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    Delacroix118 got a reaction from wikidbitch in Steeping questions   
    I've tried this method today with a juice I had. My problem wasn't that the juice had a strange bad flavor, it was more lack of flavor. I can say so far this hasn't done anything for me. I'm now letting it steep naturally in a cupboard with the lid off for a few days.
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    Delacroix118 got a reaction from Mtdobies in Adam Bomb - Strawberry Lemonade = tasteless?   
    So I picked up an MVP v2 and wow I'm loving it. I know that it's not a huge upgrade from my EGO Twist but man it's tasting a lot better. I broke down and filled my aerotank like 40% full of my Adam Bomb Strawberry Lemonade that has been steeping for about 5 days and yeah there's a huge difference.

    Also the MVP has VV and VW, I'm not sure what the point of having both is, could somebody enlighten me a bit on that?
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    Delacroix118 got a reaction from Mtdobies in Adam Bomb - Strawberry Lemonade = tasteless?   
    Hey no prob. You said flan is good? And you can taste it well even with vapers tongue? I seem too lose my taste a lot when I vape the same juice all day. Maybe I should try that. These dragon juices sound interesting as well. I've noticed that I do lean towards the creamy flavors. Need to get some online, I'm just nervous to buy something I can't try first. I always go to my local shop and sample a billion flavors then pick one lol.
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