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    Antioch, CA

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  1. I was dripping gambit by five pawns one day, put Apollo strawberry on top of that, then threw unicorns milk on top of that. After all was said and done that day I took 3 ml of gambit, 1 ml of strawberry and 2 ml of unicorns milk. Topped with vg and added vanilla. My new all day vape juice.
  2. That's basically how I've been building on my trident too. If I put them flush in the center it seems to mess up my air flow balance.
  3. Why thank you vapes pretty good. There's a lot more aeration than my previous dual coil at .5 ohms. Makes me cough everytime
  4. This was one of the coils before I put it on theee
  5. Trident clone Nemesis clone Nmke 18650 1500mah Dual micro dragon build 28 gage Kanthal a1 10/9 wrap .7 ohms Organic cotton rounds https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxgyMP0wxiK-cWtCcC15cExHbTg/edit?usp=docslist_api
  6. Sounds like a lot of time and $$$ invested. I just got my first mod a week ago. Pretty sure I'll have a collection soon even though I say I'll be done I know I won't be
  7. You know, yesterday it was in the 100s here (weather wise). And I had it in my pocket and pulled it out tried twisting it like I usually been doing and voila. It came off! I was so excited but now I ordered an Igo w for no reason.
  8. No tension when screwing it on. Screwed on very slick unscrewed it once and it unscrewed nicely. But since last night it won't come off. I tried using a towel and shirt for grip but the air valve adjustment makes it hard to grab and turn
  9. I can't unscrew the connection. Any ideas?
  10. That's funny because the 2nd comment clearly states someone bought this case for their mods. I LOL'd
  11. I used to vape Apollo grape for the first 2 months but it was too expensive local so I'm trying different flavors from MVB to find something I like. But sometimes I can't even taste the flavors and other times I can.
  12. I carry my I taste v3 with protank 3 mini in my pocket at work. But I have a lot of flavors I switch through because sometimes I can't taste my juices.
  13. Thought about that but since the book is cardboard and primarily a travel book I didn't think a charger was necessary Thanks sir
  14. My on the go book I keep in my glove box. I would like to upgrade to dripping but I would need a bag like Joshua
  15. Woooooowwww! Look at that
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