signature Flavor)
I don't know how it was done, but this is dead on Chamomile. It tastes like fresh cut Chamomile flowers fully steeped in hot water. I am a HUGE Chamomile fan and was sipping a cup during the sampling of this flavor. The only difference between the tea and the juice was the sweetness of the tea (I add a bit of sugar). The perfect representation of this flavor is amazing. There is magic brewing in the Fadora laboratory.
Cinnamon Chamomile (Signature Flavor)
The cinnamon addition to the Chamomile lends a nice sweetness that makes this juice truly awesome. I get a nice sweet taste on the inhale, and full Chamomile on the exhale. I can taste the cinnamon, but it is only ever so slightly present, and it is that authentic natural taste that Fadora seems to have nailed perfectly. By far my favorite out of all the flavors I have tested.
Spiced Chamomile (Signature Flavor)
Much like the cinnamon version, but replace the cinnamon with the greatness of the Mellow Spice. The spice is there, but it is very mellow and subtle.
glowplug reacted to 3Rutez in Fadora Vapor E-Juice
Margarita 12mg
Sort of a sweet lemonade at first, then I get a little zing on the exhale. Brings me back to my drinking days (in a positive way, lol), when I would mix up a whiskey sour before kicking back on the deck to watch the sunset after work. That's the taste I get at least. I'm sure if I were a tequila man it would remind me of margaritas. A solid citrus vape, without being overbearing, as many are for my taste. They often have too many lemons and not enough sugar in the pitcher.
glowplug reacted to joejoevapekins in Can too much heat hurt e Liquid?
Steeping...lol I'll have to hide some juice from myself
glowplug reacted to Jeffb in Can too much heat hurt e Liquid?
Joshua gets a box of cookies for being the first member to use the word efficacy properly.
glowplug reacted to Tam in Glowplug checking in
Hey, Glowplug! Glad to see you made your way here. We're a friendly bunch for the most part. When I get a little time I need to go check out the forum you mentioned last night.