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Everything posted by grailhunter78

  1. Muffin man is pretty good. Its a very strong flavor but its pretty good
  2. I see kids riding bikes now days and i actually get a chuckle from it. Wearing a helmet when i was a kid was a surefire way to get hurt. Some bully would beat you up. Lol some od these parents are afraid to even let their babies touch grass.
  3. The kennedy atomizer is great. I have one and love it. I usually run it on top of my dimitri and its a great vape
  4. No way i prefer mechs over any type of vaping still. The simplicity and beauty of a mech just makes it my go to device most all the time.
  5. Just a few builds nothing too special. I will start adding some new ones as i go now that i can post again. I couldnt post through tapatalk for like three months. So im just getting back into the swing of things
  6. Didnt realize i already posted in this thread. Lol. I couldnt post for like two months and I just started getting back into the forum. I missed it
  7. Got this Arc Precision Copper Viper. Its the jewel of my collection. One of only 200 made. Paired with the Derringer its a beautiful combination.
  8. Just picked up a copper Viper from ARC Precision. I can finally post again through tapatalk
  9. I've gotten a Lotta of new stuff in the last few weeks. I haven't been active in a while cause I sign in through tapa talk and the interface is completely changed and I haven't figured out how to use it. I got a 7 ml tank for the Atlantis from an aftermarket supplier wotofo it is actually really nice and I don't have to refill it three times a day.
  10. Nice your gonna like it I have been using one for going on two months I love it
  11. Waiting on an onslaught darkhorse and freak show rda right now. Cant wait this freak show looks like a great flavor atty
  12. Couldn't you get a vacumn sealer and vacumn seal the liquids so that even though the liquid inside the container has a year or two of steep time it wouldnt be exposed to outside contaminants thus it would be good as long as the seal wasnt broken.
  13. Got a Sigelei 100 watt and a mutation x not a bad atomizer honestly. Also got some samsungs 25 r batteries and a whole bunch of juice at a vaping expo in Ann arbor about a week ago.
  14. Yeah if you dont have a firm fit it will definitely jump around. But once I adjust it correctly it holds the resistance reading
  15. I got the Sigelei 100 watt box in a group buy about a week ago. Honestly I am very happy with it so far. Its a pretty solid device and has been performing very well so far. It does have some limitations such as only being capable of hitting a 100 watts when you have a build under .5 on it. But I have been vaping at 50-60 watts normally and getting around 48 hours out of a set of batteries. Which I think is pretty decent. Overall I am pretty impressed with this device. Does anyone else have one and if so what are your thoughts on it.
  16. Im using tapatalk on my phone which is android.
  17. http://vapordigest.com/vape-show-attendees-remain-calm-despite-possible-tragedy/ Heres a link to an article about it. I couldn't find video. But I saw the after math it was about worse case scenario as far as mod failing hole in floor and ceiling.
  18. Guy blew his 26650 mutant up at a cloud comp at the big convention in texas. P Bsuardo did a vid on it about two weeks ago. It literally blew a hole in the floor. If I can find link I will post it.
  19. This is what it keeps saying. I tried logging out and back in it just keeps doing it. Would have sent private message but cant even send a new one.
  20. For some reason im not able to respond to messages today. Im not ignoring you. Just wanted you to know. Hopefully I get it straightened out soon.
  21. Isn't this the same battery that blew up the mod in Texas.
  22. Did you get the version with Obama on the box or the other one. I got the vapingtech version in aluminum. I like it and it hits almost as hard as my copper mods. I was impressed over all.
  23. Hi im in Michigan too. Fenton just thought I would say hello. If your looking to pif locally michigan vapors club has a pif fund to help vapors in need and new converts.
  24. Got a Fuhattan mod because I liked the box and thought it was funny. I got the aluminum one in black. Honestly its a little bit better mod than I thought it would be. Magnets are strong and it hits pretty good for being aluminum.
  25. I keep going back to my vanilla and stillaire. 24 gauge wire 6 wraps. .28. It puts out and taste great
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