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Everything posted by az9

  1. Thanks for your concern! What do you mean that you went back to your old zoned out self? Do you mean from vaping? That's where I've been, zoned out to the hilt. Been off it a day and a half, feeling better but don't know why yet. This is so confusing. I may have other problems. Gonna find out after I vape again I guess!
  2. So good to know! Thank all of you for your support.
  3. I told you I was a dummy! Also I can't spell worth a s---, I meant "site" not "cite".
  4. What a great welcome, thank you!
  5. I already love you guys!
  6. I didn't mean you at all, I'm just so happy to have some very helpful input from people who know about vaping. I meant I'm the dummie and I think this cite is awesome for someone who doesn't know anything about e-cigs and what to expect. Please do not be offended!
  7. You make me feel better already, thank you
  8. Thank you for the info and advice. This is a great cite for dummies like me!
  9. Good Lord, I can't spell, I meant manufacturer!
  10. Thanks so much for your input. I will take your advice and stay off of it a couple days and see what happens. Gonna get checked out next week. I did contact the company and inquired about the contents of the carts and they assured me that no toxic ingredients were in them. Can you believe the company? I sure want to!
  11. Thanks so much for your input, I really appreciate it. I may have something else going on. Gonna get checked out next week. I just didn't know if I was poisoning myself or not. Wondered if anyone else had problems with Safe Cig carts. The company assured me that they dealt with a very respected manufacuturer in China and not to worry about safety in the ingredients of the carts.
  12. Hello, I've been using The Safe Cig for 2 weeks now, it works great, but I've been feeling really funky and don't know whether to blame it or maybe I'm having other problems. I have the 11MG carts and take around 8-10 puffs every hour or so. I don't have any reaction right away after I puff, it comes later and builds as the day goes on. Been having trouble focusing and thinking straight. It gets pretty bad and I'm having trouble functioning. Do you suppose there's something in the cart that's not agreeing with me? Has anyone else had this problem? I would appreciate any input and advice.
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