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Everything posted by Delacroix118

  1. I should also note that after he set it up for me he also dripped the juice the first time to saturate the wick, I took like 5 or so draws from that that tasted absolutely perfect. So maybe it's the way I'm adding more juice?
  2. I don't have an ohm meter. The I just bought it today from my local vape shop from a very reputable builder. I'm sure that it's where it's supposed to be. I think it's really just me. My technique or something.
  3. So I got my first big boy pv today. A nemesis with a rebuildable atty. However, I am very new to dripping and I know that I am doing it wrong. I'm getting a lot of super warm burnty tasting draws. Sometimes I get a smooth warm amazing tasty draw with huge clouds but I can't do in consistently. Actually 6 out of 10 of my draws are burnt or off tasting. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? How many drops on the wick do you normally do? Also what is the indication that you are ready to redrip the wick. Maybe I just have to get used to my device. Any help will be much appreciated.
  4. My collection thus far.
  5. Andromeda is probably the best juice I've ever vaped period. The flavor is so complex but so delicious. Initial taste is a blueberry sorta tart, goes away fast and you get a sweet red fruit flavor then the aroma slight fullness of a cream. It's so good.
  6. I recently picked up 2 bottles of Zeus Juice. Flavors: Medusa and Straw Melon Cooler. The Medusa smells and tastes delicious... then... several draws later I get a burnt taste. I didn't change my vv/vw at all. This was in my Aerotank with stock coil etc. So I then turned the vw down a bit and still burnt. I then swapped out coils, the first handfull of draws were delicious then again burnt taste. So I dumped the tank out cleaned it nicely and filled it with the straw melon cooler. Never got a burnt taste after a half day or so of vaping it. So then again I fill with the Medusa... tastes amazing for a few draws and BAM burnt taste again. So I dump the tank then fill it up with my Strawberry Lemonade (Adam Bomb). Tastes delicious, no burnt taste at all. So I'm still fairly new to vaping and I'm not sure why this would be happening. It sucks though cause the Medusa tastes delicious. Any help would be amazing. Thanks.
  7. Oh I gotcha, so they override each other? I was like how the hell can you control both without changing your resistance of atty? lol
  8. So I picked up an MVP v2 and wow I'm loving it. I know that it's not a huge upgrade from my EGO Twist but man it's tasting a lot better. I broke down and filled my aerotank like 40% full of my Adam Bomb Strawberry Lemonade that has been steeping for about 5 days and yeah there's a huge difference. Also the MVP has VV and VW, I'm not sure what the point of having both is, could somebody enlighten me a bit on that?
  9. Well I've been steeping three flavors since Saturday. Fraho (EpicJuice), Strawberry Lemonade (Adam Bomb), and Planet of the Grapes (Vaping Monkey). The smells have changed slightly to all of them. The most notable being Fraho, which is a creamy tobacco flavor. I've filled my iClear16 with the 4 day steeped fraho and I can tell a huge difference. It's much more creamy and less "sharp" tasting. The hard cigar flavor has gone perfectly into the background slightly and the creaminess has moved up front. Right now this is tasting fantastic. I have not tried the other two yet, and I wish I had a dripper so I don't have to fill a tank up just to try a sample to see how steeping is progressing. I'm pretty tempted to try the strawberry lemonade now in my Aerotank, but I'm scared to waste a half tank or so if it's still not ready. Also half way through the steeping I filled my EVOD with the grape and I noticed that the "cough syrupie" taste has dissipated quite a bit and is much more enjoyable as an all day vape. Anyways.... I just wanted to update a bit on my steeping progress. The only thing that is now troubling me is that I don't really know how I can sample a small amount without filling up a tank. Man... I need a dripper.... an affordable one.
  10. Hey no prob. You said flan is good? And you can taste it well even with vapers tongue? I seem too lose my taste a lot when I vape the same juice all day. Maybe I should try that. These dragon juices sound interesting as well. I've noticed that I do lean towards the creamy flavors. Need to get some online, I'm just nervous to buy something I can't try first. I always go to my local shop and sample a billion flavors then pick one lol.
  11. I've tried this method today with a juice I had. My problem wasn't that the juice had a strange bad flavor, it was more lack of flavor. I can say so far this hasn't done anything for me. I'm now letting it steep naturally in a cupboard with the lid off for a few days.
  12. I've tried all of these. My favorite by far is Andromeda. It's an amazing flavor. It's probably the only flavor I've had yet that I will probably re buy.
  13. I got it steeping now with the cap off. I'll let it go for a few days and see what happens.
  14. @Tameiki yeah I think I'm going to experiment more with steeping. Although I've read that if you steep with the cap off you lose flavor? Don't know how true this is, but at this point I'm willing to try anything otherwise I have a $12 bottle of juice that might as well be water.
  15. The coil I bought brand new. I've tried turning my volts up .2 at a time untill I tasted a burnty taste and then turned it down. it's only 6mg nicotine. I don't drink enough water that's for sure. In fact I never really drink water. I live on soda.
  16. Hi Blanche, I'm still very new to vaping. But I do enjoy tobacco flavor. I've found a flavor from a company called EpicJuice. The flavor is called Fraho. I really really love the flavor. The inhale is like a creamy tobacco flavor and the exhale tastes of a nice quality cigar. I've tried a lot of tobacco flavors and this is the only one that I can say I taste a legit tobacco taste from. I bought this from a local vape shop here in town, but here is a link to it. http://csvape.com/shop/e-juices-2/epic-juice-fraho/ Hope you find what you are looking for.
  17. What's up guys. I have only been vaping for about a month now so I am definitely still a noob, however I have been trying to find a juice that is my go to, all day everyday yum yum sauce. So anyways, I've picked up some Strawberry Lemonade from a local vape shop here and in store on their testers (EGO Twist w/ what looked like a champion tank) the flavor came out pretty descent, enough for me to buy it. However upon buying it and returning home loading my tank up... I found it to be almost tasteless. I mean it's such a faint aroma and can't really taste it at all. I'm currently using a EGO twist w/ Kanger Aerotank. I also have a Kanger EVOD and an iCLear16. Anyways I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I just have no idea why the flavor is so different to me.
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