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igotit got a reaction from jasonculp in eleaf istick 20w....awesome
13.5 w,4v,1.9 ohm nautilus mini.
50/50 blend 0mg nic....simply amazing for $60 tank/mod investment
Watch "Eleaf istick 20w" on YouTube
Eleaf istick 20w:
igotit got a reaction from jasonculp in like or hate and why?
I mostly meant ....I think aspire should only include the atlantis with there own mod to help avoid improper use,along with a warning about sub ohming.
asfar as coil hit or miss....im referring to kanger mostly.i went through 4 5 pack.....out of all those coils,i ended up with 7 coils that burned longer than 4 days.most were shorted out,assembled wrong and wouldn't install properly.ive only used a few aspire coil,sofar they were all decent.a few only lasted 2 days,some lasted 2 weeks.
igotit reacted to fishguy1123 in like or hate and why?
I've heard about the lack of warning/info included with the atlantis tank and agree the safety aspect should be included whith the product.
However, I take issue with your discription of "lazy noobs". Everyone of us were noobs at some point. We choose our path as we learn what works for us. Unfortuinately if we call ppl lazy because they are new, they likely won't ask questions to learn the important facts that go along with a product like this. Our goal should be focused on education for all. Promoteing that for the new members/vapers. I don't meen to rant, just would hate to see a guest/lurker to feel like they can't ask a question for fear of being labled.
igotit reacted to Compenstine in like or hate and why?
I somewhat agree, I think this may be a disaster as there are too many people I see getting this tank that have no clue about such things and get hurt.
igotit reacted to Mr Smith in like or hate and why?
Everybody has to have an opinion on this...So tell us if you like it, hate it, not sure/don't care, and why?
Aspire has recently released its newest clearomizer tank to its line up and it is a game changer...
The tank is called the Aspire Atlantis.
This is the first replaceable coil tank to come SUB-OHMED!
That's right a replaceable coil clearomizer tank that comes with 0.5ohm coils, and adjustable airflow that opens up quite a bit for massive airflow for big lung hits.
They have also introduced a new sealed non adjustable battery for this tank that charges off a usb charger but works like a mech mod. no adjustments.
IMO: not a very noob friendly tank as I didn't see any battery warnings or campatibility warnings.
Also this tank gives the lazy noobs the ability to blow some huge clouds and keep up with the sub-ohmed rebuildable tanks and drippers.
I'll leave it at that: what do you guys think?
igotit reacted to bcartervol98 in like or hate and why?
Personally I find sub-ohming in any form to be a little ridiculous and sort of a black eye on vaping in general. I have tried to be respectful and not voice that opinion near as often as I would like but with this tank coming out its just another way to make vaping a little more dangerous.
Like I said when I see a news story about vaping its always the tattooed guy with piercings and ear stratchers (not judging, I am covered in tattoos lol) that gets featured making the mainstream think this is the "norm" for vapers. I never see a husband and wife that use standard Ego devices to keep off cigarettes featured. Its not all that unlike when Colorado and other states legalized cannabis. It wasn't the businessman in line at the shop buying cannabis on the news, it was the unemployed unkempt dreadlock 20 something still living in his dads basement that was featured.
Again I mean no offense but subohming, cloud chasing and all the other "hobbyist" aspects of vaping completely steal the message that we are doing this to quit smoking.
igotit reacted to BDM53ENT in First RDA experience
Omega clone, loaded it up and went for broke. After I quit coughing, my head spinning and eyes finally stopped watering I realized my regular 24mg juice was not going to work! After I went to 8mg I got a little more control of this thing and wow what a taste difference.
igotit reacted to jasonculp in panzer and tugboat.....great combo
I would suggest a higher VG juice, the nicotine is just fine. It does lessen the throat hit a bit, but to me it is more satisfying to inhale/exhale so much more vapor. Another thing, is as you reduce your PG you reduce flavor a bit. I have had to have them add an extra shot of flavor in my high VG juices.
I currently drip a 20PG/80VG 9mg flavor and it is great!
igotit reacted to 3Rutez in *Share Your Coil Builds*
I don't do Instagram, but if any of you do, check out this Deedupdex guy. He has some INSANE coil builds. LOL
igotit got a reaction from Mtdobies in e-lvt questions
Ive settled on 4 volts 10 watts 2 ohm coil.im pleased with it.maybe the elvt was a bit over kill for my needs.
But id rather have more power then ill need at the moment.
im really liking this elvt.
igotit reacted to mvince201 in e-lvt questions
I'm kind of in the same boat when it comes to volts/watts. It confuses me enough that I won't even try to explain it, haha. Check out steam-engine.org they have a wattage and voltage calculator there that may help!
igotit reacted to Garrett1234567 in e-lvt questions
I just recently got into vw devices. I picked up a vtr. From what I understand you either choose vv or vw, not both. When you use vw and set a wattage the device reads what ohm your coil is and uses ohms law to set the voltage automatically. I recommend reading up on ohms law and vaping.
Good luck
igotit reacted to Compenstine in evod troubles
Do they have the Kanger logo on the bottom of the battery?
If no, then they are fake.
igotit reacted to Tam in evod troubles
Click on any of the links in previous posts in your thread where it says, "Evod" and it'll take you to the kit that's sold by the Vapor Talk store. All prices there are comparable (most of the time they're lower) than other stores.
This is why most of us on VT don't recommend buying from Ebay. All too often we hear this same type of story that someone bought a knock off thinking it was the genuine brand name product.
igotit reacted to Patricia in evod troubles
I currently use only 5 EVOD 1s and 5 of the EVOD 2, glass tanks and I do not have any leaking problems or coils burning out. I get very good flavor and vapor. Give the Genuine Kager EVODs a try, I think you will like them. I do. I do not use the EVOD battery though, I am currently using the Vision Spinner 2s. Great combination.
igotit got a reaction from Mtdobies in 16 days and counting...
Im right behind ya.....almost 2 weeks smoke free.
welcome aboard
igotit got a reaction from Mtdobies in v4l zeus satisfied user.
One more thing
Before the zeus...over a periid of 3 mths i went from kool filter kings,dropped down to kool milds,then went to malboro 72 silvers (ultra lights).
I slowly downgraded my nicotine intake.
so im sure that helped make the crissover a lil easier.
i been lurking on this forum for awhile,checking out stories,questions and reviews.
so this was a planned process.
had my mind made up on the zeus for awhile.zeus has a ton of positive reviews,plenty flavors available.