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LauraBeauty got a reaction from Mtdobies in What is your favorite Mt Baker Vapor flavor?
I personally love their irish cream. It's just so yummy!
LauraBeauty got a reaction from Mtdobies in It's 80 degrees here, finally!
Our cats go crazy for summer weather! They all line up on our balcony and sit outside in the heat. I keep thinking that they'll overheat but they eventually come back inside when they're too warm. But they love it. Myself on the other hand am not a fan of the hot and sticky weather. I just don't like breaking into a sweat just walking down my driveway to get the mail. It's been real warm lately. Thank god for floor fans and cold mai tais!
LauraBeauty got a reaction from Bebop in Battery Safety
I think what Bebop is trying to align is that those charts are created as a pretty legit, standard notion of what is safe and what is not safe. If it isn't safe, then no matter how many people on an online forum say it is, it is not safe. We can't go against the ohm law and there are some inexperienced people on here who might be those five that say they do it all of the time. Pushing any battery limits put stress on the battery and puts stress on your device and ultimate is how things get dangerous.
LauraBeauty got a reaction from mvince201 in Battery Safety
I think what Bebop is trying to align is that those charts are created as a pretty legit, standard notion of what is safe and what is not safe. If it isn't safe, then no matter how many people on an online forum say it is, it is not safe. We can't go against the ohm law and there are some inexperienced people on here who might be those five that say they do it all of the time. Pushing any battery limits put stress on the battery and puts stress on your device and ultimate is how things get dangerous.
LauraBeauty got a reaction from mommabird62 in Hi from Texas!
Whenever I google something about vaping I always come across a page from this website so I decided to post and introduce myself. I'm Laura and I'm from Texas. I have been a smoker for ten years prior to switching over to vaping and I didn't actually switch as gracefully as many others had. It was kind of a battle between the cigarettes and vaping. When I started vaping it wasn't really popular and people kind of looked at me strange and didn't really understand what I was doing. But then there was our first actual vape shop in the area. And they did a bunch of fun events like releases, classes, and gave kind of a social outlet to encourage me to continue on this vaping pattern.
I wasn't going to continue until a really cute man stepped out from behind the counter and showed me an amazing setup. I still go to him for setup instructions and recommendations; however, I don't have to go very far as he's often in the living room rebuilding his own setup. (Yup, we got married!)
I think meeting my husband through the vaping community was a really healthy step in the right direction. I know people can't quit unless they want to, but sometimes a right push.... or special interest ... in the right direction can really help!
I have a lot of different setups since my hubby does run the shop. So whenever there is something new we're almost always trying it at home first before we sell it. Right now I'm vaping my K100 with my Atomic RBA. It's a pretty simple but sweet setup. Coil is built at a .7ohm. Big fluffy clouds with cool smoke.
Vaping has not only saved my health and life but now has brought a new family together revolving around a growing hobby.
Fun stuff! Hope to meet some more cool people in the community!
LauraBeauty reacted to charliestheman in Newby Question - Can I buy a pre made quad coil build or a cheap pre made for superior vapor and cheap cost?
Wrapping coils is quite easy, you don't have to do the crazy "diamond nano micro flux capacitor" type builds. Start with a nice dual coil build. You really only build one coil then you match the other one (checking they test out even though)
Just get a 1/16 or so drill bit (by your location comment I'm thinking you probably have one somewhere close) and wrap wire around it not over lapping. I started by doing a 12 coil wrap and putting it on the ohm meter. If you want a 1 ohm dual coil build, you're shooting for a 2 ohm coil. If it's less, add more wraps and test that. Once the ohm is right, make a twin with the same number of wraps. Pinch off some cotton from an organic cotton ball ($3 a bag at CVS) and place it in the palm of your hand, then slide hands back and fourth like you're warming them up, and poke it into the coil so it sticking out both ends like a mustache, trim the ends down to 1/4 inch or so on each end.
Get you 100 foot of 28 guage and ideally you may want to have a little 30 guage on hand too
That's a decent setup you've posted but other members can probably link you individually to something they'd recommend over it. I'll grab some links.
Here's the cotton balls
Ohm Meter
LauraBeauty reacted to fishguy1123 in Vaping in public places in the state of NY
It's respect for others in general. I support vapeing, it's done wonders for me. Human nature says we fear what we don't know. Sometimes by not forceing it on ppl we gain respect and curiosity. That's what helps us spread the word with the average person that just might want to switch.
LauraBeauty got a reaction from Mtdobies in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
VapeMama: Hippy blend is a described as a citrus blend with an "earthy tea taste". Supposed to be "cool and refreshing". Summer is coming around and I'm tryin' to get some good, summery blends to vape by the pool.
LauraBeauty reacted to Crazyavonlady in Hi from Texas!
HAHAHAHA! My life is more Dr Phil and daytime soap opera than Lifetime movie!
LauraBeauty got a reaction from Mtdobies in Hi from Texas!
Whenever I google something about vaping I always come across a page from this website so I decided to post and introduce myself. I'm Laura and I'm from Texas. I have been a smoker for ten years prior to switching over to vaping and I didn't actually switch as gracefully as many others had. It was kind of a battle between the cigarettes and vaping. When I started vaping it wasn't really popular and people kind of looked at me strange and didn't really understand what I was doing. But then there was our first actual vape shop in the area. And they did a bunch of fun events like releases, classes, and gave kind of a social outlet to encourage me to continue on this vaping pattern.
I wasn't going to continue until a really cute man stepped out from behind the counter and showed me an amazing setup. I still go to him for setup instructions and recommendations; however, I don't have to go very far as he's often in the living room rebuilding his own setup. (Yup, we got married!)
I think meeting my husband through the vaping community was a really healthy step in the right direction. I know people can't quit unless they want to, but sometimes a right push.... or special interest ... in the right direction can really help!
I have a lot of different setups since my hubby does run the shop. So whenever there is something new we're almost always trying it at home first before we sell it. Right now I'm vaping my K100 with my Atomic RBA. It's a pretty simple but sweet setup. Coil is built at a .7ohm. Big fluffy clouds with cool smoke.
Vaping has not only saved my health and life but now has brought a new family together revolving around a growing hobby.
Fun stuff! Hope to meet some more cool people in the community!