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Everything posted by Vaporized123

  1. The equipment is good though ? Right ? Ill gladly order it all seperate and i wasnt planning on using their wick
  2. Im sorry for the inconvinience im just gonna delete my account peace i didnt mean to aggrivate you and i suck at this stuf anyways cys
  3. Woah dude i didnt mesn ti get you all riled up i used to smoke hookah and wanted to get off that thats why i like tricks and big clouds im sorry i have angered you
  4. My buddies sub ohm dripper had crazy thick and big clouds , but thats not the question here
  5. Do you have to change your coils alot? With the nautilis its the only thing that moght keep me from getting it , i heard the coils die quickly and they are over priced aswell
  6. Yeah i want the nautilis but i heard the coils break all the time and they are iver priced tk begin with
  7. Thanks patricia i will be sure to check those out
  8. Well they are not thick at all i like to do tricks and its not really possible im using 50-50 btw And in general i like bigger clouds so i just wanted to knwo if something like this is possible
  9. A mvp with aerotank
  10. I was thinking of getting a rba on my mvp ii heard even if you build a coil around 2 ohms you can still get very large clouds i was just asking if someone can confirm this theory?
  11. Is this setup working well ? Other than the coul issue i was thinking of getting the same setup
  12. We should play sometime
  13. Yeah i decided not to get the cloud chasing set thanks for the concern i knew i was going to run into trouble , as for experience i am a moderate vaper and have rebuilt coils before right now i have a ego c twist and a kanger aero tank i was lookig to upgrqde to the mvp and a nautilis i was just wondering if i could get decently big clouds with this setup thanks for the info and help I was thinking of running a 65 35 mixture for clouds , but will i still get flavor with this combo? Again thanks for you help
  14. Hahah happy vapor what systemso you play on?!?
  15. Gotcha thanks agian
  16. Well i dont continously do this but i do take hit after hit like 3-4 times then i pur it down
  17. What is considered chain vaping ? Im more of a like take 10 -20 hits like every 20 mins is this enough time for it to wock ans stay constant without a dry burnt taste
  18. I have been reasearching for a while and decided togo with a mvp 2.0 anda aspire nautilis i want to have great vapor production not a crazy cloud chasing desire just big fluffy clouds , i was thinking of using 70vg 30pg is this to thick for the aspire? I was thinking it might be . Will i still get flavor out of it any advicehelps , thanks
  19. I love my aero tank it has gurgling every once and a while i use a lighter juice a 40vg 60pg and i love it !!
  20. What flavor is this "orphan tears" ? It sounds like a mint , describe the flavor ? It sounds interesting
  21. That is awsome , but i am sticking to a tank style atty i just wanna get it and go and not worry about it maybe later i was actaully thinkin of getting a kayfun litei have heard good thinks about it , isnt it like a hyrbrid tank/rba atty?
  22. Hahaha yes i wish , thats just why i was asking your guys favorites becuase i dknt have the time to go on a trip haha im just going to try some of the flavors you guys recomend
  23. Sweet thanks for the advice , sadly i dont have any vendor s close to me so i need to just suck it up and test them at home
  24. Charliestheman dude thanks for this info im really glad to hear this ! im so excited for this setup , what wats or volts where you running at? Also what was the vg pg ratio , and the clouds where good right , and agian thanks for this relpy this makes me very happy and im so excited for this pair
  25. Bcatevol98 this flavor sound delicious i will have to try it, thanks for all the feed back guys
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