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  1. I personally love their irish cream. It's just so yummy!
  2. I think what Bebop is trying to align is that those charts are created as a pretty legit, standard notion of what is safe and what is not safe. If it isn't safe, then no matter how many people on an online forum say it is, it is not safe. We can't go against the ohm law and there are some inexperienced people on here who might be those five that say they do it all of the time. Pushing any battery limits put stress on the battery and puts stress on your device and ultimate is how things get dangerous.
  3. Our cats go crazy for summer weather! They all line up on our balcony and sit outside in the heat. I keep thinking that they'll overheat but they eventually come back inside when they're too warm. But they love it. Myself on the other hand am not a fan of the hot and sticky weather. I just don't like breaking into a sweat just walking down my driveway to get the mail. It's been real warm lately. Thank god for floor fans and cold mai tais!
  4. Welcome to the forum. I'm newish to the forum too! Glad you have yourself a reliable setup. The technology is constantly changing and I'm still surprised with how advance the things that come out are. My husband and I absolutely love home brewing, too! We mainly brew wine as we're both wine-enthusiasts but he's done a few beers. Make anything awesome? I think the only successful beer we've managed to brew is a red irish ale.
  5. Hey, my brother in law is in that area! We're going over to see him for a long weekend in a couple weeks. We might have to all stop by.
  6. This is a beautiful piece. Truly a love at first sight situation. I wasn't a personal fan of the device but it's because of how I vape. I've seen many others successfully enjoy this beauty and rightly so. It only takes a little patience and preference to vape this way. It's a great product, just not my cup of tea. Erm, or vape. Have fun with it!
  7. I hear ya. It's not good when people start making laws against something that has changed and saved so many lives. The FDA is jumping on it, and now that the FDA is jumping on it, other states are following. It's going to get ugly before things get better. I have faith in the vaping community to keep it going, though, and to educate others on the benefits it has provided.
  8. Psh our vaping stuff and gear are everywhere. The only thing that we actually keep somewhat organized is our rebuilding box. It's basically a fishing tackle box that we use to hold all of the tools and supplies to rebuild coils and whatnot. That's about the extent of our organized mess. We've got eliquids on practically ever night stand, coffee table, side table, even the bar area has eliquids. My husband and I primarily drip and are constantly trying new flavor and flavor combinations. I think if there was a box that we'd put everything in it'd all be lost!
  9. Come on over! The weather has been great!
  10. Yes. Ordering online is a pain. For the most part I purchase most of the supplies in a store. I like the socialization it brings, I tend to learn more things, I tend to find newer things that I wouldn't necessarily found if I was just shopping online. I don't mind paying an extra few bucks to get that experience. There are always some supplies that stores just don't carry and thus I have to order those online. It's not fun waitin', but when you wait for a long time, it's kind of like getting a present in the mail.
  11. From what I understand from the bans is that there is a law that bans use of ecigarettes indoors not because of their public safety concerns but because, and I quote, "of confusion and confrontation" issues due to some ecigarettes looking like cigarettes. Regardless of the ban or not, it all comes down to property rights as well. Smoking is banned indoors but if the person owns the property, they can choose whether or not they will allow smoking inside. It's the same situation for ecigarettes. There have been some bars I've gone to with my ecig and they love it, think it's really cool. There have been others where they think it's distracting and horrible and refuse to let me vape inside. Even though it's legal here to vape inside I still run into issues with people who don't want it inside. I don't quite understand their logic but it is their property rights.
  12. I've gained weight as well since I've switched to vaping but I do think there are other factors that contributed to the weight gain. In my situation, my office is on the third floor in a building. More times than not the elevator either took too long for those 15 minute breaks, or there were too many people waiting for the elevator. Either way, I went up and down three flights of stairs ritually to take my smoking breaks. Stopped doing that since vaping. Also cigarettes do ruin your appetite and reduce how much you want to eat. Once vaping was picked up, your sense of smell and taste returns. It can change how you eat and process foods. The weight gain isn't common with vapers, but it is common when people quit smoking. So I'm not sure. I do wish you luck in your weight loss and I will probably be jumping on that wagon too. Got to get myself in gear. The hardest part is getting started.
  13. The tobacco blend I started on was the Virginia Tobacco blend from Totally Wicked. It was actually one of my favorites for a while. Now I'm really into Mildly Black which is a blend my hubby makes that tastes just like a black 'n Mild. Black N Milds and cloves were my weakness when I was a smoker. Loved 'em. Could smoke a pack of each a day (my throat wasn't a happy camper). As far as a really savory and sweet tobacco taste, I've HEARD good things about the Grimm Green Army tobacco blend from Namberjuice.com BUT I haven't tried it personally. I have a bottle ordered in the mail so when that arrives I can tell you my personal experience with it. Other than that RY4 blends are popular "house" blends for various vape shops. See if you can find a few and go inside to taste-test them. Someone is bound to hit a sweet spot for you.
  14. VapeMama: Hippy blend is a described as a citrus blend with an "earthy tea taste". Supposed to be "cool and refreshing". Summer is coming around and I'm tryin' to get some good, summery blends to vape by the pool.
  15. LOL. You're so right fishguy1123. Lifetime should make a movie about the vape world. I dare them.
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