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    YayForBeer got a reaction from kitsune in Moving On?   
    Hi everybody!

    Been a long time since I've posted here, but I have returned.. to enjoy your free expertise.

    It's been over 2 years now since I got my Joye 510, and it's pretty much changed my life. But I have a question..

    It seems that my rig has become obsolete.. or is it just me??

    I'm currently using the same old school atomizers, the same regular carts (which I drip in), and the standard eGo 650 batteries. I've become comfortable with this setup, after 2 years, and it still works great for me.

    If I'm looking to move on to something a little more modern, but stick with the Joye brand, what should I check out? Keep in mind that I don't mind dripping at all.. convenience is not a problem.. I'm just worried that my stuff is outdated, and may not be available soon. And also, it would be nice to have a more slim-line E-Cig, rather than this big bulky eGo battery. Is that possible?

    I would appreciate any opinions. Thanks!
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    YayForBeer got a reaction from Phaseman66 in Hey!   
    Just wanted to say Hi to everybody. It's officially been one full year since I bought my first E-Cig. I've stuck with the Joye 510 the whole time, and still dig it. I have my own personal stock now, and buying Vaping supplies is up there with grocery shopping, paying the bills, and walking the dog, lol.

    I've since moved on to things like flavored juice, eGo batteries, fancy chargers, etc. I'm not much for modding and such (maybe in year 2) but I've found it almost as much of a hobby as it is a way to save myself from cigarettes.

    Now, and I know some of you will want to smack me, I do still smoke analogs at bars that permit, and on occasion while driving to and from work. (Especially after a bad day) But the ECig has offered me one very important thing that I never had before. Freedom. I can have one, and dare I say even enjoy it, and not have another one for a week. It's the freedom from addiction. Sure I need my ECig, but at least I'm not addicted to something that's searing my lungs. However there's a great feeling of triumph in buying a pack, and literally owning it for weeks. My finances have NOTICEABLY increased. It absolutely blew my mind how much money I saved.

    I can run up the stairs at work now. I got a new Apartment in October that doesn't allow smoking, and I haven't smoked a single cigarette inside. My clothes, bed, carpets, electronics all smell better. My walls aren't yellow. People at work and in my social life have told me that I don't smell like stale cigarettes anymore. I don't leave my desk to smoke anymore. And one of the best things, it's a great conversation piece! I've even got a few folks at work/friends/family using them now, and it's so good to know they'll be around a little longer because of these great products.

    Anyway, I don't hang out and post here nearly as much as I should, but I'm always very busy. But It was the friendliness of this community that made me decide to go forward with vaping, and I just hope that everybody here is still doing great, and vaping it up! Here's to another year (mostly) smoke free!!


    Yay F. Beer
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