I am posting this so people will know what I went through because of my foolishness and what to watch out for. So I was working at my desk pretty intensivly and my e cig started to taste funny but I had to get this paper done before work. I dumped pretty much a full clearomizer out into a red solo cup I had by my desk and refilled then finished my paper. The issue was is that by the time I had finished my paper I had chugged my drink in the cup without noticing the liquid was in there and boy did I pay for that. Within about 20 minutes I got nauseous and my heart rate rose. The heart rate went down relatively quickly but the nausea stayed for about 4 hours, but once I got sick I felt much better and in retrospect I should have went to the hospital after I realized it but still. I did not really have any other symptoms from it and it was a horrible experience none the less. I am a hefty guy about 220lbs and ingested about 3ml of 36mg e-juice. So about 108mg of nicotine assuming I absorbed all of it before I threw up about 4-5 hours after ingestion.
dont drink the liquid and PAY ATTENTION when handling it. Although it did not do any permanent damage (as far as I know) I got horrible sleep, burst a lot of blood vessels in my face and eyes from throwing up, and chest discomfort all because I was not paying attention. I also am hefty and that played a big part in this, if this had been a smaller guy, child, or woman it could have easily landed them in the hospital or much much worse.