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    Photography. Stained glass. Vaping.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for that suggestion but my tweezers are too big to grab the pin.
  2. Yes, I will go there first thing tomorrow, they are closed today. Thank you again.
  3. Understood. It is def finger tight. Thank you for your suggestions.
  4. Made an attempt at adjusting center pin but it did not move.
  5. Yes, same coils (1.8). I have it screwed on quite well, hesitate to tightened it much more.
  6. Sadly, no, I am still so new to this I had no idea I would need additional tanks. What would cause the tank to stop making contact?
  7. Yes, the battery is ON and fully charged. I am not getting any vapor.
  8. After only 3 weeks of vaping I have my first problem. I'm using an itastevv ver3.0 with a Kangertech T3S. Not sure what the cause is, but I have changed the coil (1.8) 3 times today after it quit firing. Battery is charged. What else do I need to check to get it going again? Thank you in advance. If this question is in the wrong area please move to appropriate space.
  9. Hello and Welcome to VT.
  10. Hello and Welcome to VT.
  11. Welcome to VT. I've found this to be "the place" for all of your questions.
  12. Welcome to VT and THANK YOU for your service.
  13. I purchased this item as part of my "starter kit" along with a Kangertech T3S. My question is, how long should I expect this to last. Does this battery have a normal life span. Currently I am recharging about once a day. I "assumed" this was going to be a permanent piece of harware, but the more I learn, I think I may be incorrect in that assumption. Looking for some guidance and advice please and thank you.
  14. Welcome! Nice to see another new victim, err... I mean member
  15. Thank you for this list, it's very helpful. What does the term "dry hit" mean?
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