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Everything posted by trickydick666

  1. Welcome nw Michigan here too
  2. From the " covered in tattoos with stretched ears" guy, not all of us are dumb about it...it's the morons who subohm and "chase clouds" cuz it's the "cool thing".. I personally don't believe that noobs and the uneducated should mess with subohming with help, guidance and proper knowledge. I've been working with friends from work and in my area to educate them on battery safety and checking for shorts and such because of them just wanting to jump into it. But I do agree it's never the older mature people who you see in the news about mod accidents. Aspire should put warnings on the label for the Atlantis but shops should also be doing their part as well
  3. I need to get off my butt and make my MOSFET box, my panzer took a nasty fall Thursday and lock rings dead, looks beautiful man
  4. Ah ok , I wasn't sure what it was but I'll have to check it out.
  5. Is it the one drock drock runs?
  6. Which group is it your in? Just curious to see if it's the same one, and yeah I planned on getting the fat daddy vapes 510
  7. Haha same here, my MOSFET and switch should arrive today, gotta order my Hammond case and 510 hopefully able to tonight, did you find the battery sleds? I been getting my parts off eBay, sellers name is "stearnsy" if I remember correct , has pretty much everything but the 510
  8. Looks damn good man I been dyin to start workin on my next mod,got more parts for my MOSFET box coming in today still gotta order my 510 though
  9. That'd be sweet
  10. Keystone 1048 battery tray is part of what ya need/want for dual 18650's mine just arrived yesterday
  11. Yeah the duel 18650 unregulated box mods are MOSFET mods haven't found a ton about em on here but there's a group on FB dedicated to making them and other box mods
  12. The fogger v4 is good I have one and rda wise it all depends on personal taste lol, but yeah I agree trying to find what you like/works can be costly I've spent more than I will admit to the gf lol but have sold or pif'd a lot of stuff too. Regardless I've still spent less than I would on analogs..$15-20 a week versus $14+ a day
  13. in the long run you do depending on how many things ya buy lol
  14. It's worth it and doesn't cost much I'm itching to make a better one just gotta find another ego/510 or 510
  15. Made mine last night, used a small project box I had bought last summer, the 510 from a dead ohm checker, 3amp switch I had laying around, and a c battery holder that I cut to fit
  16. You just made my night thank you, I've been wanting to build a box mod for a while especially after I converted my VTR into a unregulated after it shorted out a few weeks ago..I have one of the smaller project boxes and was thinking bout giving it a try. Any advice?
  17. the link took me to the page but it was all in Spanish
  18. I had often wondered that myself
  19. .4 ohms 26g kanthal igo-w on panzer
  20. .8 ohms nothing fancy but hits good
  21. I have the same problem(well kinda) I only get a faint hint of flavor with my aqua clone
  22. As everyone had already said....Drink lots of water
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