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Everything posted by cbielich

  1. First of all I got my new Cloud Beast King Tank and I love it, leaked all my juice at first but learned all the seals and now with TLC its good.... I watched this video which taught me what to look for and it worked. Just wanted to share my story because I am pumped about it and maybe it can encourage someone else. I started vaping when vaping wasn't trendy Today I am officially cigarette smoke free, I have to be honest that I smoked and vaped for years and I finally got to the point that the urge to smoke is completely gone and vape is all I have. I finally removed my last addiction in my life and I am pumped about it....ok besides Star Wars being my only addiction (and that one I will keep) everything else is gone.
  2. I was more worried about the Frozen picture on the background lol While we are on the subject, Goofy is not Looney Tunes, he's Disney
  3. Someone gave me this one and even their site product page doesn't have a link to any manual http://www.smoktech.com/product_10128.html
  4. I am not sure how this happened, but I cant find anything on the net that shows me how to switch it back. It got into some mech mode and now it displays the Wattage usage when I push the button. How do I switch it back to regular mode?
  5. My New Rig freaking love this tank Got the Mini
  6. That was the exact tank I was looking at, I have read that its badass
  7. Ok I got my new mod which goes up to 65 Watts. A Smok Pro m50 I want to know the best tank for the following Most amount of vape Is not harsh on throat when using fruity liquid Bring It....
  8. UPDATE: I tested my Mod and the voltage is fine, its pumping out what it's supposed too. I am thinking that this all started when I got a new liquid batch so I am going to start there and see what happens. If it continues then I will get a new tank. Thanks guys
  9. This is what I have Its an itaste MVP and I have had it just over a year. It has always worked great and never had an issue with it before. Recently within a new batch of liquid I bought I have had the burnt taste really bad. Literally in every puff. I am using the same flavor and brand of liquid that I have always gotten for many months now and its from the same location as well I have replaced 2 new coils thinking maybe they were bad but still burnt taste My P and U settings are always at their lowest possible P = 6.0 U = 3.3 No matter what it always is burnt, I can barley puff it at this point. Could this be a bad batch of liquid that could be causing this? I dont think its the tank since I have replaced the coils twice now, could it be the base of this particular tank? Could it be that even though I am at my lowest settings on my mod could it be pushing to much power? Not sure where to start here.
  10. I just wanted to share my experience with using Menthol Liquid. I am not sure if I just had a bad batch, or maybe too much but it was CRAZY what that liquid did to my tank. First I did just get Menthol for my entire liquid. I didn't add a little to another flavor. It was ALL Menthol. After a day of Vaping the inside of my tank turned into what looked like a white cloudy color. I opened up the tank and saw that the inside walls of the tank had this crusted white substance. It was so crusted in there that I couldn't even scrap it off. That freaked me out. I was putting that in my lungs OMG! Did I over do it? or was it just a bad batch?
  11. gross I cant stand tart
  12. true
  13. I think I traded my addiction to nicotine to an addiction to vaping lol
  14. My absolutely new favorite flavor. Simply amazing
  15. I saw this guy once who literally had a blanket of Vapor covering him. It was awesome. Are you referring to Drip Tip systems like this? http://www.steamspiritvapor.com/Drip_Tips_s/1843.htm I am familiar with the tips, but what kind of body do I need that supports it? I was talking about the banner in my signature
  16. NM I got it
  17. OK first I made the banner for my profile but when I put it in my signature it made it into code. How do I get it not to do that and show the banner That's funny because I vap a strawberry flavor
  18. Yes I am a drummer I have been vaping for about a 1.5 years I have it on the lowest settings for the MVP U:3.3 P:6.0 The reason is that if I go any higher it seems to give me the burnt taste when I hit it. Is that normal?
  19. How about a picture to show you what I am using
  20. Ok I am new and have a question. Sometimes I see guys with vapors that produce a massive amount of smoke. How do they do that?
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