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Everything posted by ecigg

  1. Great stuff haha
  2. USPS they drive me insane sometimes. That's why I try and ship Fedex as much as possible. If FedEx was just a little cheaper I would never use USPS. When are they going out of business? lol
  3. Awesome news finally something went well on our side!
  4. Wow, but that is pretty funny
  5. My dad smoked for about 15 years quit cold turkey 30 years ago and never smoked again. Mother never smoked and my close family no one does anymore.
  6. Is it better than 4loko?
  7. Someone should translate this page into english for us. Those are some wicked mods for sure.
  8. Yea definitely congrats on the new place. Man I wish rent was that cheap!
  9. Being from Philly I gotta go with the Flyers baby! Hockey season seems to go all year round nowadays
  10. That 0-60 time accurate? That is insane 1.9 seconds. That can't be MPH...
  11. I completely agree with you. It's extremely sad to see something like this happen. I mean the government says healthcare is costing them billions each year, so I would think they would try their best to promote anything which can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Now I am not saying e-cigs are a "healthier choice", but they certainly would prevent a lot of lung cancer related deaths. And they are certainly a better option then an analog!
  12. Absolutely they do. Plus the FDA loves "Big Tobacco" aka Philip Morris. All the tax money they receive from cigarettes is unreal. The government could care less about our health. There are over 40 Million Americans that still smoke so that's a ton of tax money right in the government's pocket.
  13. Hey Chris, I am sorry to hear about your job loss. I am in the exact same situation as you. 2 months ago I lost my job and I have no health insurance, because I can't afford to pay it. I have a house no wife or kids and student loans and a mortgage to pay. --If the FDA goes through with this I too will have to belly up and go under. I don't know what I would do either at this point. After reading the letter I am going crazy applying for jobs, but the market sucks right now. The way the government is run I have little to no faith anything will go in our favor.
  14. Its Vbulletin they made an update to their software recently. A lot of Forums use VB and a lot of those forums are very slowly. I don't like VB's new udpate
  15. haha Kick ***
  16. It was a great labor day weekend for me! Probably drank a bit too much but hey it's end of summer.
  17. Very scary, indeed! It certainly would be a route to take, but the way the government is going I don't see them allowing anyone to self govern anything. It is one thing after another with the government today. If vaping helps people quit smoking why not allow it! We have such a problem with this country in regards to healthcare. Anything to help that I think is a step in the right direction. Smokers usually love to smoke and the e-cig gave them that ability without the 2000 + chemicals.
  18. That's funny you mention supplements. I was just going over this with my partner and supplements are not FDA approved. Look at all the crap in those things!! Those energy/fat loss products have extremely high amounts off herbal crap and caffeine and tons of stuff that nobody has a clue about. You can still buy ephedrine for crying out loud! ephedrine has caused heart attacks and one a pitcher from the Orioles died!
  19. Did anyone just watch the news?? It just hit FOX news in my area!! My grandmother and mother both called me as they saw it. Of course worried about what might happen. *Look out USA we are soon to be a socialist society.
  20. The people at some of these companies are from China themselves. IE e-cig.com. Yes their "office" is in Las Vegas, but they are technically based out of China. It's companies like them they are ruining this for the rest of the good suppliers.
  21. While this is a concern, I hope that we will be okay. I can't believe that some of these companies put that crap in their e-juice. I am about to write an email to ecig.com and say what the heck were u thinking!!
  22. Any input is always appreciated. The more responders the better
  23. Definitely confront them. And then from there you call the cops if they do it again. I had an issue similar and it worked for me.
  24. I agree, if they can advertise booze why not Tobacco. That's why I can't stand Google they block all campaigns relating to anything e-cig or tobacco ;(
  25. I like American Pickers too very interesting stuff. Looks like they put a lot of work and travel in for not much profit. They must really love what they do.
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