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Everything posted by Roxabox

  1. Agreed. Unfortunately the e-liqs have expiration dates so if you do buy in bulk it won't last a lifetime.
  2. Mt. Baker's rainbow sherbet and it tastes exactly like rainbow sherbet! Can't wait to try my sweet cream and bananas foster from Mt. Baker as well.
  3. What?? Snow? Man, that sucks. I'm certainly never moving to your state! Lol.
  4. Same here, as soon as I get out of work at 5 that's when they're calling for thunderstorms, figures.
  5. Just for today though, the rest of the 10 day forecast is in the 60s which is still nice considering since March the highest it's been was high 50s. This has got to be the crappiest spring I've experienced here in upstate NY. By the time summer hits there will only be 3 months of warm weather then back to 9 months of hibernating.
  6. I'm pretty sure it's just banned in New York City not throughout the entire state. I could be wrong though.
  7. Let me know how it is! I saw some that were cheaper but I was afraid to go too low in price and get some hong kong knock off or something so I went by the cheapest one that had good customer ratings. I do want to get more though so if they're legit that's awesome.
  8. I haven't asked yet. I assume I could since I'm in an office but I do deal with customers as well so I'll have to double check with someone. And it's not banned in New York yet. Though I do hope it doesn't ever get banned that'd suck having to go outside with all the regular cigarette smokers just to smoke my e-cig.
  9. I do prefer my popcorn to be at least somewhat edible though. Lol.
  10. I got mine for 23.80 and free shipping on Ebay.
  11. Then I get to go home, relax, eat dinner then puff on my e-cig...but for the time being I think I'm going to pop some popcorn!
  12. I think it looks silly. Lol. Plus it's very top heavy so I have to be extra careful when going to set it down on a hard surface.
  13. Nice! I wish mine looked like that. I dread the day that I break my glass, I know it will happen and with my luck it will happen at the most inconvenient time. :[
  14. http://www.13wham.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/senators-warn-carcinogen-risk-ecigarettes-11773.shtml I know there has been a similar topic about this but sometimes I wonder if there are actual risks to smoking e-cigs or if the government just wants to regulate and tax e-cigarettes since it's taking from their tobacco earnings. I hate seeing articles like this because I feel so good about quitting the traditional cigarette and smoking my e-cig. Now I worry about smoking my e-cig.
  15. Along with my e-liquid. I'm excited! I love love love the Nautilus tank! It does look a bit ridiculous on my Atmos RX Raw battery since the tank is huge compared to it but I love how you can adjust the airflow and how smooth it makes every hit. I'll attach an image of my ridiculous looking e-cig when I get home from work.
  16. Do you know much about Irving, TX? That's where I'm looking to move. As long as the crime rate is lower than here I'll take it. Murders and shootings happen so frequently here that I skim right over those headlines when I read the news.
  17. I ordered myself a Aspire Nautilus (from Ebay) and 3 E-Liqs (from Mt. Baker Vapor) on Sunday and they both came in the mail today! I'm surprised with how fast the shipping was and I didn't even pay for express!
  18. http://nypost.com/2014/04/29/albany-moves-to-ban-e-cigs-in-public-after-citys-ban/ This was the most recent article I could find. It appears they're trying to ban public indoor e-cig use in all cities throughout the state. It's currently banned in NYC but not yet banned anywhere else in the state.
  19. Thank you!
  20. Is there a way to enable notifications for the forum for when someone replies to a thread of mine or quotes a post of mine? People have been replying to my threads and posts but I don't get notifications I have to actually try and find all my posts and threads to see if someone replied.
  21. I just ordered an Aspire Nautilus yesterday and seeing this thread makes me nervous about how easily the glass breaks. Now I better order a heavy duty case.
  22. I haven't gained any weight from vaping but I've only just quit cigarettes 23 days ago so who knows. The only thing I could see affecting my weight with an ecig would be the sweet e-liq flavors making me want to eat sweets all the time. :P
  23. I live in Upstate NY and have used my ecig in many places without an issue. I sure hope it's not banned but it's probably exactly what Laura says- if the person who owns the property doesn't want you smoking your ecig they can ban it on their property.
  24. Ordering online is the way to go for pretty much everything. The only thing I hate about ordering online is WAITING. I'm so impatient that sometimes I seriously consider paying an extra 10 bucks for overnight shipping.
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