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burny reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery - Update!
You won't believe it! I received an email yesterday stating that my order has moved from 'fulfillment' to 'awaiting shipment'! That's right folks...76 DAYS LATER...and my order is supposedly done and waiting to be shipped out. Keep in mind it still states 10-18 business days on their websites....LOL. And they completely ignored all attempts I made to cancel this order. I don't care how good her stuff is...never again! Autumn
Mtdobies reacted to a post in a topic: What are your all day vapes?
Alice in Vapelands Mang-ri-la and PureVapes Vanilla Custard! I am working with Alice in Vapelands White Rabbit as well...really interesting flavor.
Vanilla custard, extra flavor and 2 sweetener. I always get extra flavor if it is available but strong flavor is really important to me! I am going to head over to vapeland or giantvapes to order more of this delicious Mang-ri-la right now. I purchased the sampler pack and 3ML is gonna be gone by tomorrow AM!!! I will take the cap off the cookie and let it set for a week and see what happens. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Mtdobies reacted to a post in a topic: Mang-ri-la and Epic Cookie FAIL
Just an opinion post: Alice in Vapeland...I am sending you a fruit basket for this one! Holy Mang-ri-la, straight out of the bottle and I need a year supply STAT! This is the stuff of legends. I can't wait to try my other 5 flavors from them! Epic Cookie Fantasy from Pure Vapes....is an Epic Cookie Fail as of now. I have had it for a few days and I can't use it at all. The taste is so far from cookie in any form...I don't know why though. The custard I got from Pure Vapes is 'knock-my-socks-off' delicious! So I will let the Epic Cookie Fail steep for a couple weeks and see if there is a difference. WoooHoo!! Alice in Vapeland made my whole night!
Bebop reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Mtdobies reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Differing opinions are not a problem. The world would be a very boring place if we all thought the same. However, rudeness isn't necessary. There is a much more courteous way of communicating. Jeff, I agree and thank you. Since when did smokers have sole rights to vaping?
Compenstine reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Jeffb reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Aquatroy- I don't know you and I am going to assume you didn't bother to reread your post before putting it out there...because it is very rude. I am a 34 year old adult and I certainly did not start vaping because I thought it looked cool. Social aspect was referring to my husband and most of our friends smoking. When they go outside to have a cigarette, I am usually the only one left sitting by myself and when we are in a public place, I am uncomfortable with it. While I certainly do not have to smoke to go outdoors with them while they do, if I choose to vape instead....well, what is YOUR problem with that? For you to insinuate that I am forcing my body to become addicted to something AND calling me stupid? Completely out of line. If I understand the proponents of e-cigarettes correctly, nicotine in this form is no more harmful to my body that my regular cup of coffee or glass of tea. Am I a moron for my morning cup of joe? Would you like to explain what an idiot I am for having a soda with my burger? I mean, my post personally offends you to the point of name calling and offensive comments towards me? To everyone who liked his rude post, I guess I must have misunderstood your original intent...everyone has been so friendly and helpful until now. I could be rude right back and point out that I am not the STUPID one who ever got addicted to cigarettes in the first place, since it is pretty widely known how detrimental they are to your health, but what will that solve? In the end, you are entitled to your opinion. I just can't understand why you must be so rude about it.
What is this raining all over my parade!??!!? Dang it....
Compenstine- I considered that it could be the nicotine but I am using the smallest amount at 3mg. Also, it doesn't happen with all juices. I can vape stuff from VapeDudes and Space Jam with no problem at all. I have some 30/70 VG with 3mg nicotine coming and I am eager to see how that goes. If it is unsuccessful, I will be trying 0 nic.
Mtdobies reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Tam- I am about to blow your mind....I have never been a smoker! I actually started vaping because I like the social aspect of smoking with friends but I never could get used to a cigarette. And I have this theory about nicotine and cravings. So, genius that I am, I decided that if I vape very delicious, dessert like liquids with low nicotine, I should be able to kick my sweets cravings....RIGHT?!!? I mean, it is swimsuit season! So, no I don't know that it is a PG sensitivity for certain. Any time I try vaping a liquid over 50/50 I feel awful though. I didn't realize Velvet Vapors was 70/30 when I ordered it and I couldn't understand why I felt so sick when it finally got here and I tried it until I did some investigating. Compenstine-thank you for the link! I can't be a noob...EWWWW! Must...learn...algebra!!! Mtdobies - we will just be best algebra buddies and learn togetha!!
Autumn reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Mtdobies reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
It is very sad. I have discovered a bit of a PG sensitivity, so anything over 50/50 makes me feel awful. Headache, nausea...just yuck. I spend entirely too much time trying to figure out exactly what everyone is talking about with these different tanks and mods and coils and such! Good grief, you all speak a completely different language! There are so many abbreviations that I can't figure it out! At this point, I am pretty sure that I need a chart so I can keep straight which juice to vape in which tank at what voltage...LOL. Anyone want to help me with my chart?!!?
Mtdobies reacted to a post in a topic: Ms. T's Bakery?
Oh my, I have been on a spending spree...this is worrisome, to say the least. I can't even remember all the things I ordered. I think I am most excited about the Mang-ri-la from Alice in Vape Land! It is so hard to decide what to try. Too many options!!
How can I get this Fadora?!?!
I have been looking through reviews and popular options. I love VapeDudes but I am having issues with their website! They changed it recently and now I can't log into my account....and I haven't heard back from them on how to address the issue. I will go check out Fadora and Five Pawns. I have to get Custards Last Stand from Nicoticket tonight!