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  1. Whats up guys, and ladies, After I completed my college speech regarding FDA deception, I sent an email asking/demanding explaniation of their outdated claims of no studies and antifreeze e-liquid. This is what I sent, and their response, albeit I was alittle tired when I sent it. Also I had a 25 minute dicussion with the American Heart Association which consisted of my testimony and the factually findings we know now. I would recommend giving the American Heart Association a call along with U.S. House reps, and others. I am a user of electronic cigarettes. I am well aware of your stance on them. I have done over 100 hours of research from independent universities, as well as findings from the FDA which have been found unanimously flawed. Shame on those responsible for the efforts to ban the devices that helped save my life, or at the very least improve my over health. I know the facts and will work my *** off, to get the FACT out the the american public. I realize that you may be a very nice person, by know means responsible for the decisions that have come from your office. The FDA needs to be fully funded from the government only or be disbanded, period. I will HELP the FDA! If it is not the profit insurrance company that everybody thinks it is. Well I am going to breathe my antifreeze now, LOL Have a good day. Thank you for making your opinions known to the Agency. We appreciate your thoughts and suggestions regarding this issue. At this time, we are not aware of any data establishing electronic cigarettes as safe and effective for their intended uses. Based upon our case by case review of a number of these products, they are drug/device combinations that require approval by FDA before they may be legally marketed in the United States. None of these so-called electronic cigarettes or their components has been approved by FDA. Therefore, the marketing of the products FDA has reviewed is not legal in the United States. As a matter of policy, however, we limit communications about the regulatory status of specific marketed products to those responsible for them, and we do not discuss our enforcement actions except with the targets of those actions. There may be a perception among some users that electronic cigarettes are a safe and effective means to quit smoking conventional forms of tobacco. However, FDA is not aware of any scientific data to support those perceptions. Since these products have not been submitted to the FDA for evaluation or approval, the agency has no way of knowing, except for the limited testing it has performed, the levels of nicotine or the kinds and amounts of other chemicals that the various brands of these products deliver to the user. The FDA’s Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis analyzed the ingredients in a small sample of cartridges from two leading brands of electronic cigarettes. In one sample, the FDA’s analyses detected diethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze that is toxic to humans, and in several other samples, the FDA analyses detected carcinogens, including nitrosamines. FDA also found varying levels of nicotine in cartridges labeled as containing the same level of nicotine as well as the presence of nicotine in cartridges labeled as containing no nicotine. These test results indicate that these products are manufactured under inadequate or non-existent controls. FDA is concerned that electronic cigarettes may introduce young people to nicotine use which may lead to an increase in the use of conventional tobacco products with well-known, adverse, health consequences. Additionally, it is unclear what health effects these products could have on users or if misuse or product failure could lead to nicotine poisoning or other serious adverse health consequences. We appreciate you understanding that the regulatory decisions are not made by the Division of Drug Information, but that are responsiblility is to convey the information to the public. We hope that the above information clarifies any questions about electronic cigarettes. Sincerely, Division of Drug Information Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration kcd
  2. i dont of anyone who has bought one yet b/c they are so new, but you might try the notcigs terminator. its an add on voltage regulator. this would allow you to find a happy medium.
  3. greetings. after speaking with many smokers at bars, i noticed that many people have only used tv promoted ecigs that are not one of your better options for value, dependability, and customer service. for those that do not understand ecig lingo quite yet, please be aware of ecigs (personnel vaporizers) that offer extremely good battery life in addition to the other qualities listed above? lacking from tv promoted ecig commpanies. the downside is the obvious size difference. all of this information is availible on this much needed website. please encourage everyone that inquires about buying a pv, to SUPPORT OUR RIGHT TO BUY AND VAPE. i hope this helps.
  4. congrats on quitting. there is just many options now that you are going to want to try different set ups from friends if you can before you buy. have you tried 510 cartomizers? what voltage are you running?
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