I have to use cartridges no matter what. I'm a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker, and I'm working on switching to this competely. Actually, I already want to but I didn't order enough cartos on my initial order (still getting used to "carto" "atty" and other terms, sorry). Well, obviously, this means I need to be able to smoke when I want without having to carry out liquid bottles to drip. A carto is equal to about 5 or 6 cigs as well, which is also convenient. I have no idea what, say, three drips of liquid is roughly equal to. I do plan on dripping, absolutely, at home or whenever I'm not very active doing whatever. I'll use a combination of the two different methods. I'm about to place another order for many more cartos and also liquid, and then I'm DONE with the analogs for good!
The vapor production with dripping looks nice, but I have to say I'm fine with the carto vapor production as well. However, the stronger taste and throat hit would be nice with the liquid. So let me be sure I've got this right.
1. When a carto is done, take out the fiber and squeeze with napkin to make sure it's drained.
2. Put fiber back in carto.
3. Use liquid to fill carto.
I guess I'll have to by trial and error figure out how many drops it takes to "fill" a carto. Obviously don't want to make a mess with it flowing everywhere. With the Magma I also ordered five empty cartos that can be used, but they don't sell the fiber. I saw a "blue foam modding" video, but man alive all that just to refill is a pain.
I can also order liquid in stronger strengths. With the Magma the max I can get from either cartos or liquid is 16mg, whereas others offer liquids up to 36mg. As it is I have to almost constantly use it to really replace the analogs, but when I start ordering the stronger liquids from elsewhere (here I assume) then that will change.
Again, my apologies for what must appear to be complete stupidity. I've never done this and until I get it all down I'm sure there will be more!
That was also a very helpful vid link with the "direct dripping" tutorial.