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jlh 1741

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Everything posted by jlh 1741

  1. My coils have been smoking out in about 2 days using 50/50 juice. Use a heavier juice with this device.
  2. You won't be disappointed
  3. My sigelei 100 watt, and others from what I've read, have issues jumping resistance on anything with an adjustable pin 510. Which is all of my rda's.
  4. So many of the people working in these b&m's are only there because the shop needs a warm body, not because of their knowledge. It's going to cause some law suits down the road.
  5. FUhattans can be had for around $30-$40. Copper contacts and a kick arse magnetic switch.
  6. I have a 18650 and 26650. I love them. At their price point, you can't beat them. Most have all copper contacts and made of solid brass which improves conductivity.
  7. Love mine. But I use it on a box mod at 30 watts. Used it on my 26650 fuhattan for a while before I got my box mod. Still pretty good.
  8. If u get a sigelei 100 get the 100 plus. The original 100's have issues with the 510 pins and being able to accurately read ohms. Mine jumps all over the place with all of my rda's. Only thing I don't have an issue with us my Atlantis.
  9. Thank you all. The switch in this thing is crap. Any suggestions?
  10. Thank you very much.
  11. Revolver Clone with a Tobh atty. looks clean.
  12. I got it. The pin on the bottom of the tank was screwed in to far. Backed it out a bit and wham! Clouds! Thanks to everyone for your help!
  13. Wick could be too tight. Whats the best way to thread them through you coil?
  14. Stock air holes. 6. 3 on each side of tank.
  15. Kamry 101. Vaping spacejam. Doesnt have a pg/vg listing on the side but produces nice vapor from my aerotank on same mod. New to building coils, any advice is appreciated.
  16. MVP all the way. I too was concerned with the portability of it at first. Quickly found out that an MVP and an aerotank fit in my pocket perfectly. Im in the hvac and appliance repair field and fin myself on my back, on my sides, on a ladder and in crawl spaces and never notice it. Battery lasts for days and I chain vape. Go to 101vape.com. 40 bucks. Cant go wrong.
  17. I built a 1.5 ohm coil on my tobh atty and im not getting any vapor production. I put in a new battery and am using organic cotton for a wick. Any suggestions?
  18. Success! 1.35 ohm coil w space jam andromeda! Hits like a champ!
  19. Got a Tobh, some kanthal and organic cotton. Going to take a stab at building a coil tonight.
  20. I had it in my hand and just barely had the fire button depressed. Just enough to cause it to heat up. I immediately switched batteries and inspected the offender. Other than melting a lil tiny bit of the wrapper on the negative end of the battery it seemed okay. Volt meter still showed it to have 3.7v. It came as quite a surprise and served as a reminder to keep the button locked when not in immediate use. Haven't had an issue since.
  21. Was just holding my mod znd noticed it was getting hot. Battery crap out? possible reasons?
  22. I wont be sub ohming anytime soon so I shouldnt have any issues. Like u said, 1.5 -1.8 ohm and I will be good.
  23. Thanks Tameiki! I got a couple purple efest 2500 mAh 35amp batteries. I know sonys are better but will these suffice?
  24. wd40 or aerokroil will work just like the cutting oil. it just takes more of it because its a thinner fluid.
  25. Whats ur astrlogical sign?
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