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About Webfoot_Wa

  • Birthday 08/29/1958

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  • Location
    New Mexico

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  1. Bacon...nasty tasting stuff
  2. I did take pix but couldn't see where to insert or paste..but that battery connection was the problem
  3. ahaa, figured it out...it was the way I was putting the 6 pieces together and NOT making a good battery connection..I also thought I wasn't pushing enough at 2.8v but that's not the issue...I am only vaping vg and thought that could be it also but it's working fine now..6 weeks into vaping and off analogs..I really appreciate all the feedback.
  4. Howdy, a question on using the Kanger Pro 2 with my 510 Protected 650mAh, 2.8v pass-through battery from Johnson Creek.. I've noticed the coil (wick) on the pro 2 tank is really short and will not fire up using my fully charged battery..my other tanks (canteens) work fine and the wicks are much longer but not the Kanger..what am I doing wrong? https://www.vaportalkstore.com/Pro-Tank-2-p/pro-tank-2.htm TIA Webfoot_Wa living in New Mexico
  5. welcome to VT............ my 40th day off analogs
  6. being new to this I ask all sorts of questions..the lady who makes my juice says there's no reason to steep your juice and the only reason to steep is if it's old. I like having my juice made onsite and trusting her and her knowledge is all I've got (for now) until I decide to mix my own..Is any of what she's saying true?
  7. for all day vaping I'm switching between Tennessee Cured Red Oak from JC and a home mix of Butterscotch (lady comes to my home and mixes it right there)
  8. having tried very few flavors thus far I have to say "bacon" is not one of my favs.....
  9. that's just wrong in so many ways, like others have said just another reason for the FDA to clamp down.
  10. I got a package w/5 loaded Tennesse Cured and 3 Canteens ..lowered my nic intake to 1.8%, smooth vaper..bought my first bottle of flavored juice "Butterscotch"...nice flavor
  11. Johnson Creek Vea w/a butter scotch flavor and 1.8mg mild classic...... only 3 weeks in but I'm happy
  12. going on 3 weeks vaping using the starter kit from JC and the prefilled carts..but my first purchase since then was the canteen plus a lower nicotine content cart..I have to say the canteen is pretty cool I didn't think I'd like flavored juice but after sampleing several at a local shop I'm quite surprised. The canteen is easy to fill and I can see how my juice is being used...my kit came with two 510 batteries which last over a week on one charge...all in all I think the switch from analog to electronic has gone smoothe.....
  13. Howdy all, I've been a smoker for 43yrs and on 4/14/14 I had a TIA (Mini Stroke) which pushed me to the Nicotine Patch but also to an altenative method to get my fix... using this starter kit from Johnson Creek Two (2) protected 650mAh, 2.8V pass-through batteries with on/off button, non-slip grip, removable light up end cap and pressure release ports. A pack of five (5) ultra high capacity cartomizers with "easy off" tips and one (1) Press-On Cartomizer cover....I wasn't sure about the juice so I ordered the strong stuff, it is strong! 11 days smoke free...btw; I don't use the patch and vape at the same time, made me sickly. Too much nicotine I'm sure.
  14. After warning people for 25yrs of all people I got snookered into this also "ecigsbrand" somehow a pop up on my Firefox page wanted me to poll Firefox, afterwards I had the choice of 3 items "free" just pay $4.95 shipping A) Boner pills ecigs c) I don't remember (should have took the boner pills) but I was 1 week into my Nicoderm patch program and had bought the Blu egig from my local service station. Never read anything about a membership or monthly billing of $80 until I began reading these forums and saw a similar warning about "ecigsbrand.com" it was then I reported my Internet Visa card lost (one just for for buying off the web) and called them to cancel, arragant little guy on the phone, I spoke in an even tone saying many times to cancel this account and that this call was being recorded, long story short I think it's all said and done...beware of these knotheads...BTW, I'm now using the Vea starter kit from Johnson Creek w/2 batts and 5 2.4% carts...I'm hoping this will end my 43yrs as a smoker
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