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  1. Water, Water, and more Water
  2. This is the way to go when purchasing suicide bunny, I also purchase my juice from Skylinevapor.com
  3. Have any of you guys tried any of the other flavors from Suicide Bunny? I'm also a big fan of Madrina.
  4. I was also having a similar issue as this although I wasn't getting a spicy taste, thanks for sharing im going to try your solution and see if it doesn't help me as well.
  5. Thanks for the info!
  6. Thanks for posting this!
  7. This is good news, I hope this study proves to be true.
  8. It's just pure common sense that if you use a trademark of a corporation without their consent you're asking for trouble. A corporation didn't spend all that money to create a brand name and positive image for their company for some cheap B&M store to come along and take the brand name and profit from it without spending a single dollar for that right.
  9. This is nice to hear, I am also allowed by my boss to vape at my desk.
  10. It's apparent that vaping is slowly taking over the country, there is new vapor shops popping up all over the place
  11. This is a fast way to get these juice's taken off the shelves, I can't seem to think that whoever owns the copyright of these characters is going to sit by and watch their product image be associated with something that could potentially damage their bottom line.
  12. Suicide Bunny really does live up to being a "premium" e-juice.
  13. I only vape like 10-15 Ml per week
  14. I'm not sure which juices are organic but I do know that the Suicide Bunny juices are made with pharma grade PG/VG and are also tasty.
  15. I am like yourself OP quite new to vaping and also experimented to see if I could do any "vape tricks" but quickly realized that you need a very dense vapor in order to have a chance of accomplishing this.
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