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The Curdler

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  1. Peanut Butter Cookies!
  2. I've tried to stomach a "Beer" flavored juice one time, but had to call it quits a few hits in :') I think it could be a good prank though, tell your bud you've got the best flavor out & watch him hit it & try to find the greatness. But whatchu got Vapor Talk?
  3. Naw man I haven't found a decent one yet! 420 on campus is incredibly behind but I forgive them because they're relatively new in the vape game & just opened a new location for only e-cigs & liquid. I actually did get my Pro Tank II there, even though they charged me 25 bucks Found a few places in Broad Ripple that have an absolutely insane selection (to me at least): Indy Smoke Time & Don's Vapors But honestly I get all of my liquid from my bud's dad. Every few months or so he gives me 15-20 half-filled bottles so I haven't paid for juice since I first started. How's that Evod though? I've only hit one a couple times & the guy didn't really seem to know why it was hitting so harsh/weak. I bet theyre usually better than that though!
  4. crush02342002 - Definitely better for me than the Nova tank in that pic. Had one problem after the first refill (actually just got the ProTank a little over a week ago) where no vapor was being produced at all. Re-cleaned & let it air dry for about 5 hours, moderately big clouds since then. wizard46304 - I go to IU in Bloomington. Fellow Hoosier?! Also, still a noob, how big of a difference in cloud size would 100% VG be for me? I've mostly been using hand-me-down bottles of 50-50 that my roomie's dad gives me for free. Definitely wouldn't miss that little burn too much ahah!
  5. I don't think there's a good way to do this without it being a little awkward ahah. I've been vaping for just about a year now - started off with a Kanger TS3 last July and immediately loved it. Eventually I upgraded to a Vivi Nova tank & 1300 Mah Spinner, but since I've replaced the Nova with the Protank II as my main tank. Most of my friends are cool with vaping & enjoy it but like the taste of tobacco (namely Black & Mild Wines) more than that of e-liquid. So that's kind of why I'm here, just hoping to learn a lil bit with some fellow vapers
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