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    Houston County, Goergia

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  1. I believe that those B&M's were being greedy and I also think they need to do a little more research. I think if you shut down internet sales the B&M will make good money for a short period of time then there supply would never keep up with the demand. More stores would have to open and customer service, if you can find it now,lol, would be a thing of the past. It would be a mess for everyone. And without the internet sales this would not have caught on as quick and those B&M tha tare so loud about shutting down the internet sales wouldn't be open for business in the first place. Again...........just my opinion.
  2. I like Blue Moo and the Banana Cream Pie
  3. Great Idea, Thanks for sharing.
  4. I have tried Mothers Milk only. It was very good.
  5. It looks like it is getting good reviews...........Aquatroy...........why the MEH...................?
  6. I have thought about it but I have not bought one yet. What is the life span on these?
  7. I believe that for $40 the MVP is a "no brainer" That is almost half the regular price. It is a battery, so no extra batteries to buy and no extra charges to buy. Just my Opinion.
  8. You could look into the Vision spinner 1300 Mah or the new Vision Spinner 2 1600 Mah. They have VV and charge just like her ego batteries.
  9. I think you should go into a few B&M near you. Most of them will let you try the juice before you buy it. It would also give you the chance to put your hands on some of the different options you have for tanks and batteries ect.
  10. I have to agree that a tank would be easier and safer with the children. Evod tanks are very good for flavor , easy to get parts and cheap enough to buy one for each flavor.
  11. All I can say is that it can go as high as 19 Watts, so you could go down to 1 Ohm and possibly lower.
  12. I think the B&M Vapor stores are just like all other B&M's. Some are good and some are bad for many reasons. Like the diner down the street with the high prices and the bad waitress' I like to sample new juices and put my hands on new products before I buy, I also like to save money online when I buy coils and such. I think both have there place. And for me, I do like to get out from behind this computer and interact with people face to face ......................
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