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Everything posted by jaymitiguy

  1. I never said the FDA was doing the right thing, but in the short term, the let the industry live to fight another day. Given their track record on tobacco restrictions and policies, I firmly believe their recent ruling could have been a lot more detrimental to vaping. I want to align myself with this industry and it's goals so we can work together to prevent burdensome and unnecessary legislation.
  2. Not really sure what about this seems uneducated or BS? I admitted that I'm not an expert, hence joining a forum to learn more. I guess that's what us thin skinned beligerant organisms do... Not much else to do in this little closet I'm locked up in...
  3. Compenstine, I do appreciate your initial response to my question. My apologies for lumping you into my rant - the statement on my use of cigs was intended for Aqua, not you. I wasn't expecting everyone to have usable information based on experience, but I figured a Vapor Forum would be a great place to look for a group of shop owners whose brains I could pick to gain insight. I'm not looking for anyone to do my job for me, or to give me all the answers I'm looking for. I'm just looking for people to share knowledge so we can work together to grow this industry. As an aside though, I will refute your accusation on my knowledge of the FDA and it's funding sources and motives. My background in tobacco, grocery and pharmaceutical distribution allow me to have very intimate ties with the FDA and the processes they use.
  4. Are you referring to the mechanics of a vaporizer/e-cig or to what my experience physically using the devices is? I fully understand the operation and use of a vaporizer and could clearly communicate it to a new user or someone seeking to learn more. On the flip side, since I have never needed to use one, I have less experience in that realm, although I'm not incompentent as I sample every device I've come across. Part of gaining knowledge and experience is looking for information from other, more experienced people, which is what I was hoping to do by joining this forum. Unfortunately, I seem to have upset some people and have thus rendered this site useless to me now that all I get for responses are condescending rhetoric. My intent was not to "prey" on anyone, but to merely gain knowledge from people I would assume to be more experienced and willing to help those who have legitimate questions. I guess my assumption was wrong and I'll stick to asking people who are openminded to helping those looking to gain insight. Sorry to have pissed in your sandbox.
  5. Before I launch into my diatribe about how much disdain I hold for arrogant, self-righteous tools, I'll just let you know your comments are completely unwarranted and it's because of people like you that I sleep peacefully at night knowing I'm not nearly as much of a ****** as you... The purpose of the question I posed was to help understand more about the experiences that other people have had opening up B&M locations focused on vaping and the evolving demands of the consumer base. I never asked anyone to tell how much they expect I could/will need to open a shop, my revenue expecations, or anything specific to my plans. It was merely an inquisition into the experiences of others and what they've learned. Compenstine - While I have been fortunate enough to have never picked up the nasty habit of smoking, I see the benefits of vaping first hand and have been researching the industry for the last 6 months or so. I'm not a user but I know enough to carry on a conversation with the experienced vaper. I do have more experience in traditional e-cigs given my background in tobacco distribution and the changes within that marketplace. I've been closely monitoring legislation at both the Federal, state and local levels and have recently seen some small victories at each level which has given me hope to move forward with my vision. While I agree the Feds are doing their damndest to put big tobacco down, this isn't Big Tobacco. Yes, Altria, Lorillard, and RJR all have e-cig divisions, but those are separate entities and have little association with their parent corporation aside from utilization of their economies of scale in their sales and marketing departments. AquaTroy - Your arrogance and unnecessary comments really serve no purpose in a place like this. In my experience, a forum is a place to discuss concepts, share ideas, and collaborate to ahieve common goals. Never in my experience has a forum been a place to bash, belittle, and discourage people with legitimate ideas. Maybe your attitude has something to do with why you ONLY WORK at a Vape Shop instead of owning your own. Thanks for the suggestion about attending a community college, but I think I'll take my higher education elsewhere. Also - I have a very strong understanding of what makes a successful retail shop, and your bold assumption that I was fishing for people to do that work for me is insulting and truly distasteful. I wish you luck in bettering yourself and your career opportunities.
  6. Thanks for the insight Aqua. Glad you could be of such great assistance in the matter...
  7. Hey All, I'm putting together a business plan to secure financing for opening a vapor shop in the North East and I was hoping some of you experienced shop owners wouldn't mind offering some information to guide me through the process. At this point, I'm working on a 12 month pro forma and I have very little conrete information on average gross margins, total sales volumes, licensing expenses, insurance costs etc. If anyone is willing to help me on this, I'd be forever indebted. Thanks much, Jay
  8. Hey Everyone, Just dropping a quick line to introduce myself. I'm fairly new to the vaping industry and well in tune with the e-cig category. Never been a smoker, but I see a great opportunity here and want to help push this movement! Looks like a lot of cool stuff going on around here and I'm looking forward to contributing. Take care, Jay
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