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YayForBeer last won the day on August 4 2012

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About YayForBeer

  • Birthday 05/23/1981

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    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    Hockey, Video Games, Drinking

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  1. Thanks again for all of the great info. I ordered a 5 pack of Vision Nano clearomizers about a week ago.. they've been working great. No leaking. A little bit of a pain in the butt to fill, but I can deal with that. They last about a week a piece, and are only $3 compared to the $5 or $6 vision stardust. Another question.. I've found I can hook this clearomizer up to a blu battery. I keep a blu setup around just for emergencies. But I was curious, will it work with a blu battery long term? If so, I was thinking about hooking it up with my extended blu battery and using it, because it just looks really cool
  2. Awesome, thanks for all the advice.
  3. Thanks for the reply! I have seen these same two devices in several other forums as recommendations. When you say "leaking" do you mean leaking into the battery? I find that happens a lot, even when they're brand new. I have to unscrew it, and dry off the battery contacts and threads every few hits.. I can't imagine that's good for battery life either...
  4. HI all! Hope everybody had a great Holiday. Haven't posted here since Summer. I've been using the Stardust Clearomizers for a while now, probably since late Summer, early Fall. They're great.. for about the first 3 days. After that, they drop off considerably.... at $5 a pop, that's not a great value. I use the eGo style 650 and 1100 batteries... and I like them, no issues with the size or duration. My question is.. should I be using a different cartomizer/clearomizer? I kind of feel like I'm getting ripped off by the Stardust clearomizers. I do pretty heavy vaping.. maybe that's just life, and they don't last long when doing heavy vaping? If that's the case, then fine, I can live with that.. but is there something out there that lasts longer, or is easier to clean? I would love to hear some opinions... Thanks!
  5. Hi everybody! Been a long time since I've posted here, but I have returned.. to enjoy your free expertise. It's been over 2 years now since I got my Joye 510, and it's pretty much changed my life. But I have a question.. It seems that my rig has become obsolete.. or is it just me?? I'm currently using the same old school atomizers, the same regular carts (which I drip in), and the standard eGo 650 batteries. I've become comfortable with this setup, after 2 years, and it still works great for me. If I'm looking to move on to something a little more modern, but stick with the Joye brand, what should I check out? Keep in mind that I don't mind dripping at all.. convenience is not a problem.. I'm just worried that my stuff is outdated, and may not be available soon. And also, it would be nice to have a more slim-line E-Cig, rather than this big bulky eGo battery. Is that possible? I would appreciate any opinions. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the info! How does one go about mixing two juices? Can I just mix some of the other stuff I have with the newer stuff I bought, or is it more scientific than that? Seems if I drop half of the new stuff, and half of the old stuff in my cart, I get some pretty good vapor .. (And some interesting flavors.. peanut butter menthol!?) If that's unsafe to do, maybe I should stop doing it. But I have a ton of small fruit bottles, and would not mind mixing those with my new all PG menthol juice if it means it won't go to waste. Also, glad to meet a fellow yinzer! How bout those Bucs this year!? - Yay F. Beer
  7. An unfortunate update.. It seems that after maybe 20-30 minutes, this same thing happens no matter what atomizer I use. I plug in a different cart, with juice from my normal supplier (dragonfly) and I still get clouds of vapor. I've tried 4 different atomizers, and a cartomizer. They all work fine with juice I did not buy from tastyvapor. There's got to be something about "all pg" juice. I can seriously take a 5+ second hit, drag it all in, and breath out, and nothing comes out. I can feel the hit, it's very strong.. but there is no vapor.
  8. I must say that I am also now a lifetime client of Tasty Vapors. I had been getting menthol juice from Dragonfly (my original supplier) for a year, and while it was decent.. it didn't have anywhere near the throat hit and soothing icy aloe feel that this juice has. This stuff is amazing. This may be what breaks me away from real cigs forever. It hits harder and offers much more menthol feel than even a camel menthol with the blue pill cracked... Just thought I'd throw that out there. (Maybe that belongs in the supplier category instead) - Yay F. Beer
  9. Indeed it was the atomizer! Just got home and swapped it out, and I'm back to nice full clouds of vapor. Thanks everybody! - Yay F. Beer
  10. Thanks all. I'm going to have to do some experimenting when I get home. I'm hitting it the same way I've been hitting it for the past year, with the regular juices I ordered from my original supplier. Literally no vapor comes out at all. I can taste the hit, and it's very very strong, one would expect a massive cloud. It's got to be something with atomizer I'm using.. it's probably a good month old if not older at this point. Thanks again!
  11. Hi all - So I tried the website "Tasty Vapor" at the urging of a friend. I was quite impressed by all their choices, and I must say, I like the bottle style (with a more precise dripper) better than my usual supplier, and the prices were lower, and it shipped just as fast. However, when I checked out, I was given the option to make it "ALL PG" or a few different percentages of "SG." Now, obviously it's my fault for not researching, but I chose ALL PG for both bottles. Everything is perfect with this juice, except when I inhale completely, and exhale, there is no vapor!! If I just breath it in, but don't inhale, and blow it out, there's a giant cloud. Now since then, I've read that one of the side effects of PG is that there's less vapor.. but absolutely none? Is there anything I can add to these bottles to increase the vapor output? Or maybe there is something wrong with my atomizer? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Yay F. Beer
  12. Just wanted to say Hi to everybody. It's officially been one full year since I bought my first E-Cig. I've stuck with the Joye 510 the whole time, and still dig it. I have my own personal stock now, and buying Vaping supplies is up there with grocery shopping, paying the bills, and walking the dog, lol. I've since moved on to things like flavored juice, eGo batteries, fancy chargers, etc. I'm not much for modding and such (maybe in year 2) but I've found it almost as much of a hobby as it is a way to save myself from cigarettes. Now, and I know some of you will want to smack me, I do still smoke analogs at bars that permit, and on occasion while driving to and from work. (Especially after a bad day) But the ECig has offered me one very important thing that I never had before. Freedom. I can have one, and dare I say even enjoy it, and not have another one for a week. It's the freedom from addiction. Sure I need my ECig, but at least I'm not addicted to something that's searing my lungs. However there's a great feeling of triumph in buying a pack, and literally owning it for weeks. My finances have NOTICEABLY increased. It absolutely blew my mind how much money I saved. I can run up the stairs at work now. I got a new Apartment in October that doesn't allow smoking, and I haven't smoked a single cigarette inside. My clothes, bed, carpets, electronics all smell better. My walls aren't yellow. People at work and in my social life have told me that I don't smell like stale cigarettes anymore. I don't leave my desk to smoke anymore. And one of the best things, it's a great conversation piece! I've even got a few folks at work/friends/family using them now, and it's so good to know they'll be around a little longer because of these great products. Anyway, I don't hang out and post here nearly as much as I should, but I'm always very busy. But It was the friendliness of this community that made me decide to go forward with vaping, and I just hope that everybody here is still doing great, and vaping it up! Here's to another year (mostly) smoke free!! Regards, Yay F. Beer
  13. Thanks for the replies all! I've been liberally dripping the apple E-Juice into my normal menthol, it's quite amazing. I'm happy I didn't go and dump them in together, wouldn't have been as good. Looking forward to mixing the menthol with strawberry and coffee soon
  14. So... I bought a couple 10ML bottles of flavors, my first. I find that they don't provide the hit that my menthol juice does, since they're designed to obviously be a non-menthol style with said flavor. Can I just dump one of em into a half 30ML bottle of Menthol and get a cool result, or is it not recommended to mix?
  15. That's funny as all heck. She's thinking - "My boyfriend let a baseball hit me, but at least he wears his hat sideways which is really cool!" Odds are pretty high that dude also drives a stock Dodge Neon with a spoiler and a racing stripe.
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